To very little surprise, the CW has cancelled one of its few remaining sitcoms, The Game. Is this the end for the series or could it still return?
Created by Mara Brock Akil, The Game began as a spin-off of Akil’s long-running comedy, Girlfriends. The series centers around a first year medical student (Tia Mowry) who chooses to follow her pro-football boyfriend (Pooch Hall) to San Diego. Others in the cast include Brittany Daniel, Coby Bell, Hosea Chanchez and Wendy Raquel Robinson.
The first sitcom to debut on the CW network, The Game averaged 2.3 million viewers in season one. For season two, the ratings dropped to 2.07 million and a .96 rating in the 18-49 demographic. This season, it’s fallen to an average of 1.68 million viewers and a tiny 0.7 rating in the demo, in part because it was given a Friday night timeslot.
The CW is essentially getting out of the sitcom business and has cancelled The Game after 64 episodes. There had been talks about changing the show’s format to an hour-long dramady, to make it more compatible with the network’s other programming. That was seen as a long-shot at best and actually would have created its own set of challenges for syndication.
Though The Game only has 64 episodes, BET recently signed a syndication deal to air the first two seasons and season three will be added this Fall. To increase the show’s number of episodes, there have been discussions between the cable channel and CBS (the show’s studio) about co-funding original episodes. The deal would likely come with some cost-cutting measures.
There’s been no further word on the potential deal with BET so, as of right now, “The Wedding Episode” is the series’ last.
If The Game isn’t rescued from cancellation, are you satisfied with the way the sitcom ended — with Melanie and Derwin finally getting married?
Image courtesy CW.
I really hope they. Don’t cancel the show because it’s really a cliff hanger and also I really thought Jason and Kelly was going to get back together but then Camel came into the p icture at the last moment and ruined everythin I was so was funny when kel punched Tasha in the face even tho she deserved it. Hey should really make a season 4 and I know ot would be good. And if they don’t know what to do then they can come to the fans and we cam give the idea and they can go… Read more »
I love the show, I hope every one can come together pay cuts and all. To make another season. I really like the show .
I love The Game the way it ended was bogus they just going to leave us hanging like that. I wanna know what happened between Melanie and Derwin after the marriage. What happened with Janae and the baby? What happened with Kelly and Jason? Rick Fox and Tasha? What’s going on? Inquiring minds wanna know.
i just got done watching the wedding episodes, it was great ! i wish that there was more,i hope they really do more season with the same crew , it a great show.Me and my friends , sister and co-worker are all big fans we have been watch this show from day one, it is one of those shows that has nothing to do with reality shows, or about how to make money , it one of those shows that is funny , crazy , it has many up and down and sad at the same time, it one of… Read more »
It makes me so mad that they cancelled it!! i really want to watch the show!! and althought melanie and derwin getting married is a great ending i still want more! why do they always cancell the good shows and make crappy ones like real chance of love and etc?? i can actually enjoy the show the game. Millions of people do so why such a big fuss jUst make some seasons lol NOW lol please
Well I cried on the last episode. It’s my favorite show ever & I think that Mel and Derwin are the cutest couple. I’m going to be so upset if the show doesn’t continue.
I can’t believe this great Tv show is up for cancellation, I’m in college and I know this one of the hottest shows that plays in my dorm hall. Everyone keeps talking about what happen and how Kelly slap Tasha. I am in love with the TV show “The Game” and many other women in my dorm does as well. It is funny full of real life issues and I think it should continue, I hope BET signs them and it will help their ratings.
Just started watch n tha game, it’s very good hope it continues!!!!
I hope it return to tha CW i payed extra to have the channel on cable after moving to georgia from chicago!!!!!
Bring this show back !
We want another season on BET
The game was a really fun true to life show! the net work played itself when they cancelled it. Some other network is going to make a lot of money from the show when they pick it up. excellent cast, they jive really well together.
I love the Game. I would love to see the show return. Someone should make a deal to bring it back if BET can’t. It’s definetly worth all the fuss.
I really love watching THE GAME, it’s the best show ever. I love how the show tells things that really happens in real life. I can relate to a lot of things that go on in the show. It’s fantastic. I hope the show doesn’t get cancelled, it’s my favorite show everrrr.
What can we do to get my show back!
Anyone…please…it has to be something that we the public can do. If BET pick up the show they will have a gold mine in their hands because the show is great.
I will wait on the show…it will be back because it is getting to much noise for it not too now only a fool will pass up the chance to play into all the hype by…pushing the return date far away and metioning it often on camercials, bill boards, radios every where. Guess who back type style…any fools out there?