NBC’s not being very charitable to fans of their summer series, The Philanthropist. The feel-good drama has been cancelled.
The Philanthropist revolves around Teddy Rist (James Purefoy), a once-selfish billionaire who decides to channel his money and power to help those in need. The series also features the talents of Jesse L. Martin, Neve Campbell, Michael Kenneth William, Lindy Booth, Krista Allen, and James Albrecht.
For a summer show, the drama did pretty well in the ratings initially. But, as the weeks wore on, the numbers fell off. NBC stuck with it and ran all eight episodes, with the last one airing on August 12th. Though it looked unlikely that the show would be renewed, many viewers have been holding out hope. The network didn’t make an announcement about the show’s fate but they rarely do.
Now, an upcoming DVD release from Universal Studios Home Entertainment has put the chances of the series returning to rest. They’ve announced the upcoming release of The Philanthropist: The Complete Series. The two-disc set will be available on January 5th and will include all eight episodes but unfortunately won’t have any extras.
What do you think? Are you sorry that the show is officially over? Any storylines you would like to have seen?
Another good show bites the dust! I almost hate investing time to watch new shows, because almost always the good ones are taking off. What kills me is when I see crappy shows keep getting picked back up and then the good quality shows are lost in the mix. I don’t know if they just don’t put them on at good times or the wrong days or against a top rated show, but again, if they were properly promoted they’d probably have done better. Why don’t they give people time to find out it’s out there. By the time people… Read more »
This is crazy, why would you take off a show that people were really into, why even bother making new shows if not going to keep them around? I really liked the feel of this show, it really made you think about someone other then yourself. Not only have they taken this show off which I enjoyed but to also take Three Rivers away is just insane. I thought Tv was all about ratings and what the viewers wanted. This is really sad I hope that the other stations pick up where NBC has dropped the ball. Sad really Sad!
What a shame! The philantropist was one of the rare great series on TV. It is sad to see that NBC would not a give the show a second season. Great actors and certainly very good storyline. Please bring it back!
Last comment cont.: According to their latest update (Saturday, January 16, 2010), The Restavek Foundation urgently needs donations. – It is hard to get resources into the area, but they (the staff members) can buy things, unfortunately the price of things has doubled now. The more money we get them, the more aggressive they can be in helping those children and families in urgent need! The donation will ultimately dictate HOW we will move forward in the coming days, months years as a foundation. We really need this more than actual supplies at this time. – For more information please… Read more »
Save The Philanthropist has started a campaign to raise money for The Restavek Foundation, an organization dedicated to saving young children from child slavery in Haiti. These children will be hit very hard by the earthquake since they are already separated from their biological families. Many of them will be stranded with nowhere to go so The Restavek Foundation, who has also been effected by the quake, needs your help to rebuild and to continue their efforts to seek out and rescue these young lives.
According to their latest update (Saturday, January 16, 2010), The Restavek Foundation urgently needs donations.
This new TV series was a history lesson and entertaining. Maybe NBC needs to reconsider it’s decision – just like their Leno debacle.
Can’t understand why this show has not been renewed – it is a great show, full of good deeds, a high quality show, great actors, and the message is very apt in our world today. WHY? Please cancel other shows and return The Philanthropist –
Truly one of the best cast and weekly story lines that were touching and right out of today’s headlines in significance.
Terrible choice by NBC to cancel. Wake up and do the right thing!
R Green
I am so sad to see that one of my favorite shows has been cancelled!! Everyone I know loved it!! It was one of the few shows my husband and I would watch together every week. NBC has made a huge mistake with cancelling this one. I agree with the previous posts and hope another network like USA or FX picks it up.
I will follow it too!! Have we heard any news about a network picking this show up? Now that Jay is gone maybe the NBC execs will come to their senses and bring it back. We are sure ready out here to watch it!! I hope someone is reading this!!
The Philanthropist was such a good, funny, dramatic, heartwarming show. I really hope NBC smarts up and brings it back or maybe one of the cable channel will pick it up now that they have a free time slot week nights at 10PM. Please, no more LAW AND ORDER series. Do we really need Law and Order LA?
What else would you expect from a network that worries more about Jay Leno (ugh) than a truly quality show that viewers connect with? I hope Lifetime, USA, A&E, or one of the other cable networks picks it up. They have all proven that the high power networks aren’t giving us much to entice… and surprisingly, the cable networks are! I’d follow this show anywhere!
What else would you expect from a network that worries more about Jay Leno (ugh) than a truly quality show that viewers connect with? I hope Lifetime, USA, A&E, or one of the other cable networks picks it up. They have all proven that the high power networks aren’t giving us much to entice… and surprisingly, the cable networks are! I’d follow this show anywhere!
obviously the network has not fingers on the pulse of america when it comes to heartwarming, non-offensive, completely engaging entertainment!
I am very sad NBC is canceling oine of my favorite shows and, I hope another network will pick it up.