A couple days ago, Eastwick series creator and executive producer Maggie Friedman said that she was “furious” over ABC’s cancellation of the series. She’s apparently had some time to think about her choice of words and regrets the statement.
Friedman wrote, “The other day, when we were discussing the cancellation of Eastwick, I misspoke in the worst possible way. The word ‘furious’ was poorly chosen by me. You had said to me that ‘the fans are understandably furious’ and so I agreed that I was too, but the truth is, I’m not.”
She continued, “I see that word now in print attributed to me and it’s very painful, because it seems to imply I am angry with ABC and nothing could be further from the truth. They treated me really well. I am not the least bit furious, with anyone. That’s simply not the kind of person I am. Yes, I’m sad about the show being cancelled, because it was creatively fulfilling and tons of fun to make and an amazing group of people, but I’m not angry.”
What do you think? Are you “furious” with ABC or just “sad” that Eastwick didn’t reach a bigger audience and was cancelled?
Image courtesy ABC.
This is why I don’t watch ABC anymore, because everytime I like a show, it gets cancelled. ie… Eli Stone, Eastwick, Samanth Who, Cupid, Pushing Daisies. Instead, we have to watch a show where something happens to make people black out, and it takes forever to figure it out. Shows like Flashforward need to be the one season shows. Gigure the damn problem out and get on with it. You can’t string a mystery out for multiple weeks and expect people to keep intrest. HELLO…everyone has a little bit of A.D.D. But what do I know? To prove my point,… Read more »
Money grubbing Idiots at ABC don’t want to have to pay for a ‘scripted’ production but would rather have their low cost ‘fantacy’ reality shows to blanket our evening viewing. Eastwick was at least a good return to curious, thinking and inquiring television.
Furious. I am sick of the idiots at ABC. I will never watch another show on this network again. I will actively boycott anything they promote. I have also recruited many people via the blogger world and we will be actively boycotting this network. I’ve already blocked the channel.
Let Eastwick continue ABC. Let there be a program about powerful women continue. Let there be programs that women love to watch. If you are going to only do the wishes of men you will be a lonely network. Women decide in most households what is watched each and eveyday, start listening to that, this isn’t the 50’s anymore. Women are your future, don’t let them down. I am a mother of 4 boys and I love them with all my heart and have raised them to respect and look at women as an equal, not as you have done… Read more »
I am very upset, I am not watching there shows anymore, hello the housewives are still on!!!
Love the show can’t imagin why ABC would take it off the air !!! Hate ABC now !!!!!!!!!!
I live in the uk and the first episodes just aired yesterday here the show is fantastic !!! Was sooo sad to see the show is not going to contiune what a shame whe ABC has so much other crap on, you’d hope they would know when they were onto a winner.
I am totaly bummed out why are they ditching this show its one of the best things to come along in ages !
Why are they doing this I think Eastwick is the best they need to be putting it back on am sooooo upset with ABC
Cant belive they are doing this its such an amazing show loved it from the first episode and am angry they are taking the show off .
I just wish they would put this show back on am soooo bummed out that its been taken off the air I think it was the start of somthing big.
Why are they doing this its such a great show I dont understand . ABC are ******** and I for one hope their channel sinks unless they put the show back on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this show!!! Just heard about the cancellation….and was pretty disappointed! The show was just getting to the good stuff! 🙁 What a bummer!!
This show was very good, and had a great cast. Leaving us in the middle of the many stories happening is just wrong. Not to mention I am not able to always watch it when it airs, and they’ve pulled it off their website, well the full episodes… So, now I am lost, and just disgusted with the way they handled the shows cancellation. Was a unique, and magical show shot in a beautiful setting. ABC is really starting to annoy me with what they keep, and let go.