Everwood premiered on in 2002, and ran for four seasons, before being cancelled by The WB in 2006, as it was merging with UPN to form The CW. Created by Greg Berlanti, this family drama set in fictional Everwood, Colorado, featured widowed Manhattan neurosurgeon, Dr. Andrew Brown (Treat Williams). In the wake of his wife’s death, Brown moves his children Ephram (Gregory Smith) and Delia (Vivien Cardone) to the small town.
The two-part series finale, “Foreverwood,” aired on June 5, 2006. Everwood also starred: Emily VanCamp, Debra Mooney, John Beasley, Chris Pratt, Tom Amandes, Stephanie Niznik, Merrilyn Gann, Scott Wolf, Sarah Drew, Jan Broberg, Sarah Lancaster, Marcia Cross, Justin Baldoni, and Whitney Lee.
After the jump, find out what Berlanti, EP Rina Mimoun, and the stars have to say about Everwood‘s cancellation.
EW reports:
Having changed time slots four times in its fourth season, Everwood’s viewership average dropped from 4.3 million to a 3.6 million — making it a prime target for cancellation in the wake of the WB/UPN merger to the CW in 2006.
BERLANTI: It became about who is going to make the switch to the CW. It was us, Veronica Mars, and Supernatural that were all fighting for our lives, and we had heard that two of the three would basically make it.
WILLIAMS: I was in the middle of renovating a very large house. I was in the middle of it and the show got canceled.
MIMOUN: We created two endings because we weren’t sure whether we were coming back. The one that aired had Amy [revealing her feelings to Ephram]. The other one, which we shot but no one ever saw, had Ephram about to go downstairs to meet Amy but then he gets a call from Madison [his old girlfriend who had their baby], which keeps him in the apartment. We were going to play it out with the return of Sarah Lancaster.
VANCAMP: It would have been really disappointing for the fans had Ephram and Amy not ended up together.
MOONEY: I had that RV. I always thought that Edna should just take that and set out and go around the country. We could have done a new series called Edna on the Road.
PRATT: Everwood changed my life. It changed everything. It was the first time I ever made money.
MIMOUN: There is no good-God reason why this show isn’t on Netflix by now. It’s so frustrating. [Ed. note: The full series is available on Amazon for purchase].
BERLANTI: It was so magical, what happened every step of the process. I’ve never really quite had the same kind of experience since on any of the shows I’ve worked on.
What do you think? Were you fan of the Everwood TV series? Do you have the DVDs or stream it on Amazon? Would you watch an Everwood TV show reboot or reunion movie?
Someone needs to complete this fantastic storyline
Amazing show – so sad it got cancelled – have since followed careers of Pratt and Van Camp and just saw Treat Williams on the Hallmark channel.
Excellent series really enjoyed it!
I watched Everwood two times and got my husband to watch it! We are confused why it was cancelled! It was one of the best series we ever saw! The writing was exceptional! The ending was wonderful but we’re very sad to see it end!
I liked the show, but think it lost a lot of viewing audience by some of the incredibly stupid scripts. And I do not think the killing of Colin was a good idea either. When he left the show, I lost a lot of my interest, he was a far better actor than Treat Williams who tried so hard to be serious, and wasn’t and tried to be funny and sure wasn’t. He was so monotone and dull to make him the lead was their first mistake because he just had no real chemistry with anyone. Everyone on that show… Read more »
Everyone has the right to their opinions; however, I disagree where you said Colin should’ve been the main character in the series because he was a better actor than Treat Williams. I also disagree that all the other actors in the main cast were better actors than Williams. I think that Williams did an excellent job playing his role. The reasons why the series lasted for as long as it did was due to excellent scripts and an incredible main cast of actors. Anyone of them could’ve been removed from the series and the show would’ve still blossomed. The character… Read more »
I really enjoy a clean tv show these days I wish they would bring Everwood back I have been trying to find it out on different networks not possible. Again please think about bringing it back to any channel. Thank you
I saw 4 seasons of Everwood like the ending im glad Eltham and Amy got gether and Nina and Andy buo just saw Nina passaway which was sad show didn’t have to end it was sad
Love it! Wish there was a season 5,6,7,8,9, etc!
I watched Everwood originally but somehow missed the last season so I just watched all 4 thru Prime & LOVEDthe ending!! Wish there were more episodes to watch! Wonderful characters,script, etc…it’s always sad when a series like this ends..excellent job everyone!!