Game of Silence premiered on NBC this week, but the executive producer of the series had the long haul in mind when he created season one. The series, which stars Michael-Raymond James and David Lyons, is a bit darker than the usual programming seen on network television, but Hodgins is hoping that the series brings in viewers because of the characters and their story.
According to David Hodgins, the finale of the program’s first season will help launch a new direction for season two.
Hodgins spoke about the new drama with TV Insider, and he spoke in detail about the finale of this first season. He said:
“Look, the finale has some incredibly shocking twists and some incredibly shocking reveals that were, I feel, earned and will pay off the story. And if you watch the show, you’re going to get the sense of satisfaction. Some of the stories are going to come to an end, but we wanted to make sure we had cliffhangers and stories that we’re going to continue in the future. I’ll tell you, Act 5 of the finale just sort of reorients the show in such a shocking way that I really think and hope people are going to watch it and go, “Oh my God, I did not see that coming. So this is where this is going.” So by the end, you will get a sense of satisfaction and resolution for the stories we’ve been telling in Season 1, but with the twists that come at the end, it’ll rocket into a whole other level in Season 2.”
Game of Silence aired twice this week, and the premiere performed well with a lead-in of The Voice, but the second episode saw a 38 percent drop in viewers.
Did you watch Game of Silence this week? Will you continue to watch? Tell us what you think.
Please don’t cancel game of silence. You seem to cancel the good shows and keep the ones that are not so good
Absolutely watched. Have it scheduled automatically each week and wouldn’t miss it. Yes, I’ll continue to watch.
Please don’t cancel Game of Silence! Best show I’ve seen since the Following. Please reconsider!
Do not cancel this series already cant wait for season 2 . Great storyline love the characters
Great series I will continue to see season 2
Do not cancel this program. We enjoy the story line. We never miss an episode. We can not understand how NBC would cancel this show, when FOX will renew the disgusting Wayward Pines. Game of Silence is much better.
Please do not cancel Game of Silence! Please, please pretty please don’t cancel it!! I think it could help others!!!
Please don’t cancel!!
One of the best shows by far!!
My husband and I love the show and look forward to it every week!!
Please don’t cancel game of silence!! I am so sick of great series being cancelled and junk being brought back!! I am hooked on this series and now being cancelled., Just like Person of Interest being cancelled another Great series!! I am thinking it’s best not to even watch TV any longer!!!
Love this show! Characters are great and super believable! Can’t wait until Sunday & definitely looking forward to next season.
Absolutely love this show!!!!! The plot of this drama really has a deep meaning and could be a reality check for many young juveniles if they choose to watch it. Definitely gained so much knowledge from this season! Actors are great, I have gotten all my friends and family hooked and they are just as obsessed! I cannot wait for the finale and I’m looking forward to season 2!!!!!
Please bring season 2
One of the most awesome series on Television
So glad game of silence has been renewed for season 2.absolutely one of the best show on TV love it