Though Harry’s Law was the most-watched scripted TV show on NBC this season, the network cancelled it. As I’ve suggested in the past, advertisers favor shows that attract those in the 18-49 demographic. Though Harry’s Law had a lot of viewers, the legal series had some of the lowest demographic numbers on the network.
When asked why Kathy Bates and company had been let go, NBC chairman Bob Greenblatt said, “It was a difficult decision. Everyone here respects Harry’s Law a lot but we were finding it hard to grow the audience for it. Its audience skewed very old. It’s hard to monetize that.”
Bates broke the news of the show’s cancellation over the weekend. She wrote to fans, “Sad news today. Harry’s Law will not be renewed for a 3rd season. We are all terribly sad. Many thanks for all your support.”
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The actress later noted, “Waiting for this verdict was tough. We wrapped a month ago so it was a very long wait!”
Bates reconciled, “Tough day getting used to the idea of no more Harry. Think I’ll keep her with me 4ever.”
When asked if there was a possibility that Harry’s Law might move to cable, Bates responded, “No hope.” But, responding to an inquiry last night on the subject, Bates wrote, “Not sure, but don’t think so.”
Justine Lupe, who played Phoebe Blake, wrote, “Sad day. Little bit of heartbreak. What a gift to had had this time.”
Actress Karen Olivo, who joined the cast in season two as Cassie Reynolds, responded with a message to her castmates, “It was an honor, my friends!”
Nathan Corddry, who’d been playing Adam Branch since the show began, noted, “I’d thank everyone individually, but the list is too long.Never was happier professionally. Thank you for a wondrful 2 years. #tough2swallow”
What do you think? Are you going to miss Harry’s Law as much as the cast will? If the show did move to another channel, would you follow it?
One of Best shows on TV. Cancelled because following is to OLD. How dare you! If all us too olds turned off our sets you would be up the creek without a paddle (would have liked to word it a different way but am to much of a lady). Will follow it if it is picked up.
Am sick to death of reality and bad comedy shows.
“Harry’s Law”cancelled? You have got to be kidding. Well, it’s a great show and all that, but the viewers are too old. Last time I checked, it was us old viewers (baby boomers, as we’ve been called) who actually have the funds to spend on whatever we choose to spend it on. But, I guess that the powers that be are too busy looking for more cheap mindless reality shows to fill their docket (actually preempting “Harry’s Law” with any other show they can find, even repeats of shows just aired this past week), rather than airing shows of real… Read more »
As long as my very old eyes continue to serve me, I will follow and watch “Harry’s Law” wherever it lands. As being in the discarded senior citizen category of NBC’s Mr. Greenblatt’s ire, I would like to inform him that my only Depends is looking forward to watching “Harry’s Law” and thoroughly enjoying my time with the cast. It is no wonder that NBC’s track record is so out-of-touch with meaningful reality. You may think that our age group “scewed very old,” as far as your demographics go, but it is because of us seniors that you still have… Read more »
I am so disgusted that NBC cancelled Harry’s Law! There is so much crap on tv now, and only several good dramas. Harry’s Law was a class act; Kathy Bates and the others are terrific. Plots were edge of the seat exciting; and humorous also. I hope TNT or USA takes over the show. It was a darn good program!
A huge mistake. David E. Kelly stuff is great! Now I won’t have to turn to the peacock–Harry’s Law was the only show I watched on this once great network. Hopefully another network will have the sense to pick it up. Perhaps CBS, which tends to cater to us oldies, with shows like NCIS, The Good Wife, and Blue Bloods.
“Skewed very old” – I’m 31 and I loved this show now that they fixed it in season 2. Season 1 was good to start with then it went in the crapper. Season two was a revitalization and they got rid of most of what was wrong with the show. So then they cancel it? What’s the point of bringing it back when you’re just going to cancel it? Should have just let it stay dead IMHO instead of teasing us with a reworked GREAT show then canceling it because we’re not all in diapers anymore (or maybe some of… Read more »
Harry’s Law was a part of our schedule. Truly enjoyed the humor, thought provoking subjects. I cried over that gorilla!!! We would follow Harry’s Law to any channel. We would never spend our time watching the ridiculous Bachlorette show or very boring and repeatitive reality shows. Our life has plenty of reality and well written shows with excellent cast are rare. REALLY a shame. The ‘really old’ group has more spending power than most of the 18-49 demographics…I guess they don’t read much reality themselves.
What a great idea — how about USA picking up this wonderful show — Harry’s Law — to add to the fantastic line-up they already have. Couldn’t ask for better writing; better acting; intriguing storylines. Made you think — whether you agreed or disagreed — but the thinking was important! Since when do we have to appeal to the 18 to 49 demographic — even when I was within that group it didn’t make sense.
I wrote a comment focusing on the “skewed really old” ….at 50? I was so anxious to write something that I neglected to fill in name etc. Why is Mr. Goldblatt depriving the “very old” of an intelligent show? I would like to add that Mr. Goldblatt does not understand the terminology; I am an active 80 and have not yet hit the group medidcally classified as “very old”. I can run, jimp, skip, climb, and very likely do circles around Mr. Goldblatt..and still hold registration as a nurse who could go back and take on any unit in a… Read more »
Interesting that Mr.Goldblatt of NBC stated that Harry’s audience “skewed very old”…Where is he coming from? I hope someone bounces him from his position because he is very old when he hits 50 or 60. He has not done his research and does not understand what the medical profession considers very old. After reading many comments on a variety of sites, got a very large number of very old 40ish people who watch..and very old fiftyish, and very old 60ish, and very old 70ish…This 80 year old has not yet hit the very old set…and I bet I could keep… Read more »
I also loved Harry’s Law. NBC, you are making a big mistake. Why is that 18 – 49 demographic so important?? We older viewers very often are the ones with more disposable income. Guess I’ll just have to watch the network with most of the top shows – CBS.
I love Harry’s Law. I read the garbage about the cancellation when it was not on tonite. Harry’s Law is bright, witty,thoughtful and relative to today. Harry is the intelligent, professional woman who we in the older demographic worship. As a soon to be 60 year old, I believe that Harry leads the way in showing that we can be sharp and insightful. The combination of Harry and the other characters of various age groups lends a bit of reality to network TV. I can not believe that the 18-49 age group is THE age group that matters. When is… Read more »
why in the world would you cancel a show that – “OLDER PEOPLE” enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!
if harry’s law is put to another channel I will follow her. kathy bates I commend you and your co-stars for making me look forward to watching you on mondays and shame on you nbc for cancelling harry’s law
Loved, Loved, LOVED Harry’s Law!!! I would follow it anywhere!! It was one of the best shows on network TV. NBC, you must be crazy! I see no reason to watch you anymore. Kathy Bates, you are wonderful…….actually the whole cast was great! It felt like family. I pray you go to another channel. If you do, I will be there for sure!!
I now watch Harry’s Law on sunday, Monday nothing,Tuesday nothing,Wednesday SUV, Thursday and Friday , nothing and Saturday the series you ruined by moving it to this stupid timeslot, The Firm. Now I won’t have to watch NBC at all. It has been going downhill for some years now with all the idiotic sit-coms that have helped to dumb down America and reality shows which are scripted and ludicrous. FROM ALL OF US TO NBC — BYE BYE FOREVER.