Helga Esteb / Shutterstock.com
Who’s working in the underground diamond trade? AT&T Audience Network has just announced the cast for their upcoming series ICE.
From Antoine Fuqua, the crime drama follows a family “as they plunge into the underbelly of the Los Angeles diamond trade.” The cast includes Cam Gigandet, Jeremy Sisto, Ray Winstone, Judith Shekoni, Raymond Barry, and Donald Sutherland.
ICE is expected to air sometime later this year.
From AT&T Audience Network:
ICE” is a high-impact, serialized crime drama that follows the Green Family, as they plunge into the underbelly of the Los Angeles diamond trade. Jake (Gigandet) and Freddy (Sisto) are half-brothers brought together by their father Isaac (Barry), the patriarch behind G&G Diamonds and their uncle Cam (Winstone). After wildcard Freddy kills a prominent diamond dealer, his brother Jake must bail him out and save the family business from a crime lord of the Los Angeles diamond trade (Shekoni). Jake must endure all of this while maneuvering amongst jewelry thugs, blood diamond deals, false certificates, the Feds, and Pieter Van De Bruin (Sutherland), a ruthless Afrikaanz diamond merchant who now heads up an Antwerp-based diamond cartel with the same cutthroat skills he applied as a surgeon in the South African armed forces.”
What do you think? Are you a fan of Antoine Fuqua’s work? Will you watch ICE?
I just recently watched Season 1 & 2 of ICE on Foxtel here in Australia and absolutely loved it, do hope you are making other seasons as I think this show is bloody awesome. Cheers
Best series on TV. If you have not watched it. YOU HAVE TO. Its Great. They better do another season.
the writers treat their watchers like idiots, willow ages 7 years in one episode?? you delete bad reviews. This show keeps dropping story lines and acting like their audience is too stupid to remember what happened the last episode.
Love this show since the first episode aired and can’t wait for its return ❤
Excellent show! Recommended it to others and they love it. Fear it may get cancelled- not enough promo for the show. I saw an interview with Donald Sutherland and thought the show sounded intriguing. Too bad there wasn’t more publicity on the show. Can’t find anything current about renewed or cancelled.
Excellent show!!!