In 2012, ABC introduced the NY Med TV show, a series that follows the work of real-life personnel of New York area hospitals. The show didn’t return for the summer of 2013 but resurfaced for another season during the summer months of 2014.
Now, it appears that NY Med is gone once again. The network has announced their TV shows for the Summer of 2015 and NY Med isn’t among them. They could certainly bring it back for a third season next year but, at least for now, it appears the show is over.
The first season of NY Med averaged a 0.97 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 4.15 million viewers. The second season was down in the demo, averaging a 0.89 rating, but was way up in viewers — drawing 5.22 million.
What do you think? Do you like the NY Med series? Should ABC bring it back for a third season?
I really like my med, I have been checking to see when it’s coming on again. I was very disappointed to find out by med was cancelled. Please bring it back next year.
Please bring back NY Med. Really we enjoyed the show.
Please bring it back! Liking the Save My Life: Boston as well, but would love to see NY Med return!
Please bring this show back! So bummed to hear this gets canceled but all these other crap shows keep on going.
Miss this show. Network should bring it back.
What an absolute disappointment to learn that NY Med is not on the schedule. It is riveting, educational, tugs at the heart-strings and very interesting to watch. Come on, let us have a few good summer shows! Please?
Bring it back.
Please bring it back. It is one show I really look forward to.
Please bring NY Med Back
Technically, NY Med is still on the network, but under a different name. The show is now called “Save my Life”. It airs on Sundays at 10|9c, and its season premiere was yesterday (July 19, 2015). I guess the show now covers the work of medical personnel at other hospitals across the country along with the ones in the NYC area.
No, it isn’t. NY Med is cancelled, and Terrance Wrong is producing new shows.
Please bring NY Med back for a third season! I’m a registered nurse and find this show to be very realistic. The average person doesn’t realize what health care providers deal with during an average day in the hospital setting.. I think it important to have a medical show on TV that shows healthy doctor/patient relationships and that shows some insight into the lives and backgrounds of the healthcare staff who provide care for patients in the hospital setting.
I like NY med and it was good shows, I hate that they cancelled some of the shows that I watch on ABC network
We looked forward to watching this show. Hope they bring it back again. Better than reruns and some of the other programs that are on.
I’d sure like to see the list of shows they have on their summer line-up, because I doubt very seriously they have a more entertaining show than NY Med… I have been waiting all year to find out they’re not going to bring it back…! Who’s the genius that decided not to bring back the show in favor of reruns ? They should be the ones not returning…!
One of the best shows ever. Have been waiting, waiting, waiting for the 3rd season. YES, DO BRING IT BACK!