Last season, Person of Interest moved to Tuesday nights and lost Taraji P. Henson. The show also lost a lot in the ratings. Will the numbers continue to fall or will they rise with a new lead-in? Is it essentially guaranteed to be renewed for a fifth season by CBS (because of syndication) or, could it be cancelled? Stay tuned.
On Person of Interest, a presumed dead former-CIA agent (Jim Caviezel) and a mysterious billionaire (Michael Emerson) work together to prevent violent crimes in New York City. The rest of the cast includes Kevin Chapman, Sarah Shahi, and Amy Acker.
The ratings are typically the best indication of a show’s likelihood of staying on the air. The higher the ratings (particularly the 18-49 demo), the better the chances for survival. This chart will be updated as new ratings data becomes available — usually the next day, around 11:30am EST/8:30am PST. Refresh to see the latest.
5/11 update: Person of Interest has been renewed for a fifth season on CBS. Will it be the end?
Final season averages: 1.53 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 9.42 million total viewers.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated chart, please try reloading the page or view it here.
Due to a Nielsen glitch, some of the early ratings of the 2014-15 season were revised a few weeks later.
For comparisons: The third season of Person of Interest averaged a 2.0 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 11.83 million total viewers.
Note: Note: These are the Live + Same Day Ratings which include “live” viewing plus delayed DVR viewing, up until 3am local time that same night. Ratings marked with an “*” are the fast affiliate ratings and will be updated with the Live+SD numbers when they are made available. Typically, networks get paid for C+3 ratings which includes DVR viewing within three days of the original airing when commercials are watched. Those numbers are rarely released to the press.
What do you think? Do you still like the Person of Interest TV series? Do you think it should be cancelled or be renewed for a fifth season?
Best show on TV, Love all the characters. I hope it comes back for a 5th season
Does anyone realize that Tariji P Henson that played Joss is starring in a new hit show on “Fox”. Just don’t think she will be coming back. Also Tariji has moved on. Unless she owes someone a big BIG BIG favor I don’t think she will be doing any cameos.
James Caviezel was the reason I started to watch and why I still watch. The stories are intricate and well written. Since they killed off Joss she there hasn’t been another female character that is kick ass, funny, warm and sensitive. Miss that.
Filming for Empire Season 1 is already finished. So a return would be possible. Why not? Maybe it’s Jim Caviezels final season and he wanted to go out with a bang?
I’m getting conflicting ideas about the departure of Carter one person said she wanted to leave after 3 years another person said that Jim wanted to have a romance with her and now I hear he’s the reason she is left the show. does anyone know the real story
“and now I hear he’s the reason she is left the show. does anyone know the real story”
Really? I’ve never heard this one. Why would Jim Caviezel be the reason she left? Where did you hear this? I knew about the romance part because of what he said at a couple of the comic cons they attended.
Someone said it in their comment not long ago.
Thank you! Whatever the story is; I wish them the best. I think Jim, Taraji, and Michael are especially talented, and I would love to see them working together again.
Nolan revealed the real reason for Taraji’s firing at the 2014 TCA’s, in which he stated that Carter was killed because “I had to have my Catwoman” in reference to Sara Shashi. Nolan had to convince CBS to allow him to fire Taraji. CBS president, Nina Tassler, is quoted as saying that she wanted to “kill” herself when she heard this (she loved Carter), but ultimately allowed Nolan to fire Taraji. Jim had absolutely nothing to do with this. If fact he was quite devastated and stated that he cried when he found out about it by reading the episode… Read more »
Thank you, I knew it wasn’t Jims fault. He’s too nice a guy.
Alisa, thank you! You explained this perfectly!
She and Jim got along really well, but they were just friends and happy to be that. I heard rumors that he liked her too, but those are just rumors and they were just good friends on set. Taraji got along well with all of the beginning cast and extras from what I can tell from reading and watching their interviews, and she was missed before she left the set on her last day by cast and crew. So, I don’t think there’s anything to that. Someone must have made it up, just like someone made up that she chose… Read more »
I believe there would be nothing romantic between the two actors. He’ very devoted to his wife and a devote Christian. ……. If you happen to be a Christian I recommend you watch ” Jim Caviezals inspirational Video” on u-tube. He gave me chills.
Rumor says: Taraji is currently in NY working (filming???)…..!!!!
Could it be……..????
Could it really be……..????
That Carter is coming back…..????
Yesssssssssssssssss !!! Please let this be true…
The thought of more Joss and John would make me soooooooooooooooooooo HAPPY!!!
So pleasssssseeeeeeeee come back Detective Carter!!!!!!!!! John and i need you 😉
I agree with you wholeheartedly they have to bring Carter back with the technology they have on the show it should be fairly easy
since you claim to watch POI since Season 1 you must have realise by now that “Romance”/”Sex” indeed takes place, just not ONSCREEN.
I’m glad Zoe isn’t a full time cast member. Last episode she was in i thought she looked very old and shockingly unattractive!!! She looks and acts so much better on The 100!!!! I love that show.
And thank god Person of Interest is NOT a soap!!!!!
Renew it !! I love this show.
I am hoping for another season too, however, there hasn’t been any promotion of the series so I am starting to wonder if too many former fans have baled. I still think ye cast is fabulous and the cast is very talented. It’s time for Reese and Finch to show how they are different from their adversaries, and I don’t think a romance or too would hurt either character.
person of interest is the best show on TV although it’s now being pushed by allegiance. I think it has stayed forest with the different characters that have been coming and going I see a few characters that could become permanent and I do love having Zoe turn up, including villains, now and again (sexual tension between her and john is all the love interest needed) I truly hate even the idea that this show could be cancelled. the writing and the possibilities are there to keep it going for a couple more years at least. any sponsors that doesn’t… Read more »
I agree with the person who said Reese and Zoe should get together, it would just add more to the story line. It’s crazy to think any man could go so long without S**. On another note, I called the studio in NY. The said they won’t release any info about POI renewal until mid-may. That’s crazy, a lot of CBS shows are all ready released for renewal.
it’s now being pushed by allegiance… what? Allegiance has a .9 rating and is at risk of being canceled before it airs all its episodes. Allegiance isn’t pushing anything except maybe pushing up daisies
I sooooooo very much loved Joss & John. They had such an amazing and sexy chemistry. Like they were real soulmates, who finally found each other.
They were (and still remain) my favorite couple on TV ever. A shame that the showrunners didn’t saw what many of us (and even Jim Caviezel) saw.
So as for a new love interest for John.
I have been watching this show since the beginning and don’t remember a Joss, please
enlighten me somebody
Det Carter’s first name was Joss
Joss is Detective Jocelyn Carter played by Taraji P. Henson. She’s the character that was killed and took the ratings with her. She was in seasons 1-3. Jim Caviezel wanted his character in a romantic relationship with Joss aka Detective Carter.
thank you I didn’t remember that they called her joss but of course I remember Carter I thought that would have been a good story line
You’re welcome. I thought that would’ve been a great direction for their characters as well.
I agree with you Anonymous, there is no room for romance literally because of the work that they do…Reese is a cop during the day and a number-saver by night. Could you imagine if him and a girl were, um, ‘busy’ when Finch called him with a new number? What’s the girl supposed to think every time Reese jumps up and says ‘sorry, gotta go!’ He can’t tell her what they do…the thing between him and the doc was completely ridiculous. She’s not pretty enough for him, for one thing, LOL! Plus, she’s a psychiatrist, for goodness sake, there’s no… Read more »
I still think a little romance for Reese wouldn’t hurt the show. It doesn’t have to be long term but lets face it, it’s crazy to think a man like Reese wouldn’t have a woman once in a while. I think it would bring in more viewers and new material for the show.
that’s why a Carter or Zoe line would have worked. they already were part of the team and knew what was going on. trying to bring in an outside romance is stupid.
Having Root been so good looking and intelligent really up sets a lot of woman, but for me she is the show
Female being upset about root….being attractive and smart … never I have never seen one post to that effect…are your trying to start that?
Root being so pretty doesn’t bother me either. It enhances the show. But I still say John and Harold are the whole show, the others just give it depth like Dt Fosco ( don’t know if spelling is right) he cracks me up with his wise cracks.
Except she’s not….
Maybe in her Illyria days WITH the demon makeup Lol
Shaw, Carter, Iris, yes. ..but I do not see anything appealing about Root in the SLIGHTEST.
POI is easily my favorite show on TV. It is the only show I will stay up that late for during the week and I hope it gets renewed. I am riveted by every episode.
I totally agree with you Aaron. You took the words right out my mouth. It just has to be renewed. I wonder if the producers know about this site. The nelson ratings are only people like us that can’t be know but their only a choice few. If they still do that.
I have to disagree. The show lost its story. It’s quite a mess. I would rather have the remaining episodes to set up the grand finally! Say, instead of reaming for another season of blah.
While I love POI and will probably remain until JIM C. leaves. I believe the overall plot good and acting is great. Love the actors. The show writers/producers underestimated their audience loyalty base when they killed off Sgt Carter. (in which POI has never recovered from) Then to add insult to injury they change what night the show comes on. Granted they(writers) were painting themselves into a corner but trying to use shock /surprise was and is insulting to one’s intelligence. You cant have every episode be nail biting that’s common sense and I believe the writers tried this and… Read more »
could lose Root right now as far as I’m concerned
Brad, I agree with you to a point. Yes keep Reese an any other character from being killed off. But I do like the continuing suspense of each episode. I’m on the edge of my seat. Love that and the whole show….
I’ve read so many comments here that ‘they’ killed Carter.
Once and for all: Taraji Henson WANTED TO LEAVE THE SHOW – PERIOD. She always said that she wanted to do not more than 2 or 3 seasons!
I don’t think that the producers wanted her to leave for they know it would cost ratings.
I’ve read so many comments here that ‘they’ killed Carter.
Once and for all: Taraji Henson WANTED TO LEAVE THE SHOW – PERIOD. She always said that she wanted to do not more than 2 or 3 seasons!
I don’t think that the producers wanted her to leave for they know it would cost ratings.
Same thing about ‘Shaw’. Nobody wanted her to leave the show but she is pregnant with twins.
Rob — you’re wrong about Taraji, and if you read anything besides the CBS/Nolan official line, you’d know that. She left with class and did not bad-mouth the show, but it’s abundantly clear that it was Nolan’s decision when to kill Carter. Worse, he and Plageman chortled with glee over their decision, stating that she was the heart of the show and it was fun to tear that heart out.
Once and for all–Taraji Henson DID NOT WANT TO LEAVE AT THE TIME SHE WAS NOTIFIED. Taraji told us they came to her on Valentines Day to give her the news. She even made a joke out of it by saying “Jonah, you do realize we’re breaking up on Valentine’s Day?” See, that’s no voluntary. That’s getting the news that your character is being axed. Nolan then said, “Oh, no… But don’t worry, it’s going to be incredible.” He sure does have a warped sense of incredible doesn’t he? It was nothing incredible about it. It was simply a waste… Read more »
One of the many MISTAKES CBS has made and seems to continually do is the moving of their prime-time shows. IE: SUNDAY nights n my opinion has been a cluster *^*^. Competing against the NFL (STUPID). This night should be for 30 min. sitcoms and/or tv movies. The mentalist (although series is ending) never stood a chance with inconsistent scheduling on Sundays. Not mention moving CSI on Sundays I mean WTF. Moving POI to Tuesdays was/is a show killer to me. It should be back on Thursdays with Elementary so they could feed off each other. I realize CBS cant… Read more »
Sunday night is where CBS puts low rated shows and ones they are milking another year or two for syndication. the shows on Sun and Fri aren’t expected to get good ratings. Other sites call Sun and Fri CBS “retirement zone” so if you show heads to either night, expect it to be canceled in a year or two. and POI problem IS NOT the move to Tues, it is the show in general. POI would be crashing in its old slot just as bad as it is now. CF is less competition than Scandal and Murder on ABC thur… Read more »
The ratings look pretty bad. But those numbers match this show perfectly. They got rid of one of their best characters in season 3 and can’t recover it. All that’s left is a cliched story that is trying to move but going nowhere. It’s a story that has become uninspired and mundane. The series nor the actors barely get any type of write up or promotion anymore. POI is now just a cow that’s being milked for what little it can give even though the cow literally died over a year or so ago.
POI is not done JeefRad, there so much more that they can come up with. The show can be endless. It’s more than a crime drama. It’s todays issues with a little sci-fi mixed in. POI keeps me on the edge of my chair. I’m sure most of us women will agree to giving Reese a love interest. It’s the kind of show that can go in any direction while still keeping with the main theme of the show. Long live POI.
I 100% disagree. In this show there is absolut NO PLACE for any kind of romance. The scenes with Reese and that therapist were kinda painful to watch, because of the lack of chemistry and because of the fact that it was totally out of character. So please TPTB don’t go to things you have no clue about. And OMG how i hated what the writers have done with Zoe Morgan. They made her look like an old and horny b*****! She happens to be so smart in Season 1. Paige Turco you better stay alive on The 100, because… Read more »
if there is so much more to come up with, why aren’t they? oh, right, first had to spend 8 or 9 weeks focusing on the root shaw girlie action that bad ratings and lost even more viewers
POI has run it’s course. Hopefully they’ll setup the next episodes for it’s final conclusion. It lost it’s core. It’s done!