This evening, fans of ABC’s Revenge may be in for a surprise. The freshman drama has been replaced by an ABC special with a similar name — Revenge for Real. That’s no doubt the network’s attempt to attract regular viewers to watch a news special. So, has the real Revenge been cancelled? When will it be back?
For those who aren’t familiar with the TV series, Revenge revolves around Emily Thorne (Emily Van Camp), a young woman who comes to the Hamptons with a secret agenda; to exact vengeance on the wealthy people who ruined her family’s life and reputation. The drama also features the talents of Ashley Madekwe, Christa B. Allen, Connor Paolo, Gabriel Mann, Henry Czerny, Joshua Bowman, Madeleine Stowe, and Nick Wechsler.
Revenge debuted to a healthy 3.3 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 10.0 million total viewers. Week two saw the all-important demo fall 18% and week three dropped another 11%. Over the next several weeks, the ratings rose and fell, dropping as low as a 2.1 demo rating.
The way things were going, it looked like Revenge might be heading for the cancellation pile — like so many failed ABC dramas that had come before it — but the numbers evened off and the show’s been averaging a healthy 2.5 in the demo in 2012. While the show isn’t a big ratings hit, it certainly isn’t a flop either. Revenge’s demo average is actually stronger than that of aging shows like Castle and Private Practice.
Unfortunately, ABC has now put the series on hiatus for four weeks — a bit of a scheduling gamble that could seriously hurt viewership.
ABC News’ Revenge for Real will take over for two weeks and then repeats of a new Thursday night drama, Missing, will fill the slot for two weeks after that. Revenge isn’t slated to return until April 4th. It’s unclear if that night will feature a repeat or one of the six remaining originals.
The way things stand right now, it looks like a sure bet that Revenge will be renewed for a second season. Hopefully, enough viewers will return to watch the show after the hiatus so the ratings don’t drop and put the series’ future in jeopardy.
UPDATE: Revenge will now return on April 11th with a recap show. An original regular episode will air on April 18th and the finale will run on May 23rd.
What do you think? Will this hiatus cause the ratings to drop or do you think Revenge is assured of a season two renewal?
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Image courtesy ABC.
Why take out such a good tv show out of the air .i swear abc needs new people working for them first missing now revenge are they smoking up pot when they take out the good shows.
Please bring back Revenge ABC. Best show on TV. TV is covered up with silly sitcoms.
Hello am addicted to Revenge why fix something that’s not broken i am waiting patiently to see if ABC has some sense..
show was well written and beautifully directed all around great series praying that you make the right choice.
I agree! Also, last week you (ABC) SAID the new show would be on March 10th. So we, your viewers, wait…only to hear now you’re putting it on hold for a MONTH? WTF?
Who is running ABC these days? Certainly NOT s/one with we…your viewers…in mind.
I hope your advertisers get how fickle you all are. VERY UNHAPPY WITH THIS. Bring back the show!
This article was written in 2012
Why does ABC always feel that they have to fix something that’s not broken. Revenge is an excellent show. Great story, great actors – bring it back and then leave it there. So sick of these brainless reality shows. Anybody listening?
I think this is one of the most entertaining shows on t.v so naturally the higher ups will scrrew it up and replace it with garbage. Leave a good thing alone. People obviosly enjoy it just look at all the feed back.
February 3, 2013
Where is REVENGE? I was looking forward to seeing this show.
I, along with many others enjoyed watching this show…I don’t understand why it appears
that any series that seems like some thought went into the writing and story development
are cancelled or weeks postponed. Obviously ratings can be ruined in this process. This
also happened with “Harry’s Law”…something about it appealed to a more mature audience? Will I watch Revenge in April if the TV Gods decide to let it return? Yes
because it was well done…there are very few programs that I feel are worth watching. A
survey of family and friends (of all ages) seem to agree!
I love this show. I wait, impatiently, every week to watch this show. The actors are great. I, too, get pissed when it’s bumped for some other crap that I’m not interested in. ABC, you don’t have much to brag about, but this is one show that MUST go on!!!
I agree with you, Jim (and everyone else who wants this show to go on!) My question is to the actors: Don’t they have ANY say in how ABC is ******** around with their careers on this? This is very, very tacky, inconsiderate of viewers, not OK.
It seriously aggravates me that they would do this I love this show its my favorite on tv
I look forward to this show all week long! I hate when they do this its total bull****. they get ppl loving a show then drop it because they can. Whether you love or hate this show you can’t help but watch! Bring us back our favorite hit drama NOW!
This is my favorite show right now…can’t wait ’till it comes back!!!!
If they cancel Revenge, i swear i won’t watch ABC NEVER AGAIN.
It is an entertaining show, just that they drag the story too much.. Making too many things, like there’s 100 stories. They should make it simpler, as this is the main reason viewers probably drop. I also think that this 4 weeks paus will caus major drop as I watched season 1 nonstop, then stopped until season 2, and didn’t have the need to watch season 2; only when I got bored. This means I’ve lost interest, probably because it’s too much things going on and it’s not that interesting anymore.
HELLO ABC are you listening to these people !!!!!! They are saying…. keep the show on and stop messing with its time zone. Every time you intervene with specials. it take s away the excitement of watching Revenge. It seems like you want to kill the show …shame on you!! Your age group is wrong too bump it up. My relatives daughters and friends all watch it and that spreads from 30 to 85. My husband was feeling left out when my friends and I would conference call afterword to go thru it all and try to guess what happens… Read more »
I am sure it has everything to do about money.To all you fine actors and actresses you have already made a name for yourselves! I will watch anything that may come your way except for dangling in mid air in Revenge. No more to be said.
like so many, I too have been very disappointed and frustrated about the ABC show REVENGE staring M.Stowe & all the other actors that made it great. tv is so boring that i am renting movies to try replacing REVENGE which can’t be done. i detest reality shows. bring it back please ABC.! barbara