The story of the young “star-crossed” lovers is coming to a close. The CW has cancelled Star-Crossed after one season of 13 episodes.
Star-Crossed revolves around a pair of teens — one human (Aimee Teegarden) and one alien (Matt Lanter) — who fall in love and struggle to overcome the discrimination and distrust around them. The rest of the cast includes Grey Damon, Natalie Hall, Malese Jow, Titus Makin Jr., Chelsea Gilligan, Brina Palencia, and Greg Finley.
The series debuted as a mid-season replacement and never took hold in the ratings. The premiere drew a lackluster 0.5 rating in the 18-49 demo with 1.28 million viewers. Subsequent episodes performed even worse, making Star-Crossed one of the network’s lowest-rated shows.
There are just 13 episodes in the season and the finale, titled “Passion Lends Them Power,” will air next Monday night.
What do you think? Are you sorry that there won’t be a second season of Star-Crossed? If you ran the network, would you have canceleld or renewed this series?
I think “star crossed” a very cool
I was looking forward to season two and to hear they cancel it I want to cry.
I’m so upset about this. It breaks my heart to see it go so soon. I really hope there will be a return.
realy canceled ?:( i love this show!
I’m so upset by this
I loved this show! Maybe it needed another season to get going there is so much to watch on tv these days!
season 2 would have been great! Why do you leave it like this!
i loved this show so much..really saddens that season 2 isn’t coming…i was yearning to know what happens after that bunch of aliens arrives on earth 🙁
I love the show please restart give it a chance just like beauty and the beast we didn’t even know 2nd season started please dont discontinue that either sometimes things take a while for people to catch on
I loved this show! ! They never give people time to catch on one season isn’t enough for some people. You can’t just leave us hanging with a bunch of aliens coming to attack earth and say that’s the end?! What the heck! I loved this shoe I’m sad to see it go :(((
i really loved these show.was looking forward to getting season two and got really dissapointed .its worth more seasons.
I am very disapointed star crossed is a great show and it should get a second chance the show has great potencial. I really really do believe that star crossed and the tommorow people deserve a second season and beter time slots . PLEASE BRING THEM BACK
me and my husband really liked this show. really hope the cw brings it back. I just want to know why they think that a show about a PREGNANT VIRGIN was going to fix there problem with ratings REALLY!!!! atleast starcrossed was a good show with a teen/adult audience and didnt criticize people’s beloved Virgin Mary… or make people fear the doctors office! uh
I am sad that there will not be a season 2. I was very interested in this series and would have liked to have a second season. I had gotten my friend hooked and I as well was hooked. I really hope they reconsider the option of a second season. This show may not have had enough viewers but those who did watch it were hooked. A main factor for the lack of viewers was that the show wasn’t broadcasted on the right channels. I for one hadn’t heard of this till I looked it up on the internet. This… Read more »
This sucks! My daughters really liked this show and all 3 of them keep asking me when it is coming on again. I told them it probably got canceled. They are going to be so upset when I tell them the news. I wish that they would give the show another chance it does have some potential, may be they could try it on the SIFI network or on TNT. Just an idea. Maybe it’s just not right for this network.