Last December, NBC aired a new game show called Take It All. Hosted by Howie Mandell, the competition pits contestants against one another as they each try to go home with great prizes and lots of cash. Will Take It All return for a second season or has it been cancelled?
The game show was criticized by many for showcasing some of the worst kinds of human behavior. Even worse for the network, Take It All drew pretty awful ratings and was one of the lowest-rated non-scripted shows of the season.
Earlier this week, NBC announced their fall and spring schedules for the 2013-14 season. No mention was made of Take It All but The Sing-Off, which will return for a fourth season in December, was highlighted. What’s more, NBC no longer lists the show on their website.
Though the peacock network hasn’t said as much, =it’s safe to say that Take It All isn’t coming back for a second season — at least for now.
What do you think? Did you like Take It All? Are you sorry that it’s not coming back next season?
bring it back!
I liked it!
You must be looking at a different Internet, because it is still listed on NBC’s web site
Go to the homepage of the NBC site and try to find it that way. It’s no longer reachable from any of their menus. It’s also been removed from NBC’s press site.
And for good reason it was cancelled. It was bad.
It should be cancelled! The show’s concept is too excessive!!!