Fans of TNT’s Men of a Certain Age were understandably a little confused by last night’s finale. Early last year, the cable channel renewed the TV show for 10 more episodes. Soon after season two began in early December, TNT started promoting the season finale after just six episodes. What happened?
Well, there’s good news. Men of a Certain Age has not been cancelled. TNT decided to increase the episode order to 12 installments and has broken the season up into two parts. A start date for the next half dozen episodes hasn’t been set yet but they’ll probably be released in the summer.
Men of a Certain Age follows three male friends as they adjust to the realities of middle age. It stars Ray Romano, Scott Bakula, and Andre Braugher.
What do you think? Are you glad to hear the show will be back with more episodes? Do you think breaking up the season like this is good or bad for the ratings?
Superb writing, excellent casting, great acting, and of course storylines that those of us over 40 can easily relate. MOACA is what was once called “appointment” series television – before DVR. It’s a show my wife and I never miss. Hopefully the execs at TNT will find a way expand beyond 12 episodes a year.
I am a man of “certain” age and can totally relate to many of the storylines and character quirks. Probably doesn’t do it justice to call this program “Sex in the City” for middle-aged men–or, then again, maybe that’s a compliment. My wife is 10 years younger than me and loves this show, too. “That’s so you and your friends!” she exclaims.
The acting and writing are superb. There’s depth and nuance. Keep this show on the air, TNT!
This is one of the best shows on television. I am very glad to see it coming back. I am just disappointed that we have to wait until summer to see the next few episodes.
Love the show. Should run it consecutively without breaking it into two six week seasons.
I’m very happy it is not cancelled. I’ve never really had “a show” and this one really makes me laugh. I dont’ know why really, i’m a 27 year old male but I just connect so well with the characters!
Please keep this one rolling!
It’s a fantastic show! I’m in my late 20’s and still love watching it. I’m normally the type of person that needs a epic story line, special effects etc but the show is refreshing and great to watch.
I hope to god they keep this on TV!
Glad this article was posted. I’ve been a fan of MoaCA since its debut and always felt it didn’t get the recognition it deserves, the writing is seamless. I feared the worst seeing a finale on the 6th episode but am relieved to find out that it has not been cancelled. All viewers please spread the word on this show, it deserves it!
Great show. Reminds me a bit of an hbo show from a few years ago called Mind of a married man.
If the number of episodes was increased to 12, then number 6 technically was not a Season Finale. Why did they call it that? If it WAS, then the summer episodes would have to be a new season. I think they could have just said “new episodes return in summer” and left it at that.
I love this show and hope it lives on. I think the fans will wait, but as TV viewers have become painfully aware of, the long waits kills interest and shows get canceled.
I can really relate to this show. I am a little older, in my 60’s, but the issues and friendships of these guys is on the mark. I ONLY wish that the complete season would be all 12 episodes. It’s like an anti-climax now. The finale this year was absolutely amazing. Especially the last line.
This is my favorite show on TV and although I wish the season was longer I did hate waiting such a long time for the new season to begin.I wish TNT would double the episodes and run them in 2 segments.
Don’t cancel it…..Us older guy’s relate to the 3 of them. It’s a well written and funny show. With all the other CRAP on TV these days, please leave well enough alone.
Thank goodness! I was afraid something had happened to it. Glad it’s still being made. Such a wonderful cast and wonderful show.
I was very disapppointed that Season 2 was so brief. I waited so long for its return, recorded all six episodes, settled down to watch them without interruption, only to discover that I was also watching the season finale.
When my husband saw “season finale” next week, I’m like, “NO WAY”!!!!! Glad to find out they’re only breaking up the season and there’s more to come! We watch then re-watch the episodes and pick up a little something else every time. The last TV show that I think is even as closely addictive to this is Seinfeld. Love these characters and the plots…..PLEASE keep this one coming!!!!!!!!!!!!