Fans of TNT’s Men of a Certain Age were understandably a little confused by last night’s finale. Early last year, the cable channel renewed the TV show for 10 more episodes. Soon after season two began in early December, TNT started promoting the season finale after just six episodes. What happened?
Well, there’s good news. Men of a Certain Age has not been cancelled. TNT decided to increase the episode order to 12 installments and has broken the season up into two parts. A start date for the next half dozen episodes hasn’t been set yet but they’ll probably be released in the summer.
Men of a Certain Age follows three male friends as they adjust to the realities of middle age. It stars Ray Romano, Scott Bakula, and Andre Braugher.
What do you think? Are you glad to hear the show will be back with more episodes? Do you think breaking up the season like this is good or bad for the ratings?
I am a huge fan of this show and I was really hoping it was not cancelled. I did not like the network breaking it up like that, but hey, if the show is coming back I am happy to at least have that!!!!!
Love love LOVE “Men of a Certain Age”! With all of the so-called “unscripted” reality crap and intelligence-lowering comedy shows we have to put up with, it’s refreshing to watch a TV show that is so realistic of the “mid-life” generation and life in general. I am NOT happy that many TV stations are resorting to the split-season regimen of airing shows because it cuts into the fluidity of the story-line. But I am SO happy that Men is still in production, and I hope that it will continue for many seasons.
I really like the show and look forward to seeing more! Interesting development, not so sure a move like this is good for ratings. Folks who are on the fence may not be inclined to watch when show returns. I’m a fan and also, “a man of a certain age” so I guess I’ll wait it out.
Becareful TNT…..MOCA is a great show, great actors, cool storylines..But, so was LOST then the producers and network started F#%$ing with the schedule and poof the audience was gone….put the show on for its full run of episodes or take it off….Criminal Minds reruns are a hard habit to break, even if new programming of other shows is available…..
the show is really good…. i am eager for more episodes
I LOVE the show and did not understand what happened to it, but I am so glad that it wasn’t cancelled.
Well I thought it was truly cancelled after I tried to find it on Demand. I’m very glad that it’s not cancelled, it’s a great show and I def can relate to them!!!!
I love this show because it shows the other side of the spectrum. I’m the same age as these guys and single – it reminds me my ex and what he’s going through at his age. I find the writing and acting superb and I have been so let down that it hasn’t shown up the past couple of weeks. I finally googled to see if canceled. WHY would you split up the episodes. I’m so relieved it will be back. We need more outstanding programs like this that is so refreshing and original. Thank goodness somebody out there got… Read more »
Men of a Certain Age may be one of the best and most relevant programs for my demographic (Male, 45 to 55) that anyone has come up with. I was very annoyed that the season was so short last year. Cable companies seem to be very good at airing endless hours of infomercials, “reality tv” and other crap, but when an outstanding program like this comes along, they aren’t smart enough to continue it.
I am so happy to hear that it has not been cancelled! I love this show and I wondered why it just quit showing on Mondays!
One of the best shows on the air – please give it a chance.
I am a man of a certain age and real like the show, look forward to it being back. Thanks for update.
Ray is the worst actor in the world.
There is a lot of boomers that can relate and are sucessful in different ways
I am so disappointed that the season has been broken up. My wife and I love “Men of a Certain Age” and look forward to watching “our show” together. I’m glad it’s not cancelled and I think the division of episodes is a bad idea.
I had no idea that there was a finale! I’ve been checking “on demand” weekly looking for Men of a Certain Age. Love that show & am so happy that it hasn’t been cancelled. I’m looking forward to more episodes (don’t like splitting up the series like this!) Please publicize the new episodes when they will be on. Give the show a chance….it’s worth watching & alot of people will be unhappy if it gets cancelled. Thank you.