Though things were looking good for a second season of CBS’ vampire show, Moonlight has been cancelled. The show has loyal followers, the ratings were decent, and the series often won its timeslot. What happened?
Essentially Moonlight has been cut for a number of reasons. The rest of the network’s schedule is quite strong in the ratings and it certainly makes no sense to cancel one of the stronger series. If Moonlight were on the ratings-challenged CW, it certainly would have been renewed.
Like Jericho last season, Moonlight has a devout but small audience. Unfortunately, CBS’ decision to resurrect Jericho didn’t work out so well for them. Though many campaigned to get Jericho renewed, fewer people tuned in. CBS likely feels a bit burned by that experience and is reluctant to go down that road again.
The cancellation also stems from the fact that CBS is feeling very confident about their new batch of drama pilots. They’ve given a greenlight for four new dramas this fall and there just wasn’t any room left on the schedule for Moonlight. They know that Moonlight’s audience is unlikely to grow very much and would rather take a chance on a new show.
There’s been much upheaval behind-the-scenes and it’s been reported that the network hasn’t been impressed with the show’s creative development. The ratings were also usually lower than both its lead-in (Ghost Whisperer) and lead-out (Numb3rs).
CBS has given the okay for another season of The Unit. With the network’s full schedule, the drama will likely end up being bumped from Tuesdays and end up on Fridays in Moonlight’s old slot.
Moonlight’s series finale is set to air this Friday, May 16th. Stay tuned!
CBS has taken all the fun out of Friday nights. I really wish CBS would reconsider and bring back Moonlight. I was so full of anticipation for every episode. You guys had it all in one show. All the characters mesh and are charismatic. The story line was genius and original. Frankly, I am total stunned and disappointed.
CBS, you guys have all the power…..any chance that for once… will listen to the voice of us little guys and bring back Moonlight?
SAVE MOONLIGHT!!!!! PLEASE!!!! La serie tiene mas seguidores de los que se piensa, pero la cambiaron de horario varias veces, ademas la publicidad que se hizo no iguala en lo absoluto a las demas series que intentan posicionar. POr otra parte la lanzaron a las 21hs, cuando la mayor cantidad de audiencia de dicha serie somo mujeres, y obviamente seria mejor un horario en el que estemos frente al televisor y la repeticion un domingo alas 17hs. Es una propuesta que estaria bueno tener en cuenta. POr mi parte, y si bien no creo que vaya a cambair la esicion,… Read more »
Moonlight was an enjobably show, please return it to Friday night!!!
I think Friday night was a great mix with Moonlight in the middle of Ghost Whisperer and Numbers. All three of them are the best shows on TV. We get use to seeing these series and you don’t even give them a chance before you take them off, what happen to the times series stayed on TV for a few years. Those stupid reality shows seem to stay on way to long, that are a total waste of time to watch, I really don’t understand what your thinking is. You manage to take off the good shows and leave the… Read more »
Quiero a moonlight de regreso!!!!!!era una serie excelente!!!!1
I agree. Bring Moonlight back. There are a lot more fans than CBS thinks!
I agree with the comment above and I also believe it is a great show and I really don’t care for CBS anyway and that’s the only reason I watch that station. I know we got more fans out there and agree if we don’t get the show back on then the hell with CBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hate cbs i am going on a strike against cbs if they don’t put season two up!!!!!!!! there are so many Q’s that have not been answered! think of the season finale — a K*I*S*S* — come on. yeah mmost people don’t watch it but think about the millions and millions that do all over the world. anyone who agrees with me write a comment on telling these people how much you LUV MOONLIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!
Achei uma falta de considera??o da CBS c/os seguidores da s?rie Moonlight acabarem c/ esta s?rie que ? interessante, cheia de fantasias e que acaba prendendo o expectador. Deixo aqui registrado o meu descontentamento pelo cancelamento desse show que realmente adorava assistir. Gostaria muito que a CBS reavaliasse esta posi??o.
CBS: I watched the season premiere in Sept. by pure chance and was intrigued. I have been impressed with the growth and development of the show. There is a ‘beauty and the beast’ quality to it that I found irresistable. To end the show at this stage would be a regrettable decision to say the least. This is the ONLY show I watch on CBS. Usually, I’m watching ABC. Please reconsider this decision. This didn’t win the People’s choice award for no reason. And the leads – Alex and Sophia – are one of the fantastic TV couples to watch.
This Is Just S T U P I D !!!
Seriously.. You Need To Re-Think This Whole Thing.
Moonlight Is One Of THEE Best Shows EVER Made.
Just Thought Id Give You A Reality Check!
I enjoyed watching Moonlight on Friday nights I wish you would reconsider and put Moonlight back on cbs for next season or maybe abc or nbc could consider to put Moonlight on their station. I would hate to not view cbs on Friday nights from 8:00 -9:00 central time and I also saw you have planned to cancel Shark which is another bad decision. I hope you that the comments people have written to cbs would help you to give Moonlight & Shark a second chance
Well done CBS, you just shot yourself in the foot a bit here. Moonlight was an excellent show and had great potential. The viewing was growing and would have continued growing and i bet that now this show has been cancelled you will lose a hell of a lot of viewers.