Last season, Person of Interest moved to Tuesday nights and lost Taraji P. Henson. The show also lost a lot in the ratings. Will the numbers continue to fall or will they rise with a new lead-in? Is it essentially guaranteed to be renewed for a fifth season by CBS (because of syndication) or, could it be cancelled? Stay tuned.
On Person of Interest, a presumed dead former-CIA agent (Jim Caviezel) and a mysterious billionaire (Michael Emerson) work together to prevent violent crimes in New York City. The rest of the cast includes Kevin Chapman, Sarah Shahi, and Amy Acker.
The ratings are typically the best indication of a show’s likelihood of staying on the air. The higher the ratings (particularly the 18-49 demo), the better the chances for survival. This chart will be updated as new ratings data becomes available — usually the next day, around 11:30am EST/8:30am PST. Refresh to see the latest.
5/11 update: Person of Interest has been renewed for a fifth season on CBS. Will it be the end?
Final season averages: 1.53 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 9.42 million total viewers.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated chart, please try reloading the page or view it here.
Due to a Nielsen glitch, some of the early ratings of the 2014-15 season were revised a few weeks later.
For comparisons: The third season of Person of Interest averaged a 2.0 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 11.83 million total viewers.
Note: Note: These are the Live + Same Day Ratings which include “live” viewing plus delayed DVR viewing, up until 3am local time that same night. Ratings marked with an “*” are the fast affiliate ratings and will be updated with the Live+SD numbers when they are made available. Typically, networks get paid for C+3 ratings which includes DVR viewing within three days of the original airing when commercials are watched. Those numbers are rarely released to the press.
What do you think? Do you still like the Person of Interest TV series? Do you think it should be cancelled or be renewed for a fifth season?
Well, the saying “you never miss the water until the well runs dry” is apropos. Now that Taraji has proven that her fan base is strong and that they matter POI feels the need to insert her in a “Flashback”. Empire with Taraji at the helm started week 1 where POI now lives with over 9 million viewers and with ease surpassed the 12-13 million ratings POI use to enjoy when she was apart of their show. Empire ended season 1 with over 23million viewers and IMO mostly because of Taraji’s skill. (And I am no empire fan. Sorry.) After… Read more »
I love it that Taraji returns!!! She is so much better than Nolan (who needs her badly).
I feel sorry for all the pathetic cheerleaders who already have started their Taraji / Joss Carter hating again.
I wonder what they will do if the news is out that Jim Caviezel leaves the show after this season.
why would jim leave the show when it’s still on top
So they’ve got Taraji P. Henson returning for the finale huh? Trying to springboard off of her Empire success perhaps? As much as I like the character; I wish she would’ve turned them down flat, and let them wallow in failure. I hope her flashback return doesn’t help them boost the ratings for this show one bit. They should have kept and promoted her when they had her.
I predict Taraji’s return will give the show a huge boost — for one week. A dead cat bounce. After that it will be all downhill. I don’t think she came back out of any loyalty to Nolan, but out of love for her fans and co-stars.
And sadly, I suspect all of this is leading up to John Reese’s death by the end of the season. Nolan has “joked” about that several times. He will say it’s daring and shocking and original. Just like a dozen other shows have done.
they kill Reese off they killed the show so it will certainly be the series finale if it does came back without reese they’ll lose me as a viewer Reese and Finch are the show one without the other and there’s no show
Replying to Laura,
Yes, if season 5 is minus the man in the suit,
I doubt I will watch it either
@CaseyM “I don’t think she came back out of any loyalty to Nolan, but out of love for her fans and co-stars. ” Agreed. Didn’t she tweet something not too long ago about going back to something she thought she was done with? I’m paraphrasing, but now I understand what she was talking about. She’s definitely a true professional that could teach the show-runners a thing or two. I really like Jim Caviezel so I wish him good luck on whatever happens because I do think something big and not good may be happening with his character. I would’ve liked… Read more »
Keep the show on….love it. I agree…too many gaps. Missed a couple episodes due to programming.
I’m glad Season 4 comes to an end. Worst Season of the entired show and i thought Season 3 was bad. Never thought it could get worse than that.
Maybe the final Season 5 (13 episodes) can bring the magic back, but i doubt it.
The show is toast…
Keep it. One of the few Network shows that is for thinkers.
Season 4 sadly is a “PlotHoleFestival”…thinking is no longer needed.
All the good writers have left the show.
couldn’t agree with you more Jim keep it going
this show requires about as much “thinking” as a Saturday morning kids cartoon
Still love the show but the gaps between episodes are killing it. You just don’t know if it’s on from one week to the next. Air it every week and it would pick viewers back up again
We hear this argument every year. Every network show has the same breaks, especially in March when the network doesn’t want to put new eps up against March Madness. But every show does not shed viewers the way POI does. Bottom line is, if you’re really interested in a show you keep track of when it’s new.
Agree with @caseym and @nemo f. The show just isn’t what is used to be. It’s really corny in parts, and some of the acting is cringe-worthy. It’s moving like there’s no direction. They should’ve just gone out with a bang this season. If the ratings are this bad now; I can only imagine what they’ll be in season 5. This downward spiral all started when they thought it was funny to kill off one of the main characters. I bet it’s not so funny now. I’ve never seen a show get so little press, and the actors have given… Read more »
I couldn’t agree with you more Chris.
I agree with Chris. However, I find the longer the series is not being aired at it’s previously scheduled time, I’m inclined to forget about it and move on to other appealing series on other local networks. As Chris stated, even if they aired repeats dating back to earlier times would be better then nothing. What’s with that?
I agree with both Chris an Arleeta, there are to many gabs. But if it’s not a certain Tuesday I look at cbs on other days to see if a repeat is on. I do agree to keep it on even as a repeat every Tuesday. I’ll always watch it. I watch the new shows 2 or 3x’s a week on
demand. Totally addicted. Love the show that much.
If you like a show so much.. how do you forget about it and move on to other things? if you like it, wouldn’t you pay attention to it? I mean, on or two weeks off here and there and you completely forget about it and move on? you must not like it as much as you say you do, if one repeat or one off week is enough for you to look elsewhere.
Personally I think the fact that there have been so many gaps with airtime from Dec 2014 has had a large impact on audiences as well. I mean if you are really excited for the next episode and have to wait a week or two you lose the momentum of the story and it becomes broken and seems slow and frustrating. I would like to more recruits coming in, I have watched the show from the start and like the changes, am still enjoying the show but feeling frustrated with how long its taking for the episodes to be aired!!!!… Read more »
the same breaks happen EVERY YEAR for every show
I’ve been a devoted POI fan since the start of it’s first season. I have dealt with the disappointment of some key characters (Carter and Shaw) being eliminated, but I guess that’s show biz. So bring it on, in whatever capacity is amenable to draw the viewing audience back to where it once was.
Wow Person of Interest has turned into such a ****** show.
This season is just HORRID!!!
They have changed the characters way too much.
This is not the “real” Person of Interest anymore.
It’s a different show. And let me tell you it’s definetely not
a better show.
I also absolutely don’t buy this “love thing” between Reese & the shrink. It makes
zero sense and i really do not feel ANY love or feelings at all. It’s EWWWWWWW
What happened with Finch? I do not understand this character any longer.
o every show has to make changes to keep the viewers interested as long as it doesn’t drift from the basic concepts of the show still the best show on TV
I haven’t seen Seasons 1-2 or the first half of Season 3 but
found Season 4 to be quite good. The characters are peeling back
the layers of their personas and in their world that is not easy to do.
Intensity, passion, unpredictability is what this show is about and
the cast is cool in my opinion. Carter was the coolest,
but the show must go on, as they say!
Like many shows, PoI suffers from not having a new show every week — I am happy that the ratings are as good as they are. Thank you dedicated fan base for keeping the show going. The weirdest thing about the audience of PoI is that science fiction audience does not seem to know about this show. This is a show about the Singularity! This is a show about what the nature of God is! This show has an little kid avatar of an evil computer taking over the White House. Millions of people are being killed by said evil… Read more »
This comment made my head spin. This is what’s wrong with the show now. If you haven’t seen a big chunk of the show, haven’t seen any of the episodes that established these characters, how do you even know what their personas are? I mean, you’ve seen less than half of the series, and these characters aren’t the “real” Reese and Finch. This why the writers can write them so OOC and you accept it. You don’t know any better, so you don’t question all of the illogical things they’ve done lately. You don’t know “smartest person in the room”… Read more »
The writers of POI should be scrambling frantically to get it off the ground once again. For starters why not have Finch re-create another “machine” new and improved, eliminate the enemies of Northern Lights and get back to helping those citizens whose “number” comes up?
I like this idea! I agree!
We were real fans of POI but hate it now. Seems all the attention now is finding the other computer. To bad, it was a good show for awhile. We don’t plan to continue watching it.
We love POI. Please keep it going and is Shaw ever coming back? We miss the character.
LOVE Person Of Interest!! Look forward to this every Tuesday evening! Please leave this one on! Love Mr. Reese and Harold! They make a great pair of good guys. Enjoy the drama – the suspense – the love between the whole cast! Love Root too!
I totally agree with Nancy. The best show on tv. I like the fact that Reese has a love interest. It adds something more to the show as long as its in the background. Season 5 bring it on.
One of the best shows on network TV. I’ll keep watching.
Last night’s episode had me glued and squirming in my seat, so I enjoyed it and will continue to watch. There were strong performances by the cast especially the women.
Reese is sooooo intense, he is my favorite character, I’m glad he is turning g up the heat with his therapist, that will be fun to watch, if there is a Season 5.
I agree last nights episode was very intense and I also agree with the hook up between reese and the therapist bring it back for a 5th season I look forward to it every Tuesday and then I watch it again on Friday night just in case I miss something
It’s still well written and acted. It’s the only series I watch every week. Fast moving a lot of twist and turns. Love all the episodes and still watch the re-runs when a new episode isn’t up for that week. They haven’t given up and are still trying.
I don’t know if you are aware of this, but the actress who plays the therapist already got a new regular (!) role on Robert Kirkman’s new series Outcast (which got just picked up for a full season), so i doubt there will be much Iris in Season 5.
The less Iris, the better. Such a terrible character.
It is a very good show that keeps you wanting more. Great charaters and storyline.
I remember the days when POI use to be in the 12 – 13 million viewers range. What happened? Now they are continuously grasping at the just over 9 mill with the 8 million pitfall growing comfortably closer.