Cable channel MTV has decided to cancel The Hard Times of RJ Berger after two seasons on the air. Despite the fact that year two ended on a big shocking twist, there won’t be a third season.
The first season of RJ Berger wasn’t a big success in the ratings but MTV renewed it anyway, likely hoping that it would catch on with a bigger audience. It didn’t and the ratings for season two were even lower than the first.
There hasn’t been official statement from MTV about the cancellation but the co-creators broke the news to their fans via Twitter this afternoon.
Seth Grahame-Smith wrote, “Well, it’s official. #RJBerger has been cancelled. Thanks to the cast and crew for two amazing seasons, and to all the fans.”
David Katzenberg echoed those feelings by writing, “R.I.P. #RJBerger Thank you to the fans and everyone involved in the show. What an incredible journey.”
Hopefully in the coming weeks, the writers will be able to share what they had in mind for season three.
What do you think? Are you sorry that RJ Berger has been cancelled? What would you have liked to see in season three?
Image courtesy MTV.
Honestly i thought the show was goin to suck but then i started to watch it and man was it interesting. Now i love the whole thing but never got to watch the finale until now and man what a twist .so i looked up when season 3 was coming out and just to no its canceled u guys just cant end it like that . What a shame
Season 3 please begging you i think more people will watch it now honestly it was a fantastic show and people are ******* stupid if they did not like it! This easily tops any other mtv show!
The hard times of RJ berger is great!! U Cant just take the show off the air like that with a lot of question un answer. even if u do a few views to rap it. Bring it back please.
Please bring it back! One of the gr
eatest shows on, MTV
Just caught this show over in the UK on Netflix and I laughed my arse off at every episode I watch. I generally find US comedy unfunny but this is comedy gold and itbis a real shame MTV pulled this after just 2 seasons instead of shite like Jersey Shore or the other 5 million droll reality shite that they seem to pump never ending funds into. Get that crap off the air and put on what people actually want to watch
U need to put it back on…this will be the biggest mistake if u dont., I love this show and its not finished in my point of view cause the story is still unfinished,and I think RJ should be with jenny instead of amy…RJ should gets some too from amy haha
That is messed up how they leave us hanging in the last episode on season 2 how Lilly says shes pregnant. They have to have season 3!!!!!!
The only show on mtv that I watched….. Atleast but season three on dvd
Please put this show back on the air. All my friends love the show, it’s a hit at my school! It’s better than pretty little liars! I mean The Hard Times of RJ Berger talk about stuff that actually happens! I LOVE IT TO DEATH!! PLEASE IM BEGING YOU! Put it back on!
stupid mtv stupid how could u do this your pretty jank mtv. this was a great show and i lmao everytime i watched and the endings to every episode were soo good. >(
I’m so mad at the fact MTV cancelled a good show and to top it all off they leave us with a big twist. Like really I love this show I really want to know what’s going to happen with rj
This is the worse thing mtv has ever done caneling this show it was great and it would become bigger over summers with kids getting board and wanting to watch random shows on netflix… Way to go MTV for canceling my favorite show!! That just shows you that i guess people care more about watching stupid teens having kids.. RJ Berger was a good show for teens and would of become big eventuallly. It just kinda feels like someone ripped my heart out i loved that show thanks alot mtv……
I really can’t see why MtV would do this instead of canceling other shows like Teen Mom, that is just completly stupid to watch! The Hard Times is an actual show that people would want to watch, not some kind of idiotic ‘show’ of a teen going through a life crisis having a baby.
WTF I used to watch that every day after school and over the summer its hella messed up that you could delete something that not to many ppl but to a few of us that we loved we fell in love with the cast the settings the different climax’s in this reality show. I really think the only reason why ppl didnt watch it or mtv you didnt have that many fans of it is because of these other ppl not even watching mtv some kids dont even care for it yet im 19 years old about to be 20… Read more »
this so is spectacular! there really needs to be a season 3. how could it not get high ratings???