Tonight, NBC aired the 11th episode of Crisis, titled “Best Laid Plans.” The final two episodes of the cancelled series had been scheduled for Sunday, June 29th but they’ll now air on Saturday, June 21st, starting at 8pm.
Here’s are the descriptions:
UPDATES-NBC PRIMETIME SCHEDULE – Monday June 16, 2014 – Monday June 23, 2014
06/21/2014 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Saturday) : GIBSON’S PLAN TAKES A SURPRISING TURN – Finley (Lance Gross) makes a heroic move while in the mansion with the kidnappers. Meanwhile, Beth Ann (Stevie Lynn Jones) ends up in further danger as a mystery person is determined to get revenge against Gibson (Dermot Mulroney). Gillian Anderson, Rachael Taylor, Halston Sage, Max Schneider, Max Martini, Michael Beach also star. Adam Miller guest stars. TV-14 V“CRISIS”
(X) “WORLD’S BEST DAD” 06/21/2014 (09:00PM – 10:00PM) (Saturday) : THE TABLES HAVE TURNED – Gibson (Dermot Mulroney) finds himself on a mission orchestrated by Beth Ann’s (Stevie Lynn Jones) kidnapper, who insists Gibson publicly confess to his crimes at a ceremony with the President (guest star John Allen Nelson) and First Lady (guest star Melinda McGraw). Meanwhile, Ian (Max Schneider) receives a cryptic message that sends him and Amber (Halston Sage) on a dangerous mission. Elsewhere, Finley (Lance Gross) and Dunn (Rachael Taylor) attempt to stop a threat and stumble upon a shocking revelation. Gillian Anderson, Michael Beach and Joshua Erenberg star. Adam Miller guest stars. TV-14 LV
What do you think? Do you like the Crisis series? Will you watch the last two episodes? Should it have been cancelled?
Should not have been canceled.
I’ll watch should not have been cancelled
Yes, I will record the final two episodes of CRISIS on my DVR and watch them in peace and quiet with much sadness.
I can’t believe that one of the best shows on NBC is being cancelled. How can you cancel a show that is as good as CRISIS. The suspense keeps you on the edge of your seat. Has NBC stopped to think that people with DVR’s are recording it an watching it after the time for it to be counted in the ratings. As I and some of my friends do. This way we pick our own time to watch it. I feel that the rating system should be changes because of the DVR. I do hope they reconsider or some… Read more »
I will definatly watch the remaining episodes. It’s a shame that it will be cancelled
I hate to see crisis end. I have watched every episode and will watch it until the end.
They should definitely not cancel. Great show.
Stupid thing though, all season show was aired Sunday evening. Then they put the 2 hour season finale on Saturday. What’s up with that. Do they just want to be sure no one can watch. Why change the day – too confusing.
No wonder people are so dissatisfied with TV shows these days. Days are switched too many times!
I love this show! yes i will watch the last 2 episodes! whose idea was it to cancel? so sad
I love the series, one of the best on tv please do not cancel.
Of course I’ll watch the ending! This show was great!
Crisis is one of the best scripted thriller TV has given us.NBC should not cancel this great series.
And THIS is why nobody watches your new shows, you dolts! There is a cause and effect between canceling good shows after only a hand full of episodes, and a drop in overall viewership of your network. After all these years, after Journeyman so many years ago which was my breaking point with you, you STILL don’t get it, do you? Look to AMC, A&E, FX, SHOWTIME and HBO for how to run a successful network and maybe your numbers will improve. I have this image of teenagers running your network (no offense to the teens). Obviously, you need more… Read more »
NBC needs to take another look and not cancel Crisis. There are a lot of us that really look forward to watching it.
I really like the show…very exciting…can’t believe its cancelled…I will for sure watch the finale!
Isn’t there also still 1 episode left of “Believe”?