Of the five networks, The CW has the fewest hours of primetime to fill but they’re not finding it any easier to find hits. Most of their returning shows are way down year-to-year and some of their new series are struggling. Which will be cancelled or renewed? Stay tuned!
CW shows this season (so far): The 100, America’s Next Top Model, Arrow, Backpackers, Beauty and the Beast, The Carrie Diaries, Famous in 12, Hart of Dixie, Masters of Illusion, Nikita, The Originals, Penn & Teller: Fool Us, Reign, Seed, Supernatural, The Tomorrow People, The Vampire Diaries, and Whose Line Is It Anyway?.
How does The CW decide what to cancel or renew? They look at a lot of different factors but the ratings play an important role. The higher the ratings, the better chance a show has of surviving. Here’s how the network’s shows are doing so far:
Check other networks’ rankings: ABC | CBS | FOX | NBC | ABC Family | TNT
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated charts, please try reloading the page. You can also see them here and here.
A couple of notes about these charts:
These figures are updated automatically as new ratings are released. The averages are based on the final national numbers (live plus same day viewing), unless marked with an asterisk (*). For technical reasons, I have to resort them manually so feel free to let me know if I missed something.
Keep in mind that the demo numbers are typically what’s most important to advertisers. Therefore, that’s how the networks measure success. Advertisers pay more for ad time on a show that has a higher demo rating. Because older viewers don’t count? No, it’s because younger viewers watch less traditional TV and are therefore supposedly harder to reach.
Demo numbers are typically reported using the 10ths decimal place (2.4, for example). In the averages, I’m using an extra decimal for easier ranking.
The networks take into account when shows air on Fridays or Saturday, nights when TV viewership is lower.
What do you think? Which shows are you rooting for? Which one isn’t as big a hit as you thought? Are you hoping any series will get cancelled to make room for something else?
love supernatural, TVD, the originals and reign is a very great show. I tried beauty and a beast but it’s really not that good (at least not my type) so i wouldn’t mind if it’s cancelled. Never watched the carrie diaries so i don’t know about that one. Hart of dixie is okay (not more not less) and arrow is full of good storylines so it should be renewed. For the tmorow people, i didn’t watch… seems good though.
Supernatural and Vampire diaries always have amazing storylines and clearly Supernatural is doing fantastic so please do not cancel these shows!
Beauty and the Beast is one of the greatest shows lately. i haven’t been hooked with a show like that for a long time. i think it worth watching so i would be greatfull if you won’t cancel it. please!
All i can say is for cw to please either renew or let another network pick up The Secret Circle
A bunch of us are at my friend’s house and some of these comments are coming from the same computer, but we’re all worried about Beauty and The Beast getting cancelled. We don’t know how you rate these shows, but BATB has fans and quite a lot of fans. We’re asking that this show not be cancelled and it should be renewed for Season 3. We just love Jay as the Beast – he’s hot and sexy. We love watching the interaction between J.T. and Tess. Kristin is beautiful and it’s great to see her again each week – we… Read more »
Dear TheCW,
DO NOT CANCEL BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. If a show needs to be cancelled, it has to be either The Carrie Diaries or Reign. The Carrie Diaries needs to be in Disney channel or Nickelodeon and Reign is a knock off of The Tudors style. B&B is a really well written show with excellent actors/actresses and Kristin & Jay have great chemistry. It has intelligence, action, romance, suspense, humor, and a touch of darkness. If you’re wondering if B&B has fans, it does!!!
NOOOO! They should cancel Beauty and the Beast! The first season was fine but that second season sucks…I agree with you on cancelling The Carries Diaries..Love Reign!!
I’m at my friend’s house and we’re both worried that BATB will be cancelled. Please don’t cancel this wonderful love story – we just love the chemistry between Jay and Kristin. They are the most sensual couple on t.v. The show is just starting to take off and each episode in seasons 1 and 2 have been getting better and better. There’s more to this story that the fans would like to know. Please give BATB a Third Season – it so rightfully deserves to come back. It would be a mistake for the CW to cancel such an exciting… Read more »
I believe that batb should be renewed and Carrie diaries took off. It is a shame that such a wonderful love story would be thrown out, and a lot of beasties would be very upset including myself. The fans shouldn’t have to put as much time and support in this show for it to be took away from us like it was nothing, because it is something to us. Please reconsider CW network and give the fans more beauty and the beast!
Supernatural is STILL the best show on CW,even after 9 years,it still has high ratings.
Keep TVD and The Originals,Arrow is also good,but please BATB and The Carrie Diaries are boring as hell.
Supernatural has been on too long and isn’t exciting anymore, TVD is boring and so is Arrow. Arrow is really stupid between his flashbacks to the island and the poor acting it really stinks. BATB on the other hand, is very interesting, well written and very well acted. The Carrie Diaries is very boring and should definitely be cancelled.
I know right? after 9 years, how many shows are still as good? so many good storylines and amazing cast/caracters.
Please keep The Carrie Diaries!! I’m 15 and love this show. It may not be exactly like the 80s, I wouldn’t know very well, but it is a great show for teens. Love the music! Cancel Beauty and the beast or vampire diaries! If anything.
I hope the CW axes “The Carrie Diaries” and “Hart of Dixie” – two of the most boring and stupid shows on the network. Please leave “Beauty and the Beast alone and don’t try to cancel it so “Star-Crossed” can be put in. Sounds like this new show is a lot like BATB except it’s an alien and human love story. Sounds pukey to me. Can’t believe the CW would even consider cancelling such an interesting show like BATB. I look forward to each Monday and it’s a great escape and roller coaster ride. Please renew BATB for a Third… Read more »
I couldn’t agree more! Love this show! You have to renew this show! I look forward to it every week! I am going to have withdrawls waiting until 01/23!!!! Please please renew this show.
Reign is such an amazing show! It stands out from the crowd because there is really no other show like it! Almost every other show on this chart is about some type of paranormal thing but reign isn’t like that! Please renew reign for a second season!
Love the new series Reign!!!!!!! It is so good and I love the characters and the actors that are playing them. Please let us see what happens with Queen Mary and Francis!!!!!! We need more shows like this! I can’t wait for every weeks episode!!! LOVE THE SHOW!!!
OMG – please don’t cancel Beauty and The Beast. This show has everything and it’s a great roller coaster ride. It’s different than the rest of the series on the CW and that’s what’s so intriguing about it. The story line is fantastic and the fans that are hooked will be very disappointed if this wonderful series is cancelled. Please renew Beauty and The Beast for a Season 3 – we’re all looking forward to continuing this fabulous journey of our beautiful Beauty and her handsome Beast.