Does Amazon hate F. Scott Fitzgerald? According to The Hollywood Reporter, Amazon cancelled both The Last Tycoon and Z: The Beginning of Everything as part of a shift in their content strategy.
As reported earlier, Amazon passed on a second season of The Last Tycoon, a period drama based on the last, unfinished novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Around the same time, the streaming service cancelled their Zelda Fitzgerald series Z: The Beginning of Everything only after renewing it for a second season.
So why all the cancellations? According to THR, Prime Video is clearing their slate for a Game of Thrones-caliber series. The change in content strategy is said to be a result of Amazon’s disappointingly low number of Emmy nominations. This year, the streaming service earned only 15 nominations as opposed to Netflix’s 91.
What do you think? Did you see either The Last Tycoon or Z: The Beginning of Everything? Do you think the series should’ve been renewed?
When people are surveyed about quality TV, the reply is generally PBS. Amazon Prime had an opportunity to be in this category by streaming The Last Tycoon. The cancellation tells me that Amazon Prime is not for me. I will let my membership lapse.
Loved Last Tycoon, especially since there isn’t any series like that. Very disappointing that Amazon decided to cancel it. Don’t need all streaming services producing the same shows.
I watched them both, and I enjoyed doing so but I cannot say I’m disappointed they were canceled. I suppose it echoes the novel, though I haven’t read either but they both felt very over done. So over done in fact I’m surprised I finished both series. The acting was well done, the sets were great, but the plot fell flat and felt very predictable and plodding for both. Certainly nothing in comparison to some of HBO’s and Netflix’s finer works.
I loved Z the beginning of everything, kept me glued to seat. Very, VERY DIDAPPOINTED IT WAS CANCELLED!
The last tycoon was incredible! We being my family and friends are so OUTRAGED over this. It got 15 emmy nominations for crying out loud! Wasn’t like it was awful and got none.
Amazon, what can I say…you are a bunch of losers. Why do we need another Game of Thrones show???
Really upsetting to hear of cancelling Z. It is an excellent production. I have been looking forward to the second season. You can be sure I will not be watching this new “so called blockbuster!” Bring Z back!!!
I agree 100%, a very exciting miniseries
Really enjoyed Tycoon. Well acted. Cannot believe Amazon will pass on good scripts and class actors to do some sort of an imitation of Game of Thrones
I truly enjoyed both The Last Tycoon and Z. They were very well done and entertaining. I hope Amazon will reconsider their abandonment of these two shows.
Too bad on the cancellation of Tycoon. Great show. Why another period piece about long, stringy- haired foul mouthed men riding horses and carrying knives and spears! Too much of a bad thing. Try pleasing your paying subscribers to Prime instead of worrying about awards, and give us some good movies while you are at it.
LAST TYCOON was the best show on tv this past year. Is there any chance another network will pick this up? amazon made a bonehead decision. Please somebody pick it up and enrich your network. My daughter is going on Zoloft if they don’t pick it up.
I too am upset! The Last Tycoon was a great series. Amazon should realize that their viewers are less likely to watch new upcoming series as they dump these shows. Binge TV means viewers want more after watching a series. If they want to compete with the other networks (Netflix…), then act like them and give shows a chance!
“Game of Thrones calibre” series?? Puh-leeze… I guess folks can try, but I think it’ll be a cold winter before someone comes up with anything else that good. I personally find Amazon’s streaming content generally weaker than that of Netflix, but some of their original series are done quite well. However, their reason for original shows shouldn’t be to get awards, as awards don’t really equal viewer popularity. I couldn’t tell you which show won any award for anything, and I don’t care. I just watch what I like.
Game of thrones is a lame excuse of a porn film, it’s hardly any good.
I tried to watch Game of Thrones, didn’t like at all. Please, I want Z to come back.
The Last Tycoon, and Z: The Beginning of Everything were wonderful. It is with great sadness that I read about their cancellation.
Me too!!!!
This is what streaming networks think about?! But award ceremonies means nothing, It’s not like those shows are “better”, it’s politics and attention and publicity, not quality. And who are the people who picks the nominations? most of them are white old man, that’s 91 nominations for Netflix.
This was a desperate, dumb move by Amazon. Both of these shows were really good.
Pity to cancel The Last Tycoon for terrible Game of Thrones, very disappointed,