With six seasons of mythology and mysteries, we’re bound to still have some lingering questions even after the M*A*S*H-sized finale has been aired and digested. Lost executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse have promised a true ending to the TV show but that doesn’t mean that everyone will feel completely satisfied.
Lindelof told TV Guide, “I wish that we could say that the finale is going to be enormously definitive… We found that when we told people that we’ve got definitive answers coming, it’s not as definitive as the fans want it to be, therefore there’s this ongoing and vociferous debate about what things mean.”
“All we can say is: Lost is only ending once,” he continued. “There’s only one finale. There’s not a question mark at the end of the end. There’s not a dot, dot, dot. This is our story and it’s over. Hopefully there’s going to be a lot of interpretation in its wake.”
If you’re one of those people who aren’t completely satisfied or want more of the story, there’s still a bit more to come. TV Guide Magazine reports that there will be an additional 20 minutes or so of the last episode included on the season six DVD set.
Their source says that production is still being finalized so there’s not an exact running time for the new scenes and that, “Damon and Carlton wanted to offer fans answers to additional questions they couldn’t get to in the body of the final show.”
The season six DVD set will also apparently sport “some pretty spectacular packaging” as well. The DVD and Blu-ray
sets are scheduled for August 24th releases. The complete series will be released on that date as well.
What do you think? Do you expect to be satisfied by the ending? Is the extra footage enough enticement to purchase the DVD set?
Just saw the finale and I feel the ending was just a huge dissapointment. It didn’t answer
any questions regarding the island’s mystery and who Desmond was and what the rules
were regarding Jacob and the Black smoke monster’s game etc. I feel they tried to finish this story and they didn’t really know how . I feel I just wasted 6 years of my life. I thought for sure we would enlightened about the island and all its mysteries. BIG DISSAPOINTMENT!