ABC surprised more than a few people when the network renewed Men in Trees for a second season. Great, but where did it go?
Marin Frist (Anne Heche) is a best-selling author and relationship coach who helps women find the right man, using her own life as an example. On a plane trip to attend an Alaska conference, she finds out that her finance has been cheating on her and realizes that she doesn’t know as much as she thought she did. Marin decides to stay in the remote town (where the ratio of men to women is 10 to one) so that she can truly learn how to find and keep a good man, and write a new book. The cast also features Abraham Benrubi, Emily Bergl, Seana Kofoed, Suleka Mathew, Derek Richardson, Sarah Strange, Cynthia Stevenson, Lauren Tom, James Tupper, and John Amos.
Men in Trees debuted on September 12, 2006 on ABC. Trees followed the Fall debut of Dancing with the Stars and attracted over 12.1 million viewers. The second episode lost a third of the audience and attracted just over eight million in its regular timeslot. Despite a season of ratings ups and downs, ABC renewed Men in Trees for a second year on March 21st.
Men in Trees has been off the air however since March 8th. ABC pulled the series to make room for the debut of October Road. Trees was originally scheduled to return on April 12th but ABC has reworked its schedule more than once, delaying the return each time.
ABC has now announced that Trees fans will have to wait a whole longer to see new episodes — probably five months. The remaining five episodes of season one will now be part of Trees’ second season, bringing the sophomore year episode total to 27.
Though frustrating and unusual, this isn’t unprecedented. Grey’s Anatomy and Boston Legal both had 27 episode sophomore years. There have been rumors that ABC may change their mind and decide to air the rest this season. We’ll keep you posted so stay tuned!
Cancelled Men in Trees? Whoever made that decision should be in the unemployment line
once again in ur infinite wisdom, u the network has moved this show around and now where is it?……don’t u people ever make sensible decisions with ur time slots…men in trees was the only show i looked forward to…..we do not need another medical, lawyer or crime show….although boston legal is sometimes brilliant..all the rest i never watch
Please bring back Men in Trees! I love this show. Why can’t you move the show to Friday nights instead of showing reruns of Grey’s Anatomy? GA is great, but not two nights in a row! Please bring back men in Trees. Missing Jack. Thanks.
What on Earth is going on with the TV Network people? Haven’t they heard — “if it works, don’t fix it?” “Men in Trees” was a very down-toearth, no brainer, normal, no stress, kick back with a beer or glass of wine and unwind type of entertainment. AND sometimes even funny. Forget cable — if this program doesn’t come back I’m not going to install the “little black box” for TV viewing in 2009. THERE”S NOTHING ELSE WORTH WATCHING (except Channel 13, you guys) — ABC you are losing it!
Get with the program.
Bring Men in Trees back on T.V. There are so few good programs anymore….why would you drop a very good one.
I love the show.Sorry to see it off.Please put it back on.
Please bring back Marin!! and the rest of Emo. Do you need some suggestion on the story line. Just ask the fans. …Build a church or the preacher…now that he has land. Ben could have a winning season with his hockey team or become a father. Cash is sure to go through bad times. Patrick coul leave for a while. Marriage for Cecila. Marriage for Marin and Jack. How about a bad snow storm.. There are all kinds of possiblilties. There are lots of us in Iowa who love the realness of the show. Please bring it back!
Men In Trees is the modern day Northern Exposure but without all the weirdness that Northern Exposure had, Men In Trees is real and so entertaining. In a world of absolute stupid shows that go nowhere, Men In Trees is sch a delight to watch, over and over…..Cash should get more exposure and the love interest between Marin, Cash and Jack is great, it keeps the show alive.
I can’t believe everytime there is a good show on they move it change it around to make room for crap. I think you guys that sit in your plush office’s need to find a real job. You are like the presidential canidates. Never really giving the people what they want or need. You just give the lip service & pretend. We have enough of this in real life. Men in trees was the best show in years. I don’t know how you pull your numbers out of your arse…but there are a lot of fans for men in trees.… Read more »
I cannot believe some of the junk on TV now, please, please bring back Men in Tree’s!!!
Stop pre-empting this show with other junk. The best night of programing was Thurs.
with Grey’s Anatomy and then Men in Trees. (Oct. Rd. a real loser). It is a wonderful
Bring back “Men in Trees”!!! It is way better than “October Road”. Why on earth did the program have to make room for October Road? It is a dud of a show. PLEASE….bring back Men in Trees!!!!
Im and old fart that likes Men In Trees Leave it on! Do not Email me back! thanks.
Please bring back this show>>>> missing the everyday drama. This is one of the best shows on TV.
every week i check for Men in Trees to come back on, what is this channel doing?
I love it and look forward to it now on Friday nights, I stay in just to watch it!!
bring it back PLEASE…..IT’S A GREAT SHOW