Last season, Person of Interest moved to Tuesday nights and lost Taraji P. Henson. The show also lost a lot in the ratings. Will the numbers continue to fall or will they rise with a new lead-in? Is it essentially guaranteed to be renewed for a fifth season by CBS (because of syndication) or, could it be cancelled? Stay tuned.
On Person of Interest, a presumed dead former-CIA agent (Jim Caviezel) and a mysterious billionaire (Michael Emerson) work together to prevent violent crimes in New York City. The rest of the cast includes Kevin Chapman, Sarah Shahi, and Amy Acker.
The ratings are typically the best indication of a show’s likelihood of staying on the air. The higher the ratings (particularly the 18-49 demo), the better the chances for survival. This chart will be updated as new ratings data becomes available — usually the next day, around 11:30am EST/8:30am PST. Refresh to see the latest.
5/11 update: Person of Interest has been renewed for a fifth season on CBS. Will it be the end?
Final season averages: 1.53 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 9.42 million total viewers.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated chart, please try reloading the page or view it here.
Due to a Nielsen glitch, some of the early ratings of the 2014-15 season were revised a few weeks later.
For comparisons: The third season of Person of Interest averaged a 2.0 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 11.83 million total viewers.
Note: Note: These are the Live + Same Day Ratings which include “live” viewing plus delayed DVR viewing, up until 3am local time that same night. Ratings marked with an “*” are the fast affiliate ratings and will be updated with the Live+SD numbers when they are made available. Typically, networks get paid for C+3 ratings which includes DVR viewing within three days of the original airing when commercials are watched. Those numbers are rarely released to the press.
What do you think? Do you still like the Person of Interest TV series? Do you think it should be cancelled or be renewed for a fifth season?
I totally agree with c. reuss
Perhaps you are new to the internet. Using all capital letters is considered shouting. You’re not helping your cause any.
Why do you feel so compelled to rebut every single fan of the show? We get it, you don’t like the show. We do! Besides if the show is as bad as you claim, how do you know? Why are you still watching it?
I haven’t done that, and you know it. I hardly jump on comments the way some of the current “fans” do. I don’t watch it but the ratings interest me, hence visiting the ratings page. I know the show was bad when I stopped watching, and it continues to lose viewers that mainly say (when they post) that they stopped watching because the show is bad. I guess that’s how I know? Anyway, I thought we were leaving things at “disagree” or do you really care to continue with this conversation?
one of the best show i have ever seen….it would be sad if it is stopped…
This show can easily go for a couple more seasons. I have watched every single episode and it just keeps getting better. Short and sweet, this show is AWESOME!!! It would be a mistake to cancel it now.
Agree with both the fact that it is one of the most well written and acted shows on TV these days, it’s intelligent and relevant but IMO simply good storytelling, which after all is what a drama is supposed to be… but also with the fact that Samaritan has run it’s course. I hope the fact that both Shaw and the Machine are in fact alive means they’re leaving those avenues open for a “victory” next season. Loved Elias though and was sad to see him go… but like a previous post above mentioned the show (and the audience) can… Read more »
I LOVE this show…and I have no idea where people are getting the idea that the ratings are so low…just look at the season’s ratings. The lowest numbers were last week – and they were 8.45 MILLION. Is it because the person who wrote the “description” of the show for this website said the ratings were low? Crazy…I just don’t get it! Did it suck when TPH left the show? Absolutely, but life moves on & the show is still awesome!
I don’t know, Dawn. I can remember when the ratings were 16+ MILLION. Seems like half that might be low to some people. Also, it’s the demo that matters most, and that’s less than half of their peak numbers there.
To clarify, the 1.4 they got last time, and their 1.55 season average are both less than half of their highs of 3.4 a couple of years back, before all of their changes to the show and cast.
Excuse me, Elise, I didn’t realize I was speaking to you. Oh, that’s right, I wasn’t. As TS so eloquently said earlier, “I don’t feel the need to defend myself [constantly] so this will be my last [and only] reply to you.” And to clarify, if I’m not mistaken, the one & only POI episode that had 16+Million viewers was the second season, episode 11 (1/03/13). Now, leave it alone.
You asked a question. That doesn’t mean you were speaking to me, but I provided an answer because usually people who ask questions are looking for answers. If what you were asking was your idea of a rhetorical question, then I think you misspoke. Perhaps if you don’t want someone to answer, then don’t asks questions and just stick to comments. You’d love it if I left it alone because while their high was 16+ million in season 2 BEFORE the awful changes they made to the show, the AVERAGE for the season was 14.41 million viewers according to this… Read more »
I agree Dawn. I also think we are getting off tract with our comments about each other. I thought this posting board was about the show not bashing each other. I’m no exception, I do it to. I’m sorry to everyone who disagrees with me. After all we do live in America. But I still think its the best show on Tv. Last night episode was nail biting. I’m sure people like me are holding their breathe about the renewal of the show and who’s going to live or die. We know the machine is alive. This show has everything.… Read more »
Thank you, Laura.
I too stumbled upon this a few years ago, actually because I saw my roommate downloading an episode to watch with his girlfriend. The plot, the fact that the occurrences are extremely well placed in modern society, the characters; all are so finely tuned to match the viewers’ expectations. I just watched the season 4 finale, and would die if we would be left with so many loose ends. I do, however (sorry), have to admit that the show did slow down a little bit from the beginning of season 4 and had to pick up the pace somewhere around… Read more »
Whoever is giving direction to “Person of Interest” turned them into a bunch of losers. If they don’t get them back to being winners immediately, the whole show will be lost.
Agreed. They didn’t even have any small wins this season — a few draws, but mostly just doom, gloom and depression. It’s one thing to make the heroes underdogs. It’s another to give them no chance of winning at all.
I agree with above comments. The writing hsd gotten one tracked in its focus. & nearly rsn the show in the ground. They believe killing chrctrs is shock value and a way to get around mediocre writing. The season finale was
I guess you don’t recognize a common story line trick. Make it seem like everything is hopeless and the win is all the more sweet when it is somehow pulled out of the hat. My opinion is that is what season 5 was to be about. Maybe, I’m wrong – won’t be the first time.
First off, everyone has the right to comment about this show, even those that don’t like it or say it has run out of steam. Just as much as Fans of the show (like myself) have the right to disagree. How can those say the show has run out of ideas? Shaw is still missing? They are all on the run still from Samaritan and I find Greer and very intriguing character. Control is another intriguing character and seems to be (since the last ep) listening a bit more to Finch and team. She seems to be awakening to what… Read more »
Why on earth would CBS even consider canceling this show? Did they ever consider that when moving it from Thursday nights to Tues that was the problem with the ratings? Nevertheless, this is a very well written show with a terrific cast of actors! I have been hooked to it since episode one! The storyline is very today (considering NSA, Snowden, Assange, etc) For the life of me why do networks insist on keeping laugh track silly shows on and consider taking shows like POI away? CBS if anything get rid of the ODD COUPLE, it is an insipid show!… Read more »
“Why on earth would CBS even consider canceling this show?” Easy answer: Because the ratings are low. The downward trend is hard to deny. “Did they ever consider that when moving it from Thursday nights to Tues that was the problem with the ratings?” The ratings started dropping when the show was still on Thursdays. I think they moved it to help stop the hemorrhaging. It just didn’t work. I think many people didn’t like the cast swaps and the change in direction. They could have easily dealt with some of the NSA stuff and other things with the cast… Read more »
We just disagree! No big deal!
Elise, We just disagree! That is all, But, I will say this, Ratings are no indicator as to whether a show has good writing or bad. I could list off many shows over the years that were on for years and were some of the most poorly written dribble ever. And shows that did not last, yet had terrific writing and cast. In my opinion POI is one of those shows with terrific writing and cast, still…… The other, the bates motel. terrific writing and cast also. Now, I don’t expect everyone one to agree with me but it does… Read more »
You don’t need to say we disagree twice. I got it the first time, but I understand that you wanted to add to your original comment. Ratings *may* not be an indicator, but I’d say here they are. They are also and indicator of not having a show that is worth sustaining. If it gets renewed you show thank your lucky stars because it will be by the hairs on its chinny-chin-chin. Using a poll of 100k people at USAToday is even LESS of an indicator of anything than the ratings that at least count in the (declining by) millions.… Read more »
Elise, Now I know you have the right to comment as much as the next person but why do you bother? I find it increasingly amusing that you feel the need to reply to the people that do like the show with reasons why it’s losing viewers, which it seems to be getting some more of again. I don’t understand why you are still on here??? Why haven’t you moved on yet? You must have more exciting things happening in your world to occupy and entertain. In all honesty I don’t know why you waste your time constantly commenting and… Read more »
well said TS
Thanks Laura,
No offence meant to Elise at all. Just feel that to surround with that which you love brings more of that which you love to you and visa-versa.
Blessings and keep on loving POI Laura, I agree with you, it’s an excellent show and I hope it stays around at least to give us an interesting and exciting ending. ***
@TS, you may not mean to offend, but you do, and I’m not the only one. If surrounding one’s self with love is what you care about, then I’d suggest you do that instead of trying to psychoanalyze the people you don’t agree with here, because that can go both ways.
@Laura, you post here more than I do. This isn’t a fan page, so I don’t see why people who like the show have any more of a “right” to post here or “should” post here than others.
And I find it increasingly amusing how you always show up to chastise anyone you don’t agree with, especially if you cannot truthfully contradict what they are saying. Then the question is why are there here? Why are they even posting? Can you say why YOU are here? Why are YOU even posting? If you like the show, TS, then there’s really no need to post about it. There’s really no need for you to be on here defending it with all of your might. Some might say that kind of gentle ferver is a sign that maybe even you… Read more »
Well said, Elisa.
@Elise, I have commented far less on this page than yourself Elise, so your replies are prone to exaggeration. I think though if you look back over the post you will see you you replies to other people who like the he show far out weigh mine. I stay on the post because I do like the show, I’m interested. So again I am curious as to why you care whether it is cancelled or not?? I commented because I was seeing comments from you constantly and always seeming to jump on anyone that liked the show and I felt… Read more »
“I have commented far less on this page than yourself Elise, so your replies are prone to exaggeration.” @TS, please stop with your revisionist history. Prone to exaggeration how? Like in posting FACTS about the show’s performance? I’ve seen quite a few comments from you, jumping on people you disagree with. If you agree with Dawn, then stop being the main person here who STILL makes it about the poster and not the show. All those comments you say you’ve read from me were about the show, and ANSWERS to QUESTIONS people had, like Dawn wondering why the ratings are… Read more »
And lol! You didn’t read my second comment, but you read enough to feel that it was going in circles.
@Casey, thank you. It seems like certain people can’t take it here when others post about the show and they read comments that are true but unsavory to them.
“like the show with reasons why it’s losing viewers, which it seems to be getting some more of again.” Not last episode. The show hit a SERIES LOW in over all viewers. It may get a bump because this next episode is the end of the season? We will see. Also, can I ask why you bother to interrogate people in such a way when you don’t agree with them for posting facts about the show and its performance? It’s increasingly amusing to me that you do this when it must not be the kind of “fun” any loving person… Read more »
@ Elise You are lonely, that much is obvious! I pity you that you have nothing better than to constantly reply to people on here. I don’t feel tht need to defend myself constantly so this will be my last reply to you. I don’t care what you think you see! I have a life outside of this page. For the record I don’t have to justify anything to you or to anyone. I think that you could do with a night getting laid to help take the cork out I that bottle before it pops!!!! You’re uptight, I get… Read more »
Oh, TS. You poor, poor soul. You still can’t manage to make it “about the show and not the poster,” even though you’ve tried in vain to claim that as your life-affirming mantra. Your feathers seem quite ruffled, lobbing accusations about my personal life are you now? Bored? Lonely? Need to get laid… Can it be that you are projecting much? 😉 My, my, how you turn into such a nasty person when the conversation doesn’t go your way. I feel sorry for you, truly. I see now why you struggle so hard, constantly giving others advice you can’t seem… Read more »
I noticed on the book reviews on Amazon that there seems to be cadre of people who spend a great deal of time singling out books and spending inordinate amounts of time bad mouthing them. I know POI is losing viewers. That is an indictment of our society and our economic system. POI is not the only intelligent well-produced show on TV that got cancelled because its audience was not big enough to keep the sponsors happy – happens all the time.
The ratings are low?? The show hasn’t had less than 8.4 Million viewers all season! I can think of at least 10 shows that would kill to have low ratings like those – and the Season Finale was AMAZING!!! I can’t wait until September!!!
I really miss Shaw & Carter
They need to cancel the reality shows!!!!!
I agree totally with you Teresa. You’re right on the money.
I have been following up this series since for the past 4 years .It was really breath taking ,but this season it slowed down as if they run out of ideas .I guess they felt so especially it os not renewed until now ,so they showed all kind of surprises in the 21th episode .I wish they keep it high and continue with the same pace .
Person of Interest is by far my favorite show on tv, it’s a shame it’s so underrated though. I wish CBS would do more to promote it, i never see it advertised like it should be. I found this show online a few years ago, almost like it was hidden, and by chance (or luck) i stumbled upon the most intelligent and addictive show I’ve ever seen. Before then, I’ve never even heard of it, like a lot of people now, which is a shame.
I love this show. I often think because it is a somewhat complicated premise with AI in a pivotal role the masses don’t get it. Or maybe don’t care. Boy, are they going to be surprised when singularity occurs!
Please cancel POI, i hate to admit it but the show has become such a lame SCI-Fi Soap Opera.
This season there was NOTHING which was at least surprising or spectacular.
Everything that has happened this season i saw from miles away. It definetely runs out of breath.
If you don’t like it don’t watch it. I never comment on tv shows I don’t like, I just don’t watch it . POI is still a favorite of mine and many others that want it renewed.
Laura, that’s is exactly why the ratings fell. People stopped liking the show and so they stopped watching the show. Falling ratings leads to cancellation. Perhaps it’s best to let people express what they don’t like something so that the powers that be have a chance to fix things before it’s too late. That’s certainly a much better solution then suggesting people make the problem worse by just not watching. 😉
Very well said, Cuttler. The “true fans” do the showrunners no favors by quashing criticism of the show. To look at some of the fan pages, they would have no idea that anyone was unhappy with POI — only that they’d stopped watching it.
I sadly agree with you. I want really badly to like this show, because it was a great idea for a show. The original “procedural” aspect of dealing with a different ‘number’ every week had endless possibilities.
I think the show went bad when Samaritan became a recurring nemesis. The whole show turned from something hopeful and positive, into something dark and foreboding. I still watch it, but if it gets cancelled with 50 loose ends, I won’t care.