Last night, NBC aired the final two episodes of their mystery-thriller series, Persons Unknown. The show revolves around a group of people who wake up in a small town and must figure out how to survive and escape. The cast includes Chadwick Boseman, Lee Purcell, Jason Wiles, Andy Greenfield, Daisy Betts, Tina Holmes, Alan Ruck, Kate Lang Johnson, Sean O’Bryan, and Gerald Kyd.
NBC waited until summer to air Persons Unknown; a time when fewer people watch television and their isn’t much competition. On Monday nights, it got very poor ratings, even for a summer show, and was consequently sent to the TV graveyard known as Saturday nights.
Remi Aubuchon, one of the show’s executive producers, has said that the show was originally envisioned to have self-contained seasons but could easily run for multiple years. Based on the ratings and their treatment of the series, it is highly unlikely that NBC will bring Persons Unknown back for a second season.
What do you think? In all likelihood, last night’s installment is the final episode. What do you think of the Persons Unknown finale? Were enough questions answered in “Shadows in the Cave” to satisfy you?
Image courtesy NBC.
Great show….bring it back for Season 2!
It was a decent ending. I knew from the start that this show would not run more than one season. I am just glad that they aired (nearly) all episodes on tv. I was really into happy town when they stopped sowing them on tv and only showed the last few online. Maybe the dvd will have some decent bonus features with a little more information about “the program”.
I really hope they make another Season of this show
It wasnt done at all i dont think
The ending was meant to tie things up. Since the show was getting cancelled, they did the best they could. Their best was horrible. It seems we are getting a lot of shows lately that have a good plot to start out the series, but end up not knowing where to go. I think the networks should really look into where new shows see themselves going. I understand that the writers had no idea if they would get to see things through, but I blame them for a awful ending. Level 2… you’re better than that !!
I thought the writers for Lost were really talented, until the last episode! I love untangling a mystery and when the show/story concludes most viewers want to know how their theory measured up with the writer’s. To leave everyone still wondering does not impress me or any of the people I have talked to about Lost. Because Persons Unknown was less of a commitment -just one summer- I can walk away feeling fine and not ripped off. If you write more keep in mind how the viewers of Lost felt and please don’t end the story in the same fashion.… Read more »
This is why I hate NBC and rarely watch anything new on this station. They have no respect for their audience and think the only thing we want to watch is Law and Order. I am done with NBC! All will be revealed? Right!!
ok.. first off. Please don’t compare this show to flashforward…flashforward had to have some of the worst writing and acting I have seen in television history. This show was better acted, they actually maintained the suspense instead of totally killing it. The producers of flashforward should be banned from hollywood.. forever. part of the problem with the rating what the fact this show was pre-empted for sports.. shame it wont be coming back.
I Loved this show!!! :-(((((((((((((((((
Poor brilliant Chris McQuarrie – why do they keep doing this to him? He is simply too sophisticated for commercial television. So they give him shows with a built in recipe to fail. In general, I’ve had it with the “mystery” shows that drop off the face of the earth – a true miniseries with a satisfying ending would have been a redeeming formula here, and instead it seems a pity to have put any effort into production on their side, and investment in the story on my side.
Ending horrible, but it’s my fault for watching a show like this and having it not renewed. Remember ‘Traveler?’ Same thing; ratings poor, so audience left hanging. From now on I will wait until a show makes it to DVD. I’e rather have a spoiler ending than this.
I thought that Persons unknown was a terrific show. I and a few friends at work looked forward to it each week. I certainly had many theories which all proved to be wrong.
More please.
i hated the ending! i like happy endings, endings with closure! this had neither- no i was not satisfied and i won’t be watching again-
the name of the boat was “lost souls” 😉
This show was not concluded well. I still don’t know what really happened. Was Level 2 Hell?
We will probably never know.
This ratings things is a farce. This show was very clever & could definitely go far. Too bad they pulled the plug on this show just like Flashforward. Like we need another reality show, right? Hole in the head? make any sense?? Geez