FOX’s Reunion was a very unique series that told the story of six friends over a span of 20 years. The show started with their high school graduation and flashed forward to a 20 year reunion and one of them being murdered.
Unfortunately, the series was cancelled and only 13 episodes were written and shot. Though we’ve been told who the murderer might have been, there are so many other storylines and mysteries that need to be answered.
To: Class IV Productions and Warner Bros. Television
We, the undersigned, watched and followed the Reunion television series faithfully. We were extremely upset when the series was prematurely ended and so many storylines were not resolved.
We ask that you do the right thing and finally bring Reunion to a proper conclusion. Please film an ending for the series or, at the very least, release detailed storylines on a DVD set. We are convinced that there is still a great market for this clever and dramatic show.
Thank you for your consideration.