In the first round of this “smackdown” game, we asked you to make a difficult choice. From a list of more than 30 TV shows that could potentially be cancelled this season, you could vote for only one.
Interestingly, though all series have their fans, some shows didn’t get very many votes at all. When viewers have to choose only one, these got the short end of the stick ‘Til Death, Brothers, the forgotten, and Past Life only received votes totaling in the single digits. Past Life has been cancelled already and the other three almost certainly won’t be returning next season either.
Conversely, six other TV shows are clear favorites. Better Off Ted, Castle, Chuck, Fringe, Medium, and Trauma all received a high percentage of the 1,600 votes cast.
Round Two: Which bubble show should be saved?
Total Votes: 3,035 Loading ...
Well, now it’s time to move on to the next round of the game. We’ve taken the top six shows from the first round and now you get to vote again. Hopefully round two will be easier than the first.
As always, you can vote only once. At the end of this round, we’ll take the top two programs and ask you to choose again. By the end of round three we’ll have a winner and know which “bubble ” you’d like to see saved most.
Don’t delay, this round closes on Sunday, March 7th. Come on, tell us which bubble show would you save if you had the power to do so?
After you’ve voted, leave a comment below and share your decision. You might just convince someone to follow your lead!
UPDATE: This round has been closed, continue to round three!
Actually, its hard to really choose between cancelling two very good shows. I chose castle to stay on, but we do watch Fringe and absolutely love it (sorry if i misspell a word, my L key is stuck 🙂 . We love both shows and really if one of them is dropped, i say another network SHOULD pick them up immediately because theyd have a hit on their hands! Thing is, you invest time and emotion into shows, and the characters, then suddenly the show is off the air and youre left feeling withdrawal pains. We used to love the… Read more »
I watch Chuck every week and I love Fringe – but I would be lost without Castle!
There is great chemistry between them and the story lines are very intriguing. Hope it stays.
I am always amazed at the shows that wind up canceled and the crap they choose to give another shot. This is not to say they dont keep great shows, they certainly do, but why is Castle on the list of possibles and didnt they just save Medium from the ax by moving it to another network? The forgotten is a how that has actually helped a family close a case on their missing loved one that was an unidentified body simply by the public service announcement that occurs during the show, besides that its a great show. Ok, now,… Read more »
Castle is one of the funniest shows on TV right now. Nathan Fillion is terrific along with the rest of the cast. I am so glad he is on this show, he was fantastic in the movie “Waitress”. If you don’t watch it, try it out I’m sure you’ll love it. I hope they don’t take this show off because then there will be nothing to watch on Monday night.
Our family’s 2 favorite shows are Chuck & Castle. We make watching them together a priority each week. These 2 are too good to be cancelled – they are more original, fun & entertaining than everything else on TV.
I love Trauma, there is a lot of variety in Trauma about everyday way of life but most of all ACTION and all of the actors are very good at what they do especially Rabbit and the time slot it was in was perfect. Please do not take my Trauma away.
If you haven’t given “Better Off Ted” a try you are missing out. Big Time! A friend lent me the first season on DVD and I was immediately hooked. Easily the funniest new show in years!
Save Ted and Chuck!!!!!! 2 of the best shows on TV- smart comedy and smart/funny spy show. Dump half the reality shows- The Bachelor, The Loser, and who cares about washed up celebrities dancing????
Fringe is by far the best show on TV and definately the best of the group mentioned. I don’t belive an intelligent and inventive show like this should be cancelled, or will be cancelled. Last I heard it’s doing quite well, and has a huge following. Just check out the website on Fox to see why. It’s on hiatus right now, which is smart because of the Olympics and pending March Madness college basketball. It returns April 1st with 8 new epidodes.Do yourself a favor and watch this superb show. The cast, characters, and writing is awesome. After all it… Read more »
WE LOVE CASTLE, my husband and i think its one of the funniest shows around, with mystery, family relatioships, and cant forget that the other actors that make up castle are just as funny. Medium, used to be our number one show, we loved it and still watch it , but something is a bit off and has been for like the last season or so. Its like Joe and her employers by NOW should know that when she says something, its going to happen or has happened. Still it seems, like theyre always a bit of doubt on their… Read more »
I love “Castle” – its’ smart and funny. Nathan Fillion is great and I love the relationship between him and his mother and daughter. Keep it coming!
Castle is too funny! It is a awesome show and should not be cancelled! I love this show and it is the only show that me and my husband sit down and watch together; THIS IS OUR SHOW! Please do not take this away!
Keep Castle on! Finally a witty, feel good show that includes family in it as well, and they want to cancell that? FORGET IT!! Youve got a good, no, a great thing going here. We love Castle!
Why on earth is Castle always on the chopping block? It is a really cute witty show.