It looks like the cross-dressing guys of Work It are out of work again. ABC has cancelled the new sitcom, pulling it from the schedule after just two episodes.
Work It revolves around a pair of unemployed guys — Lee Standish (Ben Koldyke) and Angel Ortiz (Amaury Nolasco) — who get jobs at a pharmaceuticals company when they apply dressed as women. The cast also includes Beth Lacke, John Caparulo, Rebecca Mader, Rochelle Aytes, Kate Reinders, Kirstin Eggers, and Hannah Sullivan.
The first episode of Work It, attracted a 2.0 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 6.16 million total viewers. When compared to the debut of already-canned Man Up!, ABC was down by 17% in the ratings.
This week’s installment dropped like a rock, down 20% to a 1.6 in the demo with only 5.1 million.
ABC pulled Man Up! after the sitcom posted similar numbers and now they’ve yanked Work It, effective immediately. Repeats of Last Man Standing will fill the timeslot for the remainder of the month. The unaired episodes of Work It may surface over the summer.
Cougar Town fans are hoping that their sitcom will return sooner than expected. Series co-creator Bill Lawrence tweeted that he’s “hoping CT’s premiere date will be announced Tuesday.”
What do you think? Are you sorry that Work It has been cancelled? Do you think the show’s as bad as everybody says?
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Image courtesy ABC.
I like Daniella’s Idea, and i would suggest cancel ALL sitcoms except THE BIG BANG THEORY. The only sitcom worth watching because it’s the only one that is consistently FUNNY. No, it’s freaking HILARIOUS
Here’s a novel idea…..Why not Cancel Cougartown also?
Nobody under 30 watches that crap also.
This show was a stupid idea to begin with. Did the creators really think someone wants to see men dressed up as women on a weekly basis? Also, how long could it be fun? How many stories can you do with that premise without getting old? The acting wasn’t even bad everything accounted for, but sorry, it was not a surprise it’s getting canned. On the other hand I really find it shocking, that a new series is being cancelled after only TWO episodes. It couldn’t have hurt if they’d broadcast the episodes already produced. They already paid for it,… Read more »
I had no fantacy that this show would stay on the air. The actors were good, and I really hope they find other work soon. That being said, at least Cougar Town will be back sooner rather than later, and with any luck for a good, long time. I keep seeing people post about Man Up in this thread. I for 1 LOVED Man Up, and really have no idea why it was canceled so quickly. I see the people who have posted negatively about the show, and have seen them be h8ers in several other threads. I consider myself… Read more »
I laugh at this because it only lasted for 2 episodes!!!
They should have kept faith with man up! it was much better than work it and had real promise. Someone should be held accountable for this debacle in programming. BRING BACK MAN UP!!!
I’ve just watched the pilot. Pretty dire.
I did laugh when (SPOILER ALERT)
he sat down and took out his enormous sandwich.
But the rest of it deserved to die.
the only reason i watched was out of morbid curiosity – it seemed like the plot of a sitcom episode, not the basis of a sitcom!
I’m so sad – NOT.
Canned after only two episodes! I’m in shock… I thought it’d get pulled after three. Still, good riddance to bad rubbish. Maybe Amaury Nolasco can get a decent job after this? Though I feel sorry for all involved; any paycheck is better than no paycheck at all, and for them to be attached to this project, they must’ve been desperate to begin with.
I get more enjoyment watching Courtney Cox and Christa Miller, so bring on Cougar Town.
How an you be sorry when the show was doomed even before it started?
Abc is bad about pulling shows. They do not care about the viewers all they care about is ratings. So some shows don’t get big hits maybe some of us like shows like this or ones u cancelled. I think Everyone should stop watching abc an let all their ratings pludge an maybe they will start asking the viewers an keeping some of these small rating shows? They an all stations is like the govt they dictate what when an how our lives r affected
I knew this show was going to be terrible ABC!!! It lasted shorter than “Man Up!”
Hate to admit it but… I rather found it to be mindless fun. Don’t know that I would say that I will miss it though.