As I wrote here, the hope of saving the well-respected series largely depended on the performance of the series finale (a two-hour episode called “Foreverwood”). Another WB series, 7th Heaven, had been cancelled previously but, because so many people (over seven million households) tuned in for the series finale, execs changed their mind and renewed the series for another season on the new CW network. Could the same thing happen for Everwood?
Well, over four million households reportedly watched the series finale of Everwood. Though this is a very good number for the series, it isn’t an impressive number in relation to other shows. As a result, the CW hasn’t issued any new information regarding the series. It seems that Everwood remains cancelled.
Adding insult to injury, Warner Bros. has announced that seasons two, three and four of Everwood will not be released on DVD in the foreseeable future. The sales for season one were disappointing so they don’t want to take a chance on releasing future seasons.
What can you do? Two things. First, keep writing to Warner Bros. and the CW and tell them that you would like to see the show renewed for a fifth season and new DVDs. Secondly, consider buying the Everwood season one DVD set. It’s well under $20 at Amazon and, as of this writing, the series is one of Amazon’s top-selling DVD sets. If this trend continues, execs may be convinced to produce new Everwood stories (a tv-movie perhaps?) and DVD sets.
My husband and I were very disappointed that Everwood was taken off the air. It was the BEST show on TV and we never missed an episode. So many shows have been taken off the air that we really have enjoyed that we are to the point that we just don’t even want to get interested in another one and get used to watching it just so it can be cancelled. It’s always the really good ones that are cancelled. Someone has absolutely no clue what they are doing! The BEST decision they could make would be to bring back… Read more »
I feel like such an idiot! Here it is over a MONTH after the questions about whether “We saved Everwood”–I didn’t even know it was a QUESTION!! I live for this show…my entire TV viewing schedule revolves around the air-times of first-run episodes. It was CERTAINLY not made very public that it was in danger of being cancelled. The last episode wasn’t even aired as a POSSIBLE final episode
I REALLY want Everwood renewed! This is beyond unbelievable–it even airs in EUROPE!! They never pick up US shows that aren’t projected to do well. The whole point in PICKING… Read more »
Does anyone know were we can find the other saeasons of Everwood? I bought the first season and would like to know how to get the other seasons. Tks.
Your site is great!!
I am so disappointed that Everwood has been cancelled. In my opinion, this show had several more seasons to go before it reached its end. In addition, I can’t believe they now are not going to be releasing Seasons 2, 3 & 4 on DVD. We recently purchased Season 1 and have completed watching all 23 episodes and now we won’t be able at least continue watching re-runs after the WB cancelled the show. What a disappointment. The WB cancelled the only 2 decent shows in it’s programming and made a huge mistake. Well, we won’t be watching any shows… Read more »
I am so saddened that Everwood has been cancelled. I was a faithful viewer for all 4 years. When Everwood first came on the air, I was at a very, very low point in my life. I used to so look forward to Monday nights when it came on. I had Tivo’d all of this past season. Believe it or not, I just watched about 11 episodes in a row. (I had Tivo’d from the first show of this year until the end in June). I HAD to skip forward to watch the finale. I was so sad with tears… Read more »
everwood was one THE most inspiring show on television.
I can’t believe that a crap show like Charmed lasted as many seasons as it did but Everwood is being cancelled before its due time. Everwood had loyal viewers and I believe if 7th Heaven had remained out of the picture, the 7th Heaven family-drama seeking fans would have turned to Everwood to fill their Monday-night void. Is it at all possible that ABC Family might pick up where the WB left off, sort of like when Roswell (or Buffy?) switched from the WB to UPN?
I think that more people would have watched the finale had it been publicized more, i was shocked when watching the second to last episode and then finding out that the seasonfinale was the next week. I was very made about it. I hope it comes back, I have watched 7th Heaven and Everwood faithfully. I do not see how they can bring back 7th Heaven and not Everwood, which i feel has surpassed 7th Heaven.
It is very sad to see that such a wonderful and inspiring show would be taken off the air. I loved watching Everwood. Please reconcider taking it off the air for good.
Please bring Everwood back i love the show and i always look forward to watching it. All of my family watches it and so do all of my friends. Please we were so sad to see that i was not coming back. I will be a guest star and bring some spice into it if you want to me to. Just film part of it in Wisconsin. Please i love everwood and plus gregory smith is FINE!!!!!
i am very upset that everwood has been cancelled. first of all it was a very good show, and out of no where you cancel it. and why couldn’t you promote there last show????? i had to flip through the channells to realize it was a new one. you guys are retarted to take that show off. all because a merge of television stations. well your all going to go bankrupt if you keep taking good shows off. keep up the good work!!!!!
Sandi: WB’s schedule doesn’t show any Everwood repeats thus far (which I believe is the norm for them). The cable channel ABC Family has purchased the rights to air the series so I would watch their schedules in the Fall.
I missed the last episode. I did not realize it was two hrs long. Will the last episode be repeated? If so, please advise when. Also, I am sorry to see the series end.
Actually, WB did not say that Everwood will not be released on DVD. They said it’s not currently on the schedule, but are constantly evaluating their titles. Nothing is ruled out, especially since Everwood has jumped up to Amazon’s top 10 in DVD sales. For more info, check out and look at the “Interivew with Warner Bros.” articles – they mention the show several times.