The USA Network is planning to announce today that Fairly Legal has been renewed for a second season. Production is set to get underway this summer and the episodes are expected to air in the early part of 2012. The cable channel has ordered 13 installments, three more than season one.
While the legal dramedy has been successful for USA, it hasn’t been the breakout hit that the the cable channel believes it can be. According to Deadline, the renewal comes on the strength of the show’s lead, Sarha Shahi, and the potential they see in the program.
Word is that Fairly Legal will undergo some creative changes in season two. According to USA co-president Jeff Wachtel, “We think there is a creative and audience upside to the show… Not every first season is the best, and we think it is a show that can do better.”
What do you think? Are you glad to hear Fairly Legal is being renewed? Are you concerned about the “creative changes?” If you were in charge, what would you change, if anything?
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Image courtesy USA.
I love the show. Kate is the personality I’d love to have.
Why did you not give Life a chance that was a great program.
I hope that Kate does not leave Justin, is this why they brought Ben on the show so that he would end up with Kate, he is a pest, he does nothing for the show. I do not know why you feel that Ben was needed on the show it was fine the way it was. Why do producers think the show will better by adding a new person on the show. Justin and Kate are better together. I’m sorry to say I will not continue to watch the show if Kate ends up with Ben.
I love the show just as it is – it’s not broken – PLEASE DON’T FIX IT! For the record, my husband and I both love it and we are very senior citizens and we live in a suburban area of Spokane, WA.
Excellent series ….hhope that it will continue…love the way Sarah gets around the jerks……..
I’m relieved that the shows coming back. I enjoyed it and have been waiting for it’s return. And, news flash to Mark, most people don’t hate California. It’s a beautiful place, though I have only vitisted there since I live on the east coast. Too bad Mark is so jealous of the place. He musat live is a cold, dank place.
I am an older viewer, and really like this show. Good storyline and not about who will be having sex with who. The actor’s interact well with each other. Looking forward to new season to see how Kate’s firing is being handled.
So glad it is coming back, very good show and I love sarha
I am sooo happy Fairly Legal is coming back. I love it!! I have been in withdrawal since season 1 ended…
Just finished watching the last two episodes on season 1 (thanks DTV for a reliable DVR) and was just checking. Glad to here there will be a season 2 and will decide whether to continue watching based on my like/dislike of the “changes”.
I am pleased to know that Fiarly Legal will be back. I was wondering about it. It’s a
great series, I didn’t miss a one. So light-hearted and believable.
I like this show…but I liked “Life” better. “Life” would have had a life on USA versus the small chance NBC gave it.
I like the USA shows and the actress for Fairly Legal BUT, the first few episodes that I watched had that same-old california-liberal bent to them as if the writers NEVER left california. News flash; most American’s hate california and their greater-than-thou attitude.
That gorgeous woman is coming back. Alright, USA!
Yes I’m glad it’s being brought back. But what ‘creative changes’ do they mean exactly? The first season was really good I think. Sarah was funny and smart. But the changes? That could be bad.