Vulture Watch
Can Miles ever leave his criminal past behind? Has the Get Shorty TV show been cancelled or renewed for a fourth season on EPIX? The television vulture is watching all the latest cancellation and renewal news, so this page is the place to track the status of Get Shorty, season four. Bookmark it, or subscribe for the latest updates. Remember, the television vulture is watching your shows. Are you?
What’s This TV Show About?
Airing on the EPIX television channel, Get Shorty stars Chris O’Dowd and Ray Romano with Sean Bridgers, Lidia Porto, Carolyn Dodd, Goya Robles, Megan Stevenson, Steven Weber, and Sarah Stiles. Loosely based on the Elmore Leonard novel, the TV show follows Miles Daly (O’Dowd) the muscle for a Nevada crime ring. He tries to become a movie producer in Hollywood with the help of a washed-up producer, Rick Moreweather (Romano), as a means to leave his criminal past behind. In season three, Miles embraces more ruthless methods as he settles scores and attempts to climb the Hollywood ladder.
As of March 11, 2025, Get Shorty has not been cancelled or renewed for a fourth season. Stay tuned for further updates.
Telly’s Take
Will EPIX cancel or renew Get Shorty for season four? The channel is a cable-Internet hybrid channel and isn’t part of the Nielsen system. Since I don’t have ratings, I must rely on my gut. My sense is that this show will be renewed for a fourth season. Whenever MGM TV and EPIX want to end the show, they’ll renew Get Shorty for a final season rather than cancel it without warning. I’ll update this page with breaking developments. Subscribe for free alerts on Get Shorty cancellation or renewal news.
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What do you think? Do you hope the Get Shorty TV show will be renewed for a fourth season? How would you feel if EPIX cancelled this TV series, instead?
Please bring it back!!
I will be heartbroken if this very clever and riveting show with its superb cast is not renewed.
I love the series.
Just watched the 3 seasons!
Amazingly clever, funny, and always a new unexpected twist!
Hope they renew!
Great show. Please renew.
Definitely continue this show! I am a TV/movie lover, and Get Shorty was one of the best shows I’ve seen in awhile.
Please Bring Season 4! Please?
Get Shorty is without a doubt one of our favorite TV series! Clearly episode 7 of the third season was not the finale! There were too many open end cliffhangers m. Amara ended up being alive when presumed dead? Then they’re going to liquidate her emergency cash and jewels? Then the woman who was in charge with the cartel here in LA now in a wheelchair, said that although Hector have been advised to stand down he could very well do what he did before and go over their head to get the okay from Mexico! Miles was about ready… Read more »
Not sure why a renewal is taking so long. They need to renew this show already. Epix is making me nervous. This show is one of the best on TV.
At first I thought the animal head silhouette in the closing shot was the metaphorical coyote seen in the video ( that may yet cause further legal issues in Season 4, if renewed) but also interpreted it as it might be Miles German Shepherd guard dog following concerns about the security of his new home (even though his position stationary at the door
seemed precarious due to presenting a tempting sniper target). He was following advice of increasing personal security on one hand then living dangerously staring off into the dark.
I love this show. It would be a shame not to have a fourth season. Please please please have a fourth.
I could not agree more with your statement! Everyone I talked to you about this show loves it yeah. There’s nothing in the middle about it. They set up the fourth Season up very well, and the third season 7 episode. I think the biggest shocker reveal in season 4 will be that Amara is still alive, along with seeing if Hector actually does stand down or if he does as predicted and goes over their head to Mexico which I anticipate. So excited for the 4th season!
Please renew for a fourth season. Creative entertaining series
Amen to that! There is no possible way they could end the series on such a cliffhanger there are so many open-ended topics that it would not end this way. MGM will come through you’ll see
One can only hope the realize what they have- Haven’t felt like this since Justified didn’t continue-
Would be a shame to leave it incomplete.
So many story lines available- it’s a writers dream job-
Right on, could not have said it better myself! Go forth season of Get Shorty and many more :-).
Of course Get Shorty must return in 2020. It’s fantastic entertainment!
Is one of my top favorite three television series. Come on, there are a few good episodes of original series on premium channels but this is one of the best no question.
Please another season. This is a great show and at least give it a final season. So invested in these great characters!
I agree! Davey Holmes really knows how to write this series and write these characters. It’s magical the way he brings them to life and all of the curves, dives, unexpected twist that are going to lie ahead that we never suspected.
Love love love this show! Our favorite! Please bring back for more seasons!
I am with you!