Heroes follows a group of ordinary humans who have developed extraordinary powers. The series’ large ensemble cast includes Adrian Pasdar, Ali Larter, Cristine Rose, Greg Grunberg, Hayden Panettiere, Jack Coleman, James Kyson Lee, Masi Oka, Milo Ventimiglia, Robert Knepper, Sendhil Ramamurthy, and Zachary Quinto.
NBC’s recent cancellation of Heroes came as little surprise. The TV show’s ratings have been in decline for quite awhile and more than a few people have complained about the crazy storylines. The network considered renewing the TV show for a shortened fifth season but ultimately decided against it.
Quinto, who became a household name because of Heroes, wrote about the cancellation on his blog. In a post titled, “chapter’s end…”, he wrote about his gratitude for the series, his collaborators, and the viewers.
the road ahead…
yesterday nbc announced that heroes is officially cancelled. as much as we have been aware of this possibility for a few weeks – it remains surreal to consider that the decision has been made. the action has been taken. and this chapter (or volume) is really over for all of us who worked on the show – and for all of you who watched it. i want to extend myself in a huge swell of gratitude to all of the fans. for investing in the stories we told. for engaging in the characters we created. and for standing by us through all the ups and downs of what was at times a rocky road. your commitment enriched the experience for all of us – and i know that we will always be grateful for your enthusiasm. it has been a true honor to share this time in my life with my amazing cast mates and our indomitable crew. i will certainly miss them most of all. the gift of working alongside such talented and inspiring people is something i will carry with me everywhere i go from here. and no matter where my work and my life take me – i will forever look back on heroes as the game changer. tim kring and the original creative team and writing staff took a risk on me to play gabriel gray when there was no reason to risk – besides their belief in me. they gave voice to a character that has challenged me and rewarded me beyond my wildest imagination. i will never forget that. it is humbling and deeply moving. so i thank them. and i thank you. and i assure you that while this door has closed – and as cliché as it sounds – others are flying open even as we speak. this is only the beginning in so many ways. and i hope that the fans i have made through this profound experience will follow me into many new and unchartered territories. i think the sarmy should lead the charge… it’s only fitting after all. thanks for your many well wishes and for your loyalty. let us move on with gratitude. that is exactly what i intend to do.
Visit Quinto’s blog for future posts.
Image courtesy NBC.
I can understand the fear people will think they could have some powers specially the governments and leaders. Just imagine what would the world be like if people discover their abilities like telepathy on the way we saw in Heroes. Or when we could use more % of our brains what would we be capable of?? I believe the governments are afraid of people discovering some powers and to mislead human they use media. Take the tv shows and commercials where families and friends gather to see how people treating each other with jealousy, greed, money, power, emotions that have… Read more »
I personally thought Heroes was a very good show. I have *ALWAYS been into the sy-fy power kinda stuff. 😉 R.I.P Heroes ~ You will be dearly missed
– Love Raina
Loved heroes the carnival was definately the downfall of the show
I miss Heroes! I was hoping for a fifth season, because the finale was such a cliffhanger. Oh well, I suppose. =(
And I liked the storytelling. I could keep up with it. Then again I suppose I’m kind of weird like that, tending to like shows that a lot of people get confused by. (Or something. I’m rambling and am going to stop now.)
its just a shame that a great show like this isnt going to continue. I guess we will have to look foreward to another stupid cop show, how about csi new orleans? or another terrible hospital show.
Heroes was amazing! Watched every episode when it aired, no matter what, from the beginning to the end. I will admit, rough patches, sure. But still loved all the characters. Really think other sotrylines that were never fully ventured could have taken the show in a whole new, better direction. Atleast, at the very very very very least, NBC should have done a 2 hour finale event, just for closure. I think fans deserve that. Will miss mondays, and all the heroes.
Sy-fy if you are listening please pick up Heroes ! we need heroes !
I was sooooo disappointed at the finale of season 4. What a whimpy ending! I was a true follower and DVR’ed every episode, but have to admit the ending was totally blah. The carnival had such potential for the wierdly odd with exciting twists, but never developed. Samuel in handcuffs?? What a pile, no pun intended!! Mr. Kring, you just returned too late. One thing I don’t regret about watching every episode is the amount of Japanese I was able to learn from Hiro and Ando. Love you guys, domo. Looking forward to seeing you guys in syndication on the… Read more »
What about the guy that made miniature blackholes or not even be a blackhole maybe he had something to do with it or may be part of that story?
Well i would suppose that the future part will be revealed and show even heroes and villain’s alike from both future and present or a alternate reality. In where it explains that there was an antagonizer trying to shift their reality to happen in turn to save their world and destroy the mainline or etc etc. Like future Hiro and peter and Sylar and any other fore mentioned characters that really didn’t exist or did. And that Hiro may of been the cause of some galactic time screwup from altering #### several times. Nothing like having Sylar shifting through time… Read more »
I loved Heroes when it started, great storylines, interesting characters, mysterious backstories. All the fundamentals that for me make for must see viewing. Sadly by the 3rd and 4th series I’d completely lost touch with who was ‘good’, who was’bad’ and who was on whose sides. And I’m not easily confused, I’ve stuck with Lost all the way through and understand those storylines. Sorry Heroes, you were great for a while but it’s definitely time to go.
Hopefully Scifi picks this up…..
I really hoped another season would bring it back. The Carnival story-line was cliched, predictable and didn’t reveal evough of the back story.
Can we just have a show called SYLAR?
john thunder what are you smoking this blog is for heroes only because it was us that kept the show on air for 4 seasons. thanks to zach quinto and his cast mates for the wonderful four years on nbc. will miss you zach and the cast including milo. and he’s right now many new doors will open to them for future projects.
No problem zach,heroes was terrible,the character named gabriel was terrible,finally you were a terrible choice to play gabriel.
Good riddance to this piece of garbage.I’m very pleased that this crap got cancelled.
that’s just your opinion.
I’m re-watching my Heroes DVDs from seasons 1 and 2 with my boyfriend, who is watching the show for the first time, and enjoying every minute… especially Qunito’s performance as Sylar. He was truly and exquisite villain. I love him as Spock in Star Trek, but he will always be Sylar to me.