Last night, NBC burned off the final two episodes of Prime Suspect. The TV series has been ratings-challenged right from the start and, in November, NBC acknowledged that they wouldn’t be ordering any installments beyond the initial 13 episode order. The official word was that they would re-evaluate once all of the episodes had aired but everyone knew that it was really being cancelled.
If there was even a glimmer of hope that Prime Suspect might see a second season, the ratings for the final episodes didn’t help. Prime Suspect’s numbers continued to dwindle in the latter part of 2011. Last night, following a month hiatus, the finale registered a new series low.
Prime Suspect has been all but officially cancelled by NBC and its replacement, The Firm, is doing even worse. Last Thursday’s episode registered a 0.9 rating for its fourth episode. It took Prime Suspect 10 weeks to drop that low. Fortunately for fans of The Firm, NBC purchased 22 episodes up front. It remains to be seen if they’ll all air.
At the recent TCA press tour, NBC execs noted that, had Prime Suspect been on a premium cable channel like Showtime, it would have been declared a hit and would have been quickly renewed. Maybe but we’ll never know.
What do you think? Are you sorry that this was the end of Prime Suspect? Why do you think it didn’t catch on? Would it have been a hit on HBO or Showtime or even on a basic cable station like TNT?
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Image courtesy NBC.
Another one of our favs cancelled…BUMMER!! I can’t believe it. I just found out about AWAKE and now this. Holy Smokes! It doesn’t even pay to start watching something new on NBC anymore! Please reconsider these two shows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We recorded all the episodes and are only just now viewing them. I wonder if others have done that and thus it might appear that fewer people are watching than actually are (or will be). My husband and I love the show! We’ve always enjoyed Maria Bello’s work, and we think the rest of the cast is excellent as well. The story line is well written…I think this program just slipped between the cracks…was not given enough coverage. Mr. TV Execs, please renew!!
This was one of the very few NEW shows that was really enjoyable. Characters were very good. Great Chemistry. Good Story-lines. It may not be original story-telling however it carries very well considering the format. Casting is excellent. Typical Networks if it doesn’t get viewers within the first two episodes — THE END. Viewers tend to be a bit more considerate when new shows are aired. This show is very popular outside the US. It only t0ok 2-3 episodes to really get involved with the characters. Other shows – no matter how much time you invest in them – never… Read more »
What a total bummer, I really enjoyed watching Prime Suspect.
One of the better shows on network TV. Too bad would have loved to see more of it.
I can’t believe that NBC cancelled Prime Suspect. It was one of the better shows on this year. NBC needs to listen to the people before they get trounced even worse by the other networks.
love love love this show, I just don’t understand why it would be cancelled. put it on again, one of the best shows I’ve seen in a very long time.
I loved Prime Suspect. I’m sick about this cancellation. Great cast and excellent acting. What a shame to end it now!
Another reason I need to quit watching network television. Every show I like gets canceled! Enough of the reality shows!!!
Loved the show. I wish it were still on.
Prime Suspect is a great show. Great ensemble cast, well written, witty banter, interesting story lines = target for cancellation. Go figure. Is everything just about ratings and ad dollars? I guess so.
Another great show cancelled….why do they have gaps in episodes and think that people can really stay interested in a new show or even know when it will be on when everyone is super busy trying to work for a living and survive…..crazy, they should’ve given this show a chance. It was really good and I am going to miss it.
This is a great show! The acting and writing was smart and real. It needed a chance! maria bello was believable ,but I can see how some men wouldn’t like seeing a female being the strong detective in this show or any show! we still live in a male dominated world… Unless the female is dressed provactively men won’t give it a chance! Sad but truth!
I concur with the aforementioned comments. The characters were real. The writing captured the unspoken behaviors that are present in that field. Sexist remarks and good ol boys making it tough on a woman. Good stuff not usually found on TV these days. I rarely watch TV but that was a favorite. Guess I’ll practice my fiddle more now that it’s a gone.