Alec Baldwin has some “yuuuge” news for fans of Saturday Night Live. According to The Wrap, the actor will continue playing President Donald Trump on the next season of the NBC TV show.
Trump began playing the president last fall on the variety show and has been credited for boosting the NBC series’ ratings. Saturday Night Live‘s season 42 premiere back in October was the highest-rated season opener in nine years.
Speaking to CNN, Baldwin said he has no plans to stop playing Trump, saying “Yea, we’re going to fit that in. I think people have enjoyed it.” However, Baldwin did also mention that there may be fewer appearances on Saturday Night Live next season due to his busy schedule.
What do you think? Do you watch Saturday Night Live? Do you enjoy Baldwin’s impression of Trump?
Wonderful news!
He is great!! I will continue watching!!
Will NEVER watch this childish pandering crap ever again!
This is great real comedy television by a talented comedian. We’ll watch it more than ever.
Yes! Will definitely watch. He has made SNL worth staying up for! It is nice to see we have different opinions of what is happening in our country and nothing is sacred!
Will not watch now…you just lost a long time viewer and family… disgraceful to our president
I totally agree w/you, Toni….. I never watched SNL much b4, but now, since I CAN’T STAND ALEC BALDWIN, I really won’t watch… Why didn’t they do all that cr.p when they last guy was in??????????? Hmph? Afraid to?????
I love Alec Baldwin on SNL and think his TRUMP is dead on!! What a time to be a comedian or a Late Night News Host! This is good new…
Have some respect Alexa!