The producers tried making changes to Body of Proof to boost the ratings but it didn’t work. The show’s now been cancelled after three seasons on the air. Hopefully Dana Delany will find another role soon.
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Truly annoying great shows like this and bones and others what is wrong with the writers !! Sadly it seems people want filth want rubbish not intelligent or actual acting doing interesting awesome stuff!!
April 27, 2017 9:17 pm
I really enjoyed this show. Why would take a show off the air and put on some of the crap that you have on today. Maybe you should find someone that knows what they are doing when picking shows.
May 4, 2015 10:57 am
I really hate the fact about them putting the couple together but not going to make season 4 how right was that for us fans say because they should not have ended the season 3 with them getting back as a couple just so wrong on the team players how sad for the way the series ended.
August 5, 2014 2:46 am
please, bring the show back! it was a very interesting & exciting show on tv to see & watch! I looked forwarded to seeing it each week it was on? please, don’t give up on the show! give it another chance to make it work again? at least try too. I miss the show! please, finish off the plot & storyline! I am a fan of the show because it was intrigue to have a show finally about a corner everyday activity & see what they have to go through on a daily basis to solving cases like how dana… Read more »
August 5, 2014 2:39 am
please, bring it back! it was a very interesting & exciting show to watch each week! I looked forwarded to seeing it each week it was on? it was an amazing show! please, don’t give up on it. give it another chance to try & make it work again? it needs another season or two. return body of proof for a 4th & maybe even a 5th season too! dana delany is a really good actor & talented! I enjoyed her character in this show because she was good & good for the part! please, finish off the plot &… Read more »
September 8, 2013 10:47 am
Loved the show. I’m going to miss it.
J.R. Brownson
September 4, 2013 5:21 pm
Please bring back Body of Proof to Abc. The has been a show my parents and I have liked an enjoyed watching each week. Please bring it back.
Truly annoying great shows like this and bones and others what is wrong with the writers !! Sadly it seems people want filth want rubbish not intelligent or actual acting doing interesting awesome stuff!!
I really enjoyed this show. Why would take a show off the air and put on some of the crap that you have on today. Maybe you should find someone that knows what they are doing when picking shows.
I really hate the fact about them putting the couple together but not going to make season 4 how right was that for us fans say because they should not have ended the season 3 with them getting back as a couple just so wrong on the team players how sad for the way the series ended.
please, bring the show back! it was a very interesting & exciting show on tv to see & watch! I looked forwarded to seeing it each week it was on? please, don’t give up on the show! give it another chance to make it work again? at least try too. I miss the show! please, finish off the plot & storyline! I am a fan of the show because it was intrigue to have a show finally about a corner everyday activity & see what they have to go through on a daily basis to solving cases like how dana… Read more »
please, bring it back! it was a very interesting & exciting show to watch each week! I looked forwarded to seeing it each week it was on? it was an amazing show! please, don’t give up on it. give it another chance to try & make it work again? it needs another season or two. return body of proof for a 4th & maybe even a 5th season too! dana delany is a really good actor & talented! I enjoyed her character in this show because she was good & good for the part! please, finish off the plot &… Read more »
Loved the show. I’m going to miss it.
Please bring back Body of Proof to Abc. The has been a show my parents and I have liked an enjoyed watching each week. Please bring it back.
I agree.