Designated Survivor premiered on ABC earlier this week, and the series had a strong debut. Will fans see a full 22-episode season out of the new Kiefer Sutherland series? It is possible. The actor teased the possibility of a full season order in a new interview.
He said the following, according to Ad Week:
“You can’t expect the company to really get behind you unless you’re going to produce enough material to make it worth their f***ing while. [With a shorter run], you’re hamstringing yourself, because for them to promote and get behind, they have to feel the potential upside of something. That’s much harder to do at 15 episodes than 22. Content is king, and you’re almost better off with 22 or 24 episodes of something mediocre than you are with 13 of something great. That’s unfortunate, but that’s a reality. And so the dollars that someone can actually put behind advertising is always going to be reflective of that.”
The season of Designated Survivor has just begun. Fans will need to keep an eye on the numbers next week to see if the new series stays strong.
Did you watch Designated Survivor on ABC? Do you want a full season? Tell us what you think.
Great show! I hope it continues. The script and cast are riveting! With so many disappointing shows on TV this one is a winner!
We missed 24 this is a great show way better then these rediculous reality shows please keep this show going
Best show ever absolutely love it my new favorite show
Like what I’m seeing. Very interesting, and original. Stimulates, and challenges our thinking about what might happen in this senario.
Hope you continue this series
Love Love Love it!!! Watched the premier twice and cant wait for the next episode – solid brilliant interesting!! Love the cast so far!!! MORE MORE MORE
Definitely want more,keep it coming
Wow! We were on the edge of our seats the whole hour. Please give us more.
Best show since 24, akready saw ut twice. Loved the show.
Love the show. Full season.
Excellent pilot
After watching it 5 times – I love this show! Every aspect of it! Overzealous politicians, war ready generals, his outfit, every detail is wonderful!
Yes …..full season
I loved the new show and hope to see a full season – and even more depending on the content.
I really enjoyed Designated Survivor, and would love to see a full season.
Great show. Lets see a full season.