There won’t be a ninth season for Dog the Bounty Hunter. The A&E TV series has been cancelled by the cable channel.
The reality show follows Duane “Dog” Chapman and his family as they work as fugitive-recovery agents across the country. Dog’s team includes his wife Beth, their grown sons (Duane Lee Chapman, II and Leland Chapman), daughter “Baby” Lyssa, and Dog’s unrelated “brother,” Tim “Youngblood” Chapman. The show was inspired by Chapman’s appearance on Take This Job, a series about people with unusual occupations.
Debuting in 2004, Dog the Bounty Hunter became a valuable property for A&E and versions of the show have been seen in various international markets.
Over the course of the eight seasons, the show has had plenty of backstage drama. In 2011, Duane Lee and Leland quit and severed ties with the family.
In September 2011, Bobby Brown, who’d appeared in 30 episodes of the show, sued because he said that he’d been promised that he’d become a full castmember but it didn’t happen.
The final episodes of Dog the Bounty Hunter will start airing on Saturday, June 2nd, with a pair of installments, “Luck be a Lady” parts one and two.
What do you think? Are you sorry to hear that Dog the Bounty Hunter has been cancelled? Was it time for the show to end?
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Image courtesy A&E.
I think it is time for Dog & Beth to step aside, and let the new generation take the reins. With Dog & Beth, to much cussing, “talking down” to families, shoving & making demands of the fugitive as he/she is trying to do what they want. I believe Dog & Beth like pushing their weight around, talking trash & being tough. Then they pray. We are known by the fruits that we bear. I don’t believe Dog or Beth understand that! This is NOT for children to watch. Dog & Beth are not good role models. I am shocked… Read more »
I am glad it is cancelled probably because Beth wanted more money!!!!!!!!!! I used to live in Colorado springs so when ever Bobby Brown was on I would watch. He should have been part of the show the whole time since they did so much for him.
Im glad the 2 brothers are gone they probably are happier now that they away from the crazy Beeatttcchhh Beth
This was not the time for the show to end. I am very disappointed in the decision. I highly hope that another station picks the show up. This was my favorite show.
Sorry but I’m happy it’s been cancelled. Couldn’t stand their holier-than-thou attitudes…namely Dog and Beth’s. Claim to be so religious and yet spouting off that much profanity?? Come on. I don’t blame Duane Lee and Leland for quitting and severing ties. Just how long are they going to call Lyssa “Baby”??
One more stupid **** reality show down! 1000x to go! Keep cancelling them all!
I’m sorry to hear the show is cancelled and I hope that another station will pick the series up. This show has a large following and fanbase, it’s a shame and it’s not time. I think they could revamp the show a bit, but cancelling, no way.
I think a&e sucks that is the only show i watch every week . they need to rethink what they are doing to many people like the show. I hope an other network will pick it up maybe bio cuz sometime the show is on there
I was very disappointed to read about A&E , canceling “Dog The Bounty Hunter”. It was one of my favorite shows. I will not be watching any more shows on A&E. I am so tired of the way they pull the plug on shows. Then they don’t even give you a good reason. If Dog’s sons want to move on to something different, that’s fine. A clothing line is great, but it wouldn’t sell one article of clothing if they didn’t have “Dog the Bounty Hunter”, that made them all famous. I’m sure they had their reasons for the split,… Read more »
THANK YOU GOD. this is one of the stupidest shows i’ve ever seen.
Thank you …. what took you so long to cancel it?
Inspite of the back stage drama of DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER, it still a good show. I have watched the show quite a bit over the years and really like what the family and he does. I hope A & E will reconsider and continue filming the show. It is the best show on A & E at this time.
I’m sorry to see the show end. Dog was a role model to many people as well as his inspirational messages he gave to the people he captured. I do feel that Beth had gotten to pushey in the last year or two. This may of been the reason Dog’s sons left the show. In the beginning Beth wasnt as “tough” as she had become recently.
I will miss the show. Maybe they can find a way to make it work again.
We need good shows like this it is the only thing ar as worth watching
I think the show was great. He and his family did a great job getting the scum off the streets and putting some of them where they belong. There should be more people like Dog The Bounty Hunter throughout the world. I will surely miss the program. Hopefully he will be back on the air, some time in the future.
So sorry to hear it’s been cancelled !!! Speaking for alot of peope I know we loved the show !! Hope it comes back !!