The 15th season of Heartland comes to a close tonight on UPtv but that’s not the end. The ranch family drama series has been renewed for a 16th season in Canada.
The Heartland TV show is based on the bestselling series of books by Lauren Brooke. The cast includes Amber Marshall, Michelle Morgan, Shaun Johnston, Alisha Newton, Chris Potter, Kerry James, Gabriel Hogan, Nathaniel Arcand, Jessica Steen, Ziya Matheson, and Lucian-River Chauhan. It’s a multi-generational saga that’s set on the Heartland ranch in the rolling foothills of Alberta, Canada. It follows Amy Fleming (Marshall), her older sister Lou (Morgan), and their Grandfather Jack (Johnston). Together, they confront the challenges of running the ranch that has been in their family for generations.
The series originates on CBC in Canada, and filming for season 16 of Heartland began last month. While the past three seasons have had just 10 episodes each, the 16th season will have 15 installments. It appears that Morgan may be missing for a portion of the season as she departed the set for maternity leave at the end of June. She delivered a daughter a couple of weeks ago.
The 16th season of Heartland is expected to debut in Canada at some point this fall. As per usual, there’s been no official announcement that the UP Faith & Family streaming service, UPtv cable channel, or Netflix streaming service will carry the new episodes. Given the show’s popularity, it would be surprising if the outlets didn’t pick up season 16.
UP Faith and Family is typically the first outlet to release new seasons in the United States, usually starting to air new episodes in early spring. UPtv typically begins running a new season within weeks of the finale being made available via UP Faith and Family.
Netflix also streams the Heartland series in the United States but typically releases the newest season much later than other outlets, typically in the first quarter of the year. Season 14 was released on April 1st of this year. Season 15 will likely air in the first part of 2023 with season 16 following in early 2024.
What do you think? Do you enjoy the Heartland TV series? Which channel or streaming service will you use to watch season 16?
Miss Ty don’t like so much anymore.
Have watched every espionage Netflix. Love Hearland since it is a family show and not full of violence. I sure hope Netflix will continue to air season 15 and 16 in the US.
I’m so thankful that Heartland is on Netflix and I can watch anywhere. It’s a great show and I enjoy watching over and over. It’s great television for the entire family.
Love it!!
I Love Heartland and hope it stays on up faith and family. Can’t wait for season 16.
Great show!!
Here in Arizona we love the show. It’s in Sunday nights but now airing season 14. Waiting on 15. Also on Netflix. Need to go back a d watch early shows. Hope it keeps on going . Too bad ty left. Don’t know why Halmark has t picked up. Hallmark not has good as it use to be
The Retro Channel (460 on our local FIOS )broadcasts it on Sundays ay 3 p.m. No on demand though.
It’s such a beautiful show, love it very much and is so real played in family life. Thank You for making this film it is wonderful.
I watch Heartland on Netflix and Up tv … A terrific show hope it never ends !!!
Love the show and the characters are perfect. Hope to see it continue
I’ll watch on UPTV and Netflix
UP TV or HALLMARK preferable channels.
Love the show .
We have been watching it since it aired on UPtv.
I really enjoy heartland it is such a great exciting adventurous romantic awesome show with the beautiful horses and people that love each other and help family stick together no matter what I can’t wait for the new series to come in I’ve already watched all of them and I’ll watch them again keep making more and more series of heartland looking forward to the new series coming up in 2023 thank you
UpTv is where I watch
Jag vill gärna se säsong åtta för jag har sett dom andra sju säsongerna på wiht lov men från säsong åtta så kan ja inte se det så jag undrar vad jag kan se dom säsongerna som jag har missat för jag tycker den är bra heartland