Appearing on Late Show with David Letterman, Evangeline Lilly was pushed into revealing how ABC’s Lost would come to an end.
David Letterman said that he feared that it would end the same way that The Sopranos did, with the screen cutting to black. He’s clearly not a devoted fan since, as Lilly pointed out, that’s essentially the way that all of the Lost episodes end.
He kept pushing her and she finally relented and gave up the ending that he was looking for — though it’s very doubtful that it’s the real one.
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Image courtesy ABC.
It wouldn’t play for me. What did she say?
Oh for crying out loud, of course this isn’t legit. She totally mocked him and gave him the ending she laughed at him for wanting. While funny, this was SUCH a non-story. It so clearly is a joke!!!
That could cause a problem. If she blabbed then that could hurt ratings but we’ll see.