A dance competition series, World of Dance is hosted by Scott Evans, with Jennifer Lopez, Derek Hough, and Ne-Yo judging the performances. The series showcases dancers competing for a grand prize of $1,000,000. Elite solo dancers, partners, and full dance crews compete against each other in multiple categories of dance, including hip-hop, tap, ballet, break dancing, ballroom dancing, and stomping.
Airing on Sunday nights, the third season of World of Dance NBC averaged a 0.85 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 3.70 million viewers. Compared to season two, that’s down by 32% and 34%, respectively.
Looking at the rankings of NBC TV shows from 2018-19 season, World of Dance ranks eighth of 11 non-scripted shows. The series previously aired during the summer months and was one of NBC’s better performers.
What do you think? Do you like the World of Dance TV show? Will you be watching season four on NBC?
I will watch season 4, I love the show I hope it runs for a good long while. I can’t wait for season 4, let’s get it done. Thank you
Love World
Of Dance. Unique, exciting & fabulous dancers. Please continue the show.
I do not watch tv all year long, but since world of dance started, it’s the only show I watch faithfully and literally CAN NOT WAIT til it starts back up!!!
My granddaughter and I have watched every season!!!
Love love love love World of Dance!
Absolutely Love….World if Dance.It makes my week to watch it.Please renew it
I love world of dance, as do my friends. YES I would watch season 4 if it airs. My friends & I are in our 60s & we love getting together to watch world of dance. We all hope it continues.
Please please please renew world of dance
And tell me when it will air
Not a dance fan, tried liking dance but never got me, until I saw this, I love a show that can make me reevaluate what I already know. Just amazing people can do this. If you think Circe de Soleil is remarkable, this is outstanding in comparison.
I love the world of dance and can’t wait for its return! When will that be?
I think WOD is the best of the shows when it goes to displaying dancers of all abilities. AGT and other shows have their nitches but having a show that’s strictly dance is amazing.
I love World of Dance! So much better than “you think you can dance” the talent surpasses other shows! I record every episode!! Please dont cancell it!!!
We love the show! Very much looking forward to it
Yes, we will be watching every episode! Have enjoyed previous seasons!
Will most definitely be watching. The Kings on season 3 were absolutely mesmerizing. I hope season 4 is as riveting!!!
We LOVE World of Dance! Cancelling would be a huge mistake!
Can’t wait for season 4! I love the way it makes me feel when u see unthinkable dance moves and the passion u can feel. Love it
My life will be over if world of dance is canceled it’s only show I look forward to watching I absolutely love world of dance there’s never been a dance show that even comes close to comparing the quality of dancers on the show