(BBC America)
It seems the BBC has renewed the Doctor Who TV show for a 12th season, with Jodie Whittaker returning as the 13th Doctor. The British series airs on BBC America on this side of the pond, and while BBCA hasn’t released an announcement, it should be renewed in the US as well, as the ratings are way up this year.
A science-fiction drama, Doctor Who stars centers on a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, known only as The Doctor, as well as her team of friends – Ryan (Tosin Cole), Yasmin (Mandip Gill) and Graham (Bradley Walsh). Guest stars in season 11 include Sharon D. Clarke, Johnny Dixon, Samuel Oatley, Shaun Dooley, Susan Lynch, and Art Malik.
Doctor Who: A Look at the Ratings
The 11th season of Doctor Who is averaging a 0.29 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 889,000 viewers. Compared to season 10, that’s up by 37% and 36%, respectively. Find out how Doctor Who stacks up against other BBC America TV shows.
Here’s more from THR:
While it was largely presumed that Whittaker wouldn’t be handing over her sonic screwdriver anytime soon, the typically tight-tipped BBC hadn’t yet confirmed who would be playing Doctor Who for season 12 of the cult sci-fi series, and there was always the chance that she could go the way of Christopher Eccleston, who managed just one stint as the Time Lord.
“I really can’t wait to step back in and get to work again,” Whittaker told The Hollywood Reporter. “It’s such an incredible role. It’s been an extraordinary journey so far and I’m not quite ready to hand it over yet.”
The Doctor Who season 11 finale airs this Sunday night at 8:00pm ET/PT on BBC America. The program will return on New Year’s Day for its annual holiday episode.
What do you think? Have you been watching the Doctor Who TV series? Do you plan to tune in for season 12 on BBC America?
not the best writing recently and it seems like they tried to cover up that fact with jumping on current popular trends.
Doesnt work for me. less pandering, more interesting characters please.
Female Dr Who not for me… I am out..
They had everything to make the best season ever: good effects, good actors, an amazing woman doctor, the support of the fans…
but, in my opinion, they tried to do everything “too legendary” that they lost that special humor and extravagance of DW; maybe the basics of this series.
This season is not bad, but it feels like it´s missing something… or maybe there is something too much, because sometimes I thought I was watching a Marvel movie, always exaggerating with the surround music.
I must say, however, the soundtrack of series 11 is really, really good.
I have to agree with Dale (below). He nailed it! Dr. Who used to be a great sci-fi show with a message. Now, the sci-fi fun is lost because of the heavy-handed message. I feel like I am actually being beaten to death with the (moral) message! So far, I’ve seen the first 7 episodes. There was: a 1950’s racism episode, a blatant Trump episode, the war/racism episode, and the corporate rulership (AMAZON) episode. I will, of course, continue to watch. It’s just that I don’t have the same eagerness as before. Please tone down the message and raise up… Read more »
I really love the new cast, overall enjoyed the whole season, some episodes more than others, looking forward to the holiday special this week and looking forward to next season.
Love Jodie but the cast r crap and the story’s too pc And way to rubbish more for a kids day show need better writer/s otherwise I will not watch no more and I’ve watched since the 70.s
I watched the entire season and plan to watch the holiday special. The writing has gotten better, and if it is renewed, I will watch it.
Im not a fan of the writing this season. While in the past it was a sci-fi show with a moral message, it now feels like a moral message show with sci-fi elements.
I don’t feel her characters confidence either. Her reactions seem to fit more of a 3-4 generation, not a timelord of this age and experience. Was looking forward her performance as the doctor but the show runners are letting the show down.
I’ve been a fan since Tom Baker was the Doctor, after watching all series and the finale next week the only thing I have to look forward to is a regeneration. Bad stories, uninteresting companions and a Doctor who spends too much time acting “Goofy” in order to establish a Doctor character. Ms. Whittaker is a fine actress who can’t play a believable Doctor. And before I’m called sexist I didn’t like Peter Capaldi as the Doctor either. Time to move on and try again with new show leadership and cast, tell good stories and stop with making sure all… Read more »
Just watched the series finale. All I want for Christmas and New Years is a regeneration. It’s been a bad series, no fault of the performers, the show runners and writers need to be reevaluated and changes need to be made. This is the first series that I’m not looking forward to the holiday special or next series.
With Jody Whittaker, at last we have David Tennant spirit back.
Smith & Capaldi stories might be better (question of taste) but I really didn’t like theire way of acting.
Hope Jody will be the Doctor for some seasons.
Ms Whittaker is an inspired choice as is the supporting cast. Although the stories are uneven, the sophomore season of the 13th Doctor should see a great improvement. Can’t wait for it.
Can’t say I’m terribly impressed by this news. It’s not surprising, but still, it’s very disappointing. Let me know when they get a good show-runner, and an excellent Doctor like Idris Elba, Robert Carlyle, (if they have to have a female Doctor), Tilda Swinton, or Cate Blanchett.
I’m hoping they get Rupert Grint so that they can have a “ginger” and finally pay off jokes that popped up during two of the regenerations.
One more episode left until season finale going be good end season. I can’t wait for new year episode going good one.