As discussed here on Tuesday, the long-running CW sitcom, Girlfriends, is saying goodbye after eight seasons. As tough as that is for fans of the show to hear, it’s made even worse by the notion that the show won’t be going back into production to film any more episodes to give some sort of closure for the characters.
It turns out, as one might expect, that the reason is pure economics. The CW network has said that they’re only resuming production on TV series which the network is considering renewing next season. Since the ratings have been down for Girlfriends, they’re canceling the sitcom and that apparently makes it a lame duck.
Orlando Sentinel’s Hal Boedeker reports that a spokesperson for the CW said, “This was a very difficult decision for us, and was based solely on the considerable cost to license each episode in an extremely unusual business environment.”
But wait, after bringing the CW and UPN networks millions and millions of dollars in ad revenue over the past eight years, don’t the show and it’s fans deserve a proper send-off?
Girlfriends creator Mara Brock Akil is philosophical about the cancellation and said, “Although it’s always difficult to say goodbye, I choose to focus my energy on the history that Girlfriends has made, the human stories that we told, the beautifully complex images that we projected and the blessings 172 episodes bestowed on us, both personally and professionally.”
She went on to say, “I am immensely thankful to the amazingly talented cast, writers, directors, staff and crew for their endless dedication and hard work for eight seasons, to the network that always wanted us and the studio that always supported us, but mostly to the audience, especially African-American women, who took the time to tune into us every Monday night at nine to have a dialogue with us and who have been our partner in this journey.”
As far as the series finale, it looks like it will indeed be some sort of compilation of clips. Akil said, “I am currently in talks with the studio and network on putting together a retrospective show which will honor and celebrate this landmark series, so please stay tuned.”
I hated that they took Girlfriend off the air Mya was my favortie One.She was so down the earth man I mean when I saw Mya N Dornell had got back together I was so happy.Yall make A good couple in real life man they need to put yall back on.N Mya use to had me fallin out laughin when she say(All Hell Naw) Girl you so crazy they should had Mya.N.Dornell Play on the movie.Its hard To find a good man Dornell should had been the man for her.Keep it good
I think it is a tragedy that we will not be able to see how it all ends. I became wrapped up in the lives of all the characters. They had depth and substance, something that is missing from most series on television. I have noticed how the now CW has replaced all of the intellegent “ethnic” shows with mindless sex and violence cast with white people. I find myself serching for something intellegent yet funny to watch these days. CW should take some of the money spent on One Tree Hill and Gossip Girl and allow a real show… Read more »
I think that jill marie jones is a ***** why would she want a raise and she’s been doing had the show for like 6 years I mean dam did she think she was the only one who was going to get the raise that just shows that she was is no different from her character toni I never heard of an actress who was just as selfish and inconsiderate as their character and jill marie jones was not the star of the show I think golden brookes was and I love persia white and tracie ellis ross they are… Read more »
I really like girlfriends. I think yall owe them at least a season finale. I have bought 1st and 2nd season. And can’t wait to get the money for the third season. It hurt my feelings whn i couldn’t afford it last pay check, but i will be purchasing it this pay check coming up.
Really missin the grls in tele …… hope they come back on air after d worl recession
Jill Marie Jones left the show because she wanted a raise. She asked the other girls (Tracee, Golden, and Persia) to not sign the contract so she would not be alone and together all will get an increase, but they failed her. She then had to leave. So they wrote her out of the show. Once the producers saw that Girlfriends was going downhill once Toni left, they should have called her to return. Pride is a powerful thing. And so unfortunately Girlfriends (my favorite show) has come to an end. This is utter foolishness. Now CW has foolish shows… Read more »
It seems like when Jill marie Jones left, she took the writers with her. Not only did they lose who I think was the star of the show but writing just went down as well. Its also disappointing that the show wasnt even given a proper ending. Brock Akil disappointed. I wouldnt be keen on watching anything else she is responsible for. She showed a complete disregard for the fans by not giving the show a proper ending.
@LaKisha T: Toni moved to New York so that her daughter be closer to her father. The actress, Jill Marie Jones, left the show after six seasons because she reportedly wanted to do movies and her contract was finished.
All I want to know is how was Toni Childs exited from the show? Someone please respond with the facts.
That was some bs tha ratings went down because they kept switching the days it was suppose to air like the doing tha tv show The Game which is another good tv show that might get cancelled they move the air time to fridays most ppl are not in tha house on friday nights what type of sense that make
i love girlfriends n is upset that the show has been cancelled nevertheless me being a fan of the show will always be able 2 watch it. i have purchased every season of the show n watches it everyday. my family who never been a fan of the show now enjoys the show much as i do. sorry that a great show will never be viewed by many but it will always be watched in my home. much love to all the women of the show.
I was sorely disappointed to hear that my girls had been cancelled, but I knew it was only a matter of time after I saw the first episode of the new season after Toni left. Wow. Honestly, I had to force myself to watch subsequent episodes until I finally said “The hell with it!”
girlfriends was a great tv show showing the up’s and downs of life that almost anyone can relate 2, i live in England as a strong black woman an i finally something worth watching, it truly has come a long way, they could have made one last film to show how everything ended, i for one would definatly go and see it.
THe one thing that sent the show down the toilet was removing (Tony Childs) she like the rest of the women couldnt and cant be replacex! Once you remov3e her or either one of them, it was only a matter of time before the show wasd cancelled, if you guys wsnt to fix it bring her back!!!!!!!!!!!