When Hallmark viewers tune in to the Home & Family TV show tomorrow morning, it’s a safe bet that they won’t see Mark Steines as co-host. The cable channel has released a statement that they have parted ways with Steines. His bio has already been removed from the Home & Family portion of Hallmark’s website. Read an update here.
Here’s the brief and straight-to-the-point statement from Hallmark:
Statement by Hallmark Channel
Issued on May 31, 2018Today Hallmark Channel has parted ways with Mark Steines as the co-host of the network’s lifestyle series “Home &Family.” We are extremely grateful to Mark for his incredible work and wish him all the best success in his future endeavors.
A former correspondent and substitute anchor on Entertainment Tonight, Steines helped launch the current incarnation of Home & Family in October 2012. Paige Davis was his first on-screen partner. She was replaced by Christina Ferrare a month later. Debbie Matenopoulos replaced Ferrare in 2016 and now, it appears Matenopoulos is the show’s sole host for the time being.
It’s unclear what caused Steines to leave the program so abruptly but, with the current climate in the industry, one can guess that we haven’t heard the end of this story. It may be something as simple as May 2018 was the end of his contract. When Ferrare was replaced, there was little acknowledgment.
Steines hasn’t made any updates to his social media accounts or website. His Instagram post on Memorial Day indicates that all was well on the Home & Family set.
What do you think? Will you miss Steines as co-host of Home & Family on Hallmark? Will you still watch the program?
I was So shocked about Mark leaving. What is going on with Home and Family? Are the old and Good ones leaving for personal reasons, fired, contracts up, or what? I have been watching Home and Family since Mark and Paige, then wonderful Christina, No one ever tells us why they leave, we have to search and find out ourselves! I love Home and Family, I love the crew. I don’t like the changes. These are wonderful people , it hurts, when they go, and we don’t know the reason why. I know people have to move on, sometimes, Do… Read more »
Really have loved that show but his personality is what made it work for all these years. REALLY bad move if it was on the part of Hallmark. I will follow him wherever I see him go next.
Mark will be greatly missed, there will never be a host as funny and wonderful as he was on the show. Wishes Mark the best in his future.
I was shocked by the news of Mark’s departure and he was a good co-host, the only problem I had with him was the sometimes crude jabs to Kym Douglas on air. I feel that was unnecessary. I wish him well though! I love the show!! I have no plans to stop watching the show!
I want Mark Steines back on the show now!!!! Oh my Im just soo extremely sad right now!! This was my favorite show of all time, but now with out Mark I want to find where he is going next to Start watching him there. Please please consider working things out with him (Mark) and bring him back on the show. I loved everything that mark brought to the show and each segments. I want to keep following his family and Fred and Norbert his dogs. No matter what has happened, we all are human and we all need forgiveness… Read more »
I totally agree with Maria above! I have watched this show since it started & have loved it through all the changes of cohosts, but this is shocking & my heart aches for Mark, his wife & family! He has been his boys strength during his days of divorce & since his remarriage & birth of his daughter he has a renewed strength that has been so refreshing. I don’t know if I will continue to watch the show but that is not as important to me as making sure Mark & Julie Steiner know that they are loved &… Read more »
What is up Hallmark Channel? First Christina is fired without any reason. She was a gracious host and practically made the show. I would not watch the show for a long while after that. I’ve never enjoyed Debbie on the show let alone as a host. Then I come back only to see Mark leave abruptly! Why are you chopping away at the main H & F and one by one replacing them? We who are your loyal fans deserve an explanation. If not and this continues, you will not only replace the family, you will replace the family if… Read more »
Hallmark isn’t what it use to be. Have you noticed they can’t keep a consistent line up on either the main channel or Movies and Mysteries and no longer tote it as being America’s fastest growing cable channel ? And they never explain anything they d to the viewers which I see as a lack of respect for us.
Mark will be missed. 🙁 Yes, I will still watch the show. I like the shows platform and all the segments and guests. It takes some time to adjust to the change though.
Won’t watch anymore with Mark Steins not on anymore he was the best Co host. Debbie drives be nuts with her talking Greek all the time.
Please get rid of Ali she is terrible. The only ones I liked was Ken,Paige, Orly, Mark, Shirley, Lawrence, Marie,Kym..
I don’t know why Mark is leaving the show– he WAS the show. At least I still have Stars Western channel to watch. I wish Debbie the best of luck, but she is no Mark Steines :(.
Very sad to see Mark leave the show. I think this is a big mistake. Hope he returns and then maybe I will continue to watch. He was a great host! Loved hearing about his wife and family.
just hope its not another one who abused women 🙁
I loved Home and Family when it was hosted by Christina and Mark. I watched it almost every day or recorded it so I could watch it later. I watched it less when Debbie became cohost because sometimes she tends to act silly over guests and often has what seems like a forced fake laugh. The show also seems to have less crafting segments and more cooking and frankly there are just too many cooking show out there. With Mark gone, I will probably watch it even less, if at all.
No I do not plan to watch Hallmark anymore. Mark is Hallmark and his voice is widely recognized as Hallmark. How disappointing this news is and a big mistake on the Hallmark Home and Family show!
The “show”, is just that, a SHOW. It certainly hasn’t been a Family. Now that they are whittling people down, Debbie should be next! She’s horrible as a host! Bring back the older Home and Family show with Cristina and Michael Berger!! Keep Shirley, maybe Ken and Paige. The rest are “fluff,” not much else.
He was the only reason I watched the show! Your remaining host is terrible! She is a phony. She insists she is Greek. I want Americans that are proud they are Americans on the shows I watch.