The Jonas brothers may still be popular with the younger set but apparently not enough of them are interested in watching the JONAS TV show. Disney has cancelled the series after 34 episodes and two seasons on the air.
The sitcom began running on the Disney Channel in May 2009 and was a moderate success. JONAS was renewed for a second season but revamped into JONAS LA with the guys moving from the East to West Coast. The first season was made up of 21 installments and Disney ordered a more tentative 13 episodes the second time around.
While the show has averaged a 3.7 million viewers in season two, that’s clearly not meeting the cable channel’s expectations, especially considering the singers’ name recognition. Hannah Montana attracted 7.1 million viewers on Sunday.
A Disney spokesperson told The Wrap that the series’ end was planned, saying, “We’ve been fortunate to work with the enormously talented Jonas Brothers on several projects… The series has concluded as scheduled after two very successful seasons, and all original episodes of its second season have aired… We look forward to working with them on new projects in the future.”
The series finale of JONAS LA, titled “Band of Brothers,” aired on October 3rd and attracted 3.5 million viewers.
What do you think? Why wasn’t the show a bigger success? Are you sorry that it’s been cancelled?
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Image courtesy Disney Channel.
Why did you have to do this? It just makes no sense! I know I’m late- about 13 years after and their older now-
but for future reference, don’t cancel good shows! Please disney!
I LOVE Jonas episodes, why did you have to do that!