Here are the ratings for the Napoleon Dynamite TV series. The characters from the cult-favorite feature film have moved to the small screen as an animated series. The first season of Napoleon Dynamite typically airs Sunday nights on the FOX network.
These are the TV show’s ratings for the 2011-12 season, the best way to tell if Napoleon Dynamite will be cancelled or renewed for season two. Check out our FOX ratings report card to see how this show’s numbers compare with the others on the network.
These figures will be updated as the weeks progress so be sure to bookmark and return to this page:
Final season averages: 2.6 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 5.31 million total viewers.
Episode 01-06: Sunday, 03/04/12
2.0 in the demo (0% episode-to-episode change) with 4.05 million; third in the timeslot.
Season average: 2.60 in the demo with 5.31 million.
Demo average rank: #8 of 17 scripted TV shows on the network (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012).
Episode 01-05: Sunday, 02/19/12
2.0 in the demo (+11% episode-to-episode change) with 4.41 million; third in the timeslot.
Season average: 2.72 in the demo with 5.57 million.
Demo average rank: #8 of 17 scripted TV shows on the network (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012).
Episode 01-04: Sunday, 02/12/12
1.8 in the demo (-14% episode-to-episode change) with 3.81 million; third in the timeslot.
Season average: 2.90 in the demo with 5.86 million.
Demo average rank: #7 of 17 scripted TV shows on the network (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012).
Episode 01-03: Sunday, 1/29/12
2.1 in the demo (-36% episode-to-episode change) with 4.42 million; fourth in the timeslot.
Season average: 3.27 in the demo with 6.54 million.
Demo average rank: #5 of 17 scripted TV shows on the network (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012).
Episode 01-02: Sunday, 1/15/12
3.3 in the demo (-25% episode-to-episode change) with 6.88 million; second in the timeslot.
Season average: 3.85 in the demo with 7.60 million.
Demo average rank: #1 of 15 scripted TV shows on the network (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012).
Episode 01-01: Sunday, 1/15/12
4.4 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 8.31 million total viewers; second in the timeslot.
Season average: 4.40 in the demo with 8.31 million.
Demo average rank: #1 of 15 scripted TV shows on the network (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012).
It was a very positive launch for the animated series. The first episode’s ratings put Napoleon Dynamite at the top of the list as the highest-rated scripted series of the season. It was on par with last season’s debut of Bob’s Burgers which aired on January 9th in the same timeslot. Both had the advantage of afternoon football to help to pull in viewers.
A large percentage tuned out before the second episode of Napoleon Dynamite aired but the ratings were still quite healthy.
Note: These ratings are collected by the Nielsen company and are the final national numbers. These are different from the fast affiliate numbers which are just estimates of the actual ratings and are reported on by most other outlets. The final nationals are typically released within 24 hours of the programming or, in the case of weekends and holidays, a couple days later.
What do you think? Do you like the Napoleon Dynamite TV series? Do you think it should be cancelled or renewed for a second season?
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Image courtesy FOX.
Can we get a petition to get the show back on the air?
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I’m so irritated that Napoleon Dynamite has been cancelled. FOX puts on all these shows with sex, violence, and crudeness (american dad, the simpsons, etc.) in prime time slots before most kids bedtimes and no one seems to think that’s wrong, but they’ll cancel a show that has an innocent kid who keeps a positive attitude. But like everything else on tv nowdays, as long as it sells and they make money, they don’t care.
My 3 year old and I LOVE this show we are sad it to hear it was cancelled !!!
*Napoleon Dynamite* is, hands down, the funniest show on TV. Why Fox would even consider canceling it is completely beyond me.
[…] Napoleon Dynamite follows the continuing mis-adventures of “America’s most awesomely awkward teenager” and his quirky family and friends in rural Idaho. The voice cast includes Aaron Ruell, Diedrich Bader, Efran Ramirez, Jon Gries, Jon Heder, Sandy Martin, and Tina Majorino. […]
Yes it should continue. The magic of Napoleon Dynamite is that it satirizes insecurity in its many forms. If the writers are straining for material, I would like to send them a copy of my book, “The Embellished Tales of the Schmitt Brothers”, another Idaho based work of humor.
This show is pretty much the most frickin amazing show ever. There will be an uprising of Ligers worldwide if it is cancelled. Please, spare the world from the blood letting. Keep the show on the air.