Last night, NBC aired the final two episodes of their mystery-thriller series, Persons Unknown. The show revolves around a group of people who wake up in a small town and must figure out how to survive and escape. The cast includes Chadwick Boseman, Lee Purcell, Jason Wiles, Andy Greenfield, Daisy Betts, Tina Holmes, Alan Ruck, Kate Lang Johnson, Sean O’Bryan, and Gerald Kyd.
NBC waited until summer to air Persons Unknown; a time when fewer people watch television and their isn’t much competition. On Monday nights, it got very poor ratings, even for a summer show, and was consequently sent to the TV graveyard known as Saturday nights.
Remi Aubuchon, one of the show’s executive producers, has said that the show was originally envisioned to have self-contained seasons but could easily run for multiple years. Based on the ratings and their treatment of the series, it is highly unlikely that NBC will bring Persons Unknown back for a second season.
What do you think? In all likelihood, last night’s installment is the final episode. What do you think of the Persons Unknown finale? Were enough questions answered in “Shadows in the Cave” to satisfy you?
Image courtesy NBC.
Why are people complaining about the end of this series? What, were they expecting a family barbeque ending? Once you are in the Program you cannot escape, as the group found out. There is a much bigger agenda than just their plight. It’s the darker use of power on people for a cause, however evil that cause is. I was wondering how the escapees would resume life and so the ending caught me off guard until I realised they were never escaping. That is the point. No choice. It’s about the ultimate use of power over people. You can ask… Read more »
Really loved the show but have soooo many questions about what has happened. Feel it needs more even if it’s just a few episodes to wander those questions that have already been raised…
I loved this show, looked forward to watching it every week , i think it got low raetings cause not many people new about this show, I was flipping through the stations one day and thats how I found it!
this is a great series,and has been left with great potentail for a great second series!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved this show. It was really a thought provoking show and I am so let down that there won’t be more. How about a special just to wrap it up.
it left you hanging pretty bad that means there needs to be a season 2!!!!!!!!
and ended in a better fashion than it was ended.
This is a must watch series, and that means this has to be continued.
i really enjoyed this show i hate the ending.I was not satisfied they need to bring it back
SO MAD!!! LOVED the show!! Went on this site to see if maybe NBC took their head out of their a$$ and put this show back on……… nope not yet
Persons Unknown is a perfect portrayl of the coming America… The Town is America and people in the town are the sheeple of America who are nudged in the direction the govt wants them to live. They introduce the proper stimuli and watch the sheep go where they want. I love this series
The ending basically proved the writer and director had NO idea what they were doing or how to create a successful series. All I can say is I’m glad I saw this on bootleg DVD and didn’t actually pay for it. What crap.
I AM NOT satysfied with the end of the series…It was just like Lost. They present us the mysteries and they DIDN’T solve them. I really get pissed about this kind of series. Level 2, the meeting, Joe and Renbe in another hotel…The journalist and embassador Fairchild inprisioned in cages…WTF?
I really HATE when series end just like that, not solving what the very series started…
I tried to view the last episode of persons unknown on NBC and HULU,s web cites but to no avail I could not have them come up if any body knows where I can view this show at please let me know
Also REALLY ENJOYED this show. Looked forward to it every week. I DVR most everything because of my schedule and this show would be one of the 1st ones I would want to watch when time permitted.