ABC has announced that season two of V will debut on January 4, 2011. Though slated for mid-season, network execs had previously indicated that the series might return as early as November. Despite having cancelled My Generation and having at least one other new series that’s also doomed (The Whole Truth), they’ve still opted to hold it back until 2011.
Last season, ABC put the V TV show on a four month hiatus while story and backstage issues were worked out. That hiatus was likely one of the main reasons that the ratings dropped off in the second half of the season.
Now, the network is hoping that the show can survive an eight-month break. Considering that the last episode of season one only attracted a 2.1 rating in the demo and 5.46 million viewers, the cast and crew certainly have their work cut out for them.
Here’s the official press release…
“V,” the thrilling drama series about the world’s first alien encounter that captivated viewers last season, will make its highly-anticipated season premiere on TUESDAY, JANUARY 4 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on ABC.
Simultaneously appearing over every major city in the world, the Visitors (or V’s) arrived offering us the wonders of their technology and promoting peace. While the world quickly embraced the V’s as saviors, an FBI Counter Terrorist Agent, and others making up the resistance group called The Fifth Column, quickly discovered that the Visitors are not who they said they were. Will humanity stop being fooled and realize the Visitors true intentions before it becomes too late and they take over Earth?
“V,” which received an Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Special Visual Effects For A Series, stood as television’s No. 1 new drama during the 09-10 TV season in the key Adult 18-49 sales demographic, delivering substantial year-to-year improvement in both of its Tuesday time periods (8:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.). “V” finished No. 1 in both time periods among key Men (M18-34/M18-49).
Season Two will feature more character and lizard reveals, more details about the V’s mythology, while along the way featuring even more action and more plot twists. Viewers can expect a roller coaster ride week to week.
“V” stars Elizabeth Mitchell as Erica Evans, Morris Chestnut as Ryan Nichols, Joel Gretsch as Father Jack, Charles Mesure as Kyle Hobbes, Logan Huffman as Tyler Evans, Laura Vandervoort as Lisa, with Morena Baccarin as Anna and Scott Wolf as Chad Decker. New recurring stars for this season include Jane Badler as Diana, Oded Fehr as Eli Cohn, Jay Karnes as Chris Bolling and Bret Harrison as Dr. Sidney Miller.
“V” is produced by HDFilms in association with Warner Bros. Television. The executive producers are Scott Rosenbaum, Steve Pearlman and Jace Hall.
What do you think? Will V survive to see a third season?
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Image courtesy ABC.
I am also tired of cop and comedy shows. they do need to keep it going and not take so many breaks. I thought V was cool. I see all the ******** TV shows and it makes me think people have no brains. sit day after day and night after night watching lame ass sitcoms and cops shows. Many of us look to the stars and want off this dead planet and wonder about life else where. People to me nowadays are like cows. No wonder this world is full of selfish people. They have no brains as to what… Read more »
I hope ABC doesnt continue to treat sci-fi series with the same disregard as they have in the past. I was greatly disappointed that the series The Gates, was cancelled. The long period of time between each new season is not benefical for the series to create a following. Most people need a continued storyline. Just take note of all the reality shows. I hope “V” get more opportunities than past shows, or perhaps more fans will choose to watch other networks that give series a chance to grow.
Hopefully we’ll get a resolution with an ending! That Whole Truth was a joke! I tried to watch it, but couldn’t. I turned to another channel. V was and is a good show, so it only makes sense for them to cancel it! Rack another one up for the networks NOT LISTENING to the people! Kinda sounds like washington!
i am sooooo HOT with this. This is one of the only two network shows i watch. Yes NBC thats a bad move play reruns get this very Good show on the minds of other viewers. I am just HOT. And dont bring it back with nasty SEx scenes and cussing either that makes mes upset too. UGH :}
This was a very interesting show when it started, and the last in the season was a cliff-hanger extraordinaire. People want to know what happened (besides the scream) when Anna discoved her destroyed eggs. They want to know what happened with the characters. Answer some questions! Don’t add new characters, and as for (what number hiatus is this now….?) the hiatuses….well, too much is too much. I liked this show, but just forget it at this point.
8 month break, seriously. Like the post above, I feel like it’s been so long I am not sure I remember all the things going on. I loved it when it was on, very action packed hour. My husband and I dont agree on many shows but we did enjoy that one together. I hope they will replay the 1st season prior to starting the 2nd, but I doubt it. I also agree they should go to a syfy channel. Forget ABC and all the rating mumbo jumbo. Just put it back on please.
I thought the last episode of V was really thrilling. It was a great cliff-hanger so I hope that we will get to see what happens next.
It always was very comforting watching this show … and always felt like going home to me.
I was very sad to hear of the loss of such a dear lady and my condolences to the Billingsley family.
I know this is also a loss to her dear friends that are close to her and I am sorry for your loss.
My mother has been gone now for five years and I know what it feels like to lose someone I cared for and that and she also loved me. I do understand what you are going through.
I really like V, but, it’s been so long since any episodes have aired, even reruns, that I have forgotten what was going on. I hope that they at least do have an ending, instead of just cancelling it. One of the best shows of the last 20 years was life on mars, which I am still upset got cancelled but at LEAST they gave (sort of) an ending that (kind of) made sense. Do the same for V, please, or, don’t bother bringing it back.
I would like to see it come back, getting tired of cop shows, silly sitcoms, doctor shows etc… Those are nice, but its getting old. It’s nice to see some shows with what V has. It’s different and I like that. It’s going to be a while before we see something that meets the caliber of shows like 24, and Lost, but V at least keeps me watching. I think they should start up re runs of last seasons episodes to get the fans watching again before they launch this next season.
ABC has just given V its death sentence. They did the same thing to Pushing Daisies and Dirty Sexy Money for their second seasons, look how well that turned out. Granted, they did that long wait for Lost, but only started it after it was 4 seasons in. Long breaks in between seasons and even in the middle of a season do NOT work for network TV. The main reason is because they do not re-air the previous episodes and barely advertize. Cable and Premium Cable stations have the ability to advertise and focus on their shows because they may… Read more »
So I’ve been thinking about this post a lot today and I am very glad you wrote it. I like V. But I think I am somewhat of a “stan” for V because I loved the original series and think the new one can do no wrong. That said, something significant is missing from V and I am not sure if I know what it is. Here go a few theories: First, only the strongest of shows can survive long hiatuses. Lost was one. The Wire was another. Even though cable shows have shorter seasons, The Wire went pretty much… Read more »
Hopefully not. ABC just cancel it and keep The Whole Truth. If you do the opposite of that, then let’s just say your gonna lose a few points.
Sadly I don’t care either way. For the sake of the fans, I do hope the show survives and if not, at least give them resolution
Long hiatuses always kill shows. The Nine, Studio 60, Life on Mars, and now V (and one can assume The Event will be next). When you have a show that is so serialized, even the summer breaks are hard to bounce back from, let alone adding months of extra time off. True, the aforementioned series weren’t stellar performers, but taking them off the air for anywhere from 3-10 months at a time surely won’t improve their performance. Either commit to the show and make budget cuts to offset mediocre ratings, or cancel it.