On Monday, ABC unveiled their new daytime show, The Revolution, and the ratings were anything but revolutionary. One has to wonder if the execs are second-guessing their decision to cancel One Life to Live.
Per the ratings for Nielsen’s 56 metered markets, The Revolution debuted to a 1.9 rating. That was a drop of 21% from its lead-in which averaged a 2.4 rating. One year earlier, now-cancelled One Life to Live was averaging a 2.3 rating.
For the show’s second airing, The Revolution did even worse — dropping 16% to a 1.6 rating.
While it’s too early to tell if The Revolution will be a flop, this certainly wasn’t a positive start — especially considering Monday was a holiday and more people were home than is typical for a weekday. On the positive side for the network, new series is cheaper to produce than the soap opera that it replaced.
Created by J.D. Roth, sometime TV host and an executive producer on The Biggest Loser, The Revolution is a lifestyle talk show that shows five month personal makeovers in five days. The TV series is hosted by Ty Pennington, Tim Gunn, therapist Dr. Tiffanie Davis Henry, Dr. Jennifer Ashton, and exercise guru Harley Pasternak.
What do you think? Have you watched The Revolution? Do you think that it will be a success, even if it doesn’t perform as well as One Life to Live? Could this help save General Hospital?
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Image courtesy ABC.
Loved the Revolution!!!! I miss watching this show. The ratings were low due to the time slot. It should be earlier day or evening….after 5 PM.
I miss The Revolution. What replaced it is not worth watching.
Monday thru Friday afternoons from Noon to 2 pm I enjoyed 1st The Chew and 2nd The Revolution. With The Revolution gone, I have turned back to HGTV and DIY.
sorry ABC your loss
It was like wathing a bad infomercial. No synergy with the co-hosts and very contrived audience participation.
I enjoyed The Revolution. I taped the shows each day. It was good to watch a show that was positive and informative.
The worst , the hosts were so un-likable ty is just nasty looking,Tim was boring, Nate is boring too, sick of DR Phil and Oz, too large egos.
TV has changed so much through the years it used to be entertaining and fun to watch. Now the only thing thats seems to be on is reality shows of the rich and stupid. Writers have lost there ambition to use the gift they have to write. Finally someone has created a show with 4 great talented professional people who have a talent to give free advise and give hope to those who dont have the strength to lose weight on there own or can efford to pay for that help. What do you do destroy our hopes and dreams.… Read more »
I am so so disappointed in the cancellation of The Revolution, I record it daily, and love the show. I am just find out through my Friday recording that the show is cancelled. I think it just did not get a good time slot. There is so much good advice in this shows, I am truly disappointed, I have been telling friends and co-workers about the shows, so I know people are watching.
Please bring the revolution back. I always watched even though the timing was not the best. How about trying a new time schedule and bring it back.
I don’t get the point of The Chew–it is a little goofy and there are too many food shows on now. All the shows seems to be alike including Nate. If the soaps must be taken, I would rather watch the Revolution, but do not take GH off period
I can’t believe OLTL was taken off for this joke of s show. They try to fill an hour with a waste of time topics. Huge joke!!!
I think it should be canceled we already have the biggest looser.And what’s with that Tim guy?