ABC’s reality show franchise of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette expanded this week as the network added a third program, Bachelor Pad. Will this new TV show perform as well as its predecessors or will it be quickly cancelled?
Hosted by Chris Harrison and Melissa Rycroft, Bachelor Pad brings 19 former contestants of The Bachelor and Bachelorette under one roof. While they compete to win the $250,000 prize, they also get to know each other and find new friends and romance. Each week, contestants are voted out of the competition by their housemates.
The two-hour series premiere of Bachelor Pad attracted a 2.2 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 6.37 million viewers. That was enough to put it in first place in the timeslot for its first hour and second place for the second hour.
While that’s a decent start for a summer reality series, ABC execs were likely hoping for a lot better performance for a show that’s connected to their Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise and received a whole lot of promotion.
New shows typically drop in the ratings for week two so we’ll have to wait to see if these numbers hold up. If they do, it seems reasonable to assume that ABC will bring Bachelor Pad back for season two next summer.
What do you think? Is Bachelor Pad a keeper or would you like to see it cancelled? What do you like or dislike about it?
Image courtesy ABC.
KEEP IT !!! The best show ever… It’s even better than the oryginal reality show: Bachelor/Bachelorette… I love it 🙂
There absolutely HAS to be a 2nd season for Bachelor Pad!!!!
I loved the show and cant wait to see it again!!!
Thought this was a big yawn (although I was faithful to the end ). Wouldn’t bother if it
came around again. Had about all of the whiny, bikiniclad girls I can handle!!!
I loved bachelor pad it was fun to watch., with all the love triangles and who was going to be with who at the end? Keeo it coming for nexr season.
If you don’t like to watch it, don’t!
It was entertaining and perfect summer fun!!!!
KEEP! IT WAS SO ENTERTAINING AND FUN. I thought the ending was kind of just luck, when they had worked so hard to get there, with the Share / Keep thing. I adored this show. It was great for summer, and I got excited for each new episode. KEEP KEEP KEEP
KEEP! It was great fun. I have watched every season of the Bachelor/Bachelorette and I thought Bachelor Pad was a hoot!
Thought the determination of winner was bad, should have been Q&A about others or some other means. Did not like the way the winner was determined.
Cancelled!! this show is too far from romantic bunch of users because of big money involved this garbage show might reflect Bachelor & Bachelotte