An NBC reality TV series, Better Late Than Never follows Henry Winkler, William Shatner, Terry Bradshaw, and George Foreman as they travel the world, with both help and misdirection from tech-savvy comedian, Jeff Dye. In the second season, the celebrities journey to Munich, Berlin, Lithuania, Sweden, Barcelona, Madrid, and Morocco. There, they’ll meet up with dozens of natives and guest stars including David Hasselhoff and Al Roker, as well as Björn Ulvaeus, of ABBA.
In its first season, Better Late Than Never aired over the Summer of 2016 and averaged a 1.58 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 7.31 million viewers. Those were pretty healthy numbers, especially for a summer series.
This time around, NBC decided to order twice as many episodes and aired them around the holidays and as filler leading up to the Winter Olympics. That scheduling didn’t work out too well for the boys and the ratings have seen a big drop. Compared to the first season, season two is averaging a 0.89 demo rating with 4.75 million. That’s down by 44% and 35%, respectively. It’s currently one of the network’s lowest-rated shows of the 2017-18 season.
It’s unclear if NBC will cancel or renew Better Late Than Never for a third season but the numbers aren’t looking good. What is clear is that a healthy percentage of the first season’s audience isn’t watching the show on Monday nights (our readers seem to still love it).
What do you think? Are you still watching this NBC series? Would you like to see a third season of Better Late Than Never or, do you think the series should be cancelled instead?
Please do season 3 and more! We watch the re-runs.
Please have Better Late Than never come back for another season
Please please please give us more of Better Late Than Never! These guys just crack me up. Plus there is nothing better than watching old people like me having a great time. Thank you
Please keep this show. Its refreshing to see something that is funny and very moving at the same time.
Just saw the first 2 seasons at a nephew’s house for the first time this weekend and loved it!! How did we miss this show? Praying for another season.
Lisa Amorim Unfortunately I work a lot of nights, so I Love to binge my shows on my iPad with NBC. I Love this show the togetherness of these 5 men is Great and the places they go to is unbelievable, and they are all legends and funny!!! And most of all, the places they have been to and culture they have brought to us. I hope you renew this show it would be a joy to most of us, there is just no heartfelt shows on like this anymore. Please give them more time to enter our homes and… Read more »
Lisa Amorim
Bring on season 3 -10. This show is the only reality tv show worth watching! Please please please continue with future seasons.
This is one of the best reality TV shows ever It’s entertaining funny And you really learn things not only about each individual but the country they’re in. Come on everyone vote this one in!!!!!! Please NBC let this one ride!!!!!!
Please bring it back it brings my family together around the TV
Our household love it and pray it returns.
Renew this show!!!!
please renew this is a great series that everyone can watch!! love it!!
One of the best, funniest most entertaining shows I have seen. Bring it back! Health permitting , laugh out loud.