Season eight of Castle is coming to an end. According to Entertainment Weekly, the upcoming season finale of the ABC series will wrap up several story lines.
As we have previously reported, ABC has not announced whether or not Castle‘s been renewed for a ninth season. Additionally, stars Stana Katic and Tamala Jones are leaving at the end of season eight.
Executive producer Terence Paul Winter says the season eight finale will put Castle (Nathan Fillion) and Beckett (Katic) to the test:
Not only will the season-long mystery of LokSat be wrapped up, but so will the series-long mysteries, enabling the producers to kick off a potential ninth season with a clean slate. As for the finale, “It’s an incredibly dynamic, big, large episode where Castle and Beckett are really tested,” EP Terence Paul Winter says. “They have to call on all their friends — be it Espo, Ryan and Hayley — to help them take down the mysterious LokSat.”
Here’s the official episode description from ABC:
“Crossfire” – With their best lead in hand, Castle and Beckett are ready to take on LokSat. But an unforeseen twist puts their case – and their lives – in jeopardy, on the season finale of “Castle,” MONDAY, MAY 16 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT) on the ABC Television Network.
“Castle” stars Nathan Fillion as Richard Castle, Stana Katic as NYPD Captain Kate Beckett, Tamala Jones as Medical Examiner Lanie Parish, Jon Huertas as NYPD Detective Javier Esposito, Seamus Dever as NYPD Detective Kevin Ryan, Molly Quinn as Alexis Castle with Susan Sullivan as Martha Rodgers. For Season Eight, Toks Olagundoye (“The Neighbors”) joined the series as Hayley.
Guest cast: Sunkrish Bala as Vikram Singh, Kristoffer Polaha as Caleb Brown, Jed Rees as Mr. Flynn.
“Crossfire” was written by Alexi Hawley & Terence Paul Winter and directed by Rob Bowman.
“Castle” is produced by ABC Studios. Executive producers are Terence Paul Winter, Alexi Hawley, Rob Bowman, Rob Hanning and Armyan Bernstein.”
The season eight finale of Castle airs on May 16th at 10 p.m. ET/PT.
Take a look at photos from the episode:
What do you think? Do you watch Castle? Do you think the series will be renewed?
Sorry to see Castle go, but liked the ending. Not all shows have happy endings and Castle deserved it.
IMO the relationship between the two became cliche and boring. Creative writers would have helped.
First Stana and Tamala did not leave as much as they were fired.
Please help us to #SaveCaskett and get the happy ending Castle and Beckett deserve. Follow this link to find out more
Also let ABC know how disappointed you are with this decision.
In US Call 818-460-7477 press 1 2 2 then 226 for #Castle
International Dial 001-818-460-7477. Press 1+2+2 & 226 for #Castle and leave message.
Address to Write:
Attn: Channing Dungey
Disney ABC Domestic Television
500 S Buena Vista St
Burbank CA 91521
Excellent show just as it is. Please keep all cast members.. Please save all cast members!! This show with all the same cast make my day!!♡♡
Cancel the show. The new writers suck and brought back things that had already been solved. I stopped watching after the first few episodes this season. I refuse to buy the season 8 DVD even though I have all the other seasons. Even if they renew without the core cast, I won’t be watching another episode.
Castle and Beckett made the show!!! If you get rid of Kate cancel the show!! Do whatever you can to get Stana back. Nathan is nothing without Stana. ABC should be begging her to come back. I’m a 46 year old male that loves the partnership between Castle and Becket. Stana makes the show more then Nathan and if there is a season 9 without Stana, Castle will go down the drain fast!!!!
No, Your season 9 starting over in Los Angeles without Castle even grieving Kate, the love of his life for 8 years? C’mon ABC Kate Beckett deserves better. Castle should die too in Season 8 LoSakt Crossfire and end the show. Period…
I think they should cancel it. The heart and soul from S1 episode 1 has been the journey of Kate and Rick.The writer and his muse. I know shows change and stop.They should have ended last year on a high note but got greedy and ruined the show this year. The ratings went down again this week.Last week people tuned in for Lainie’s last episode and now it’s business as usual because as I have said….Nathancentric episodes do not do well in the ratings as the PI episodes do not. So why would you have a show about the PI?… Read more »
Castle and Kate are the absolute best thing going and do not work separate. In my group of friends, we discuss this show each week, we have someone or something in each of our lives called Castle and Beckett and we love this show. I will not watch Castle without Kate Beckett and I truly love Castle. He is the star of the show, funny, geeky, dramatic, clever……etc., but Kate gives him the romantic side that women look to romance novels for. If she dies, I do not want to watch him move on. No one can replace Stana Katic.… Read more »
I love the way Stana Katic has brought a larger than life character to into our lives. If anyone knows of a real life Kate Beckett I wanna marry her.
Why not get rid of Castle and rename the show?
I am a diehard fan. I have stayed with them through all the bizarre eps the last 2 seasons. Without Stana, they are going to have to do some SERIOUS rebooting to make it worth my time. I think anything they do for Beckett to leave are not going to be good. Guess we’ll have to wait until 5/16 (or sooner if ABC announces renewal/cancellation)
It will not because ABC are.going to kill all the cast off. season 9 will not happen
How will Castle continue without Beckett? I don’t think it will be the same, very sad without Beckett
I hope it isn’t cancelled. It is a good show, even without Kate.
I really hope it is renewed. Even without Kate, it will be good. Castle has always been the lead anyway.
Hate that Stana and Tamara and leaving, it’s always hard to see a part of the cast leave that you’ve felt were a ‘family’. Hopefully they will have them leave for some special assignment so they can return if they changed their minds, not kill them off and ruin the series like so many other shows have done. If they want anybody to continue to buy the series, the sure way to stop that is to kill one of the main characters off or have them get divorced after showing all these seasons how deeply in love they are. If… Read more »
They did not leave they were let go basically fired.